Why did I keep hearing this Kickass Watchmen comparision?SnakeoilSage said:And that makes it good because..?Raiyan 1.0 said:Except for the bit where Watchmen is a deconstruction of the entire superhero genre.SnakeoilSage said:Watchmen couldn't exist without the Cold War.
Technically, Kick Ass is a deconstruction of the superhero genre, too.
Even to think about kickass *as* a suprehero deconstruction, it deconstructs as much as it rebuilds, an that only limits to comic itself.
THE Watchmen, on the other hand, deals with the entire hero-loving, success-feathering premise of the American dream; with it's literature, deprived all our hope, leaving only ashes.
When I finished the Kickass, I feel amused; when I finished THE Watchmen, I feel exhausted, and lonely, and sad.
So these two are basically uncomparable.
P. S. is it legal to revive this thread? sorry I'm new here.