Dear Mr Hines,
Bullshit. The people, like myself, that say graphics don't make the game aren't lying. We aren't always finishing the sentence maybe, but we aren't lying. You want a few examples? Here are some beautiful games that almost nobody cared about:
Risen, Metro 2033, and Dirt 2.
Now I'm not saying any are bad games. I happen to rather like Risen and Metro 2033. The point is this: they look very good, and sold very poorly. That's one half of what the "Graphics don't matter" crowd is saying. The other half of the statement is: "Style is MORE IMPORTANT." Again, here are some games that used style to be of a lower visual quality, but are still enjoyable to look at it because of it:
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, Jet Set Radio, Vagrant Story, EARTHBOUND.
Wind Waker can stand up to any modern game and still look good while being behind a generation; Jet Set Radio also looks great still to this day. Vagrant Story adopted an interesting style that makes it still look crisp and striking, even when it's models and textures show their age. And hell, Earthbound is 20 years old now, and is STILL more charming than any game released in those 20 years, other than Mother 3, it's own sequel.
Graphics DON'T matter. Style does. It's why games that use things like UE3 are so forgettable visually, because while they have good graphics they also are so commonplace now we don't care. Not to mention there will always be a newer engine that is pushing realism to top whatever previous games went for realism like Skyrim is. Amusingly, the one that will blow Skyrim away is owned by your very company. Go talk to John Carmac about Rage, IT knocked my socks off with presentation. Skyrim didn't do anything new.