In my own opinion they are a fourth of a good game, the other 3/4ths of what make a good game are story, gameplay and soundtrack. Saying that a good fourth of the game is pointless is stupid and those who say that should go back and try playing the first mario game then try playing mario on the Wii and tell me which they had more fun with, or better yet, play Final fantasy one, the one for the NES and then play final fantasy one for the psp.... I couldn't get knee deep into the one for the NES, I stopped playing after fifteen minutes and had a terrible head ache, the one on the PSP on the other hand I played for eight hours straight and still returned to do all those secondary achievement things the next day.
Saying graphics don't matter for video games is like saying grammar doesn't matter when writing a book in my own opinion.
Saying graphics don't matter for video games is like saying grammar doesn't matter when writing a book in my own opinion.