Oh ffs, Bethesda. All of your games have this problem on the PS3. Fallout 3 and New Vegas both lagged out the ass with either large save files or all the content added on. 40 minutes in and the game would start to slooooooooow dooooowwwn. If it's a conflict between how your engine actually runs and operates the game and the existing hardware, short of building a whole new engine for a potentially soon-to-be-replaced console, there's not much you can do except suck it up, release the content to those that want it, and say "We know there's a problem, we'll try and fix it for the future, have the same content at a slightly reduced price for the disadvantage. The issue lies in how our tools access their system, so it's not their fault, but there's little we can do at this time. Sorry."
DVS BSTrD said:
Seriously who cares that much about Hearthfire anyway? I want to play Skyrim not Fable 3.
It's the principle of the thing. If you release a multi-platform game, then abandon a third of the people interested, you're failing to serve the customers you already have. Nintendo ran into the same problem when they shifted to broadening their audience, and look at the vehement despair/rage that came of that from the dedicated gaming community. A game touted as equal on three platforms is expected to hold that standard. It dramatically shifts buying preferences if large amounts of content don't appear on one of the platforms (see: Team Fortress 2 on the Xbox, though I can't imagine why you'd want to see that).