Bethesda Working on Two Games at Once, Says Producer


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Bruin said:
I think a mindset like that would only lower the expectations for games like Oblivion and Fallout. If I'm going to play for hours like Bethesda wants me to, why not give me a story halfway decent? I don't expect the work of Tolkien or Lovecraft, but something at least mildly interesting is something I would enjoy. Oblivion especially falls into the "soggy dog feces" bin as far as story goes. It was boring and I hated it--almost as if when the developers got tired of making the first Oblivion gate they decided they would copy and paste an equally uninteresting scenery in the other ones we'd have to take down. It felt like I was playing through a very bad novel that ended with me standing by and watching some flaming dragon of fiery flame take on the baddie. Since the rest of the storyline put my mind into hibernate mode it was really just a "What the fuck?" moment for me, since there had been no indication of any dragon, that Martin was a character from Eragon or that it would end that way.

Quests are fun for me if there's some sort of objective I'm heading for and if they're well-written--if I feel more immersed into the game. If I get some cool item at the end of the quest, or some new spell or ability, and if the quest itself makes me interested. For example, the Dark Brotherhood quests or the one concerning Hackdirt. But for a large number of other ones, it was, for me at least just the generic "Walk here kill this, talk to my cousin Douglas and come back to me,". The same stuff I stopped playing World of Warcraft for.
I understand what you're saying, but my point is that you would get a better quality of quest if they were smaller, more focused quests built into the sandbox. I'd like a sandbox game which was essentially a setting, designed to drop adventures into. Not a throw away setting which ends with a meandering drawn out somewhat tedious quest. I've run the same sandbox p&p role playing setting for over 30 years. Hundreds of different "quest" type adventures have been run in it as well as gods know how many hours of dungeon crawls, bar fights, spur of the moment random encounters etc. There have been changes in the setting of course (some as a result of major quests), but the setting is still there and in use. My current players are picking up with a major quest after a hiatus due to rl and shifting to Pathfinder from 3.5.

Obviously, I don't expect a computer game to last that long :) However a fun setting, well supported for a couple of years would be nice. An engine with GM / coop play or just single player. Moddable for player content as well as dlc... I think this idea has a lot of potential.