Big Boss and Raiden Appear On Kojima Teaser Site

Keane Ng

New member
Sep 11, 2008
Big Boss and Raiden Appear On Kojima Teaser Site

The mystery of Kojima Productions' next game just got a whole lot clearer, and yet, at the same time, somehow even more confusing.

End the speculation that Kojima Productions' next game is going be a duck-riding sim or Zone of the Enders 3. It could be - Kojima is one crazy dude, but, judging from the latest and to date most substantial update to the developer's teaser site, 7-11 was right. This is going to be another Metal Gear Solid game.

Don't bother hurting your eyes (or brain) looking at the site - all you need to see is the picture to the right. That looks to be Big Boss, the original soldier whose genes provided the DNA for Solid and Liquid Snake, and the star of Metal Gear Solid 3 and Portable Ops. The eye patch, the beret, the gritty expression and facial hair - this has got to be Big Boss, right? Right?

Well then someone explain to me how Big Boss - who was in his prime decades before the events of Metal Gear Solid 2 and an old man by Metal Gear Solid 4 - is in the same game as Raiden. That's right, Raiden is apparently in this game too []. Scans of the Famitsu issue that reveal Kojima's new game leaked online just hours ago, revealing a portrait of Raiden's face behind a timer. He'll presumably be the next thing to show up on the teaser site. Raiden's not exactly looking like his glamorous self - he's wearing a bandage over his eye, has thinning hair, and looks generally peeved. Guess he took some hints from Big Boss.

So what, a game with both MGS4 Raiden and Big Boss? How is that even possible? Sure they were alive at the same time at some point, but Big Boss was in his autumn years by then. And what of this emblem on Big Boss' beret? Is Kojima going to pull a Lost and have a game with flashbacks and flashforwards, and complicate the Metal Gear mythos even more with some wacky multiple timeline nonsense? Or maybe Raiden travels back in time! Two games, maybe? If you guys have an answer, please share. Because I don't even know, man. I don't even know.


John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
I still like my "It's actually Raikov" theory, because that would characterize Kojima as the most successful troll of all time.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
I called it. Raiden :p

Though, the mere fact that Big Boss is in it makes me have a nerdgasm, I want this. Now. As for the emblem on his head. Possibly the location of Outer Heaven? (It's clearly a landmass on it)

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Looks pretty cool. What little we can see, that is.

By the way, slightly off topic, but I can't be the only person who didn't hate MGS2, Pre-ninja Raiden, can I?

EDIT:A thought: How can Raiden's hair be thinning? Didn't Emma say something about a wig before she got shanked in MGS2?

Keane Ng

New member
Sep 11, 2008
New theory: It's not Raiden, it's Gray Fox.

Omni I haven't heard that confirmed from the scans, I'll wait until someone reliable has a translation out and then update the story. Keep me posted if you hear anything more though.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
I got it! I got it!

Okay level with me here..... (takes deep breath) Raiden has an eyepatch because he had his eye removed so he could then have an implant of Big Bosses remaining eye which was preserved in a secret Fox Hound base in Antartica. Then having Big Bosses eye implanted ensues him to live on through Raiden via his preserved eyeball. The dual screen shot you see of Raiden and Big Boss is merely a Hideo misdirection to make you think they are physically in the same game but in fact live as dual personalities in Radidens mind. Therefore the eyepatch is there merely to protect the newly implanted eye of Big Boss but also is preferred by his preserved identity when he is living through Raiden because of having the eyepatch for his own for so long....

Yep, if that doesn't scream Hideo Kojima i don't know what would.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Onmi said:
Apparently their are magazine scans out with this in it that say that one is a PS3 game, and one is a PSP game.

The 'Big Boss' is not Big Boss but another Clone who is involved in MGS 1,2 and 4 that we don't know is a clone. who's premature aging has begun to kick in.

Looking at soldiers in MGS 1,2 and 4, who look like Big Boss, that leaves one guy.


Still take this with a grain of salt as it's in japanese.
Solidus again, perhaps?
Onmi said:
orannis62 said:
Looks pretty cool. What little we can see, that is.

By the way, slightly off topic, but I can't be the only person who didn't hate MGS2, Pre-ninja Raiden, can I?

EDIT:A thought: How can Raiden's hair be thinning? Didn't Emma say something about a wig before she got shanked in MGS2?
She does query whether it is natural or not and Raiden tells her it's all natural. She was either talking about his hair or penis.
Oh, right, that's what I was thinking of. Just an Easter Egg, I guess.
Keane Ng said:
New theory: It's not Raiden, it's Gray Fox.

Omni I haven't heard that confirmed from the scans, I'll wait until someone reliable has a translation out and then update the story. Keep me posted if you hear anything more though.
That wouldn't really make sense, given what made us think Raiden in the first place. I mean, why point us to Raiden when they mean Gray Fox?


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Keane Ng said:
New theory: It's not Raiden, it's Gray Fox.

Omni I haven't heard that confirmed from the scans, I'll wait until someone reliable has a translation out and then update the story. Keep me posted if you hear anything more though.
Never even occured to me that it might be gray fox....

Bloody hell, good thinking!

Keane Ng

New member
Sep 11, 2008
orannis62 said:
That wouldn't really make sense, given what made us think Raiden in the first place. I mean, why point us to Raiden when they mean Gray Fox?
Why point us to Snake in MGS2 when they really meant Raiden?

I actually do think it's Raiden, but YOU NEVER KNOW.

Onmi said:
HERE it is

Either an elaborate hoax or... yeah.
Oh yeah, I saw those. But where is it translated where they say it's two games?

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Onmi said:
Also bets on when the 'MGS is a Movie' starts up again? it sorta dies whenever there is hope for a 360 MGS and then comes back to life when thats shot down.
MGS has always been a movie. Especially since MGS2. :p

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Keane Ng said:
orannis62 said:
That wouldn't really make sense, given what made us think Raiden in the first place. I mean, why point us to Raiden when they mean Gray Fox?
Why point us to Snake in MGS2 when they really meant Raiden?

I actually do think it's Raiden, but YOU NEVER KNOW.
That's different. That was them making us think it was the old-hand character so the surprise would be fresh when the brought in the all-new character. So, by that logic, it's more likely to be a new character than Gray Fox.

captain awesome 12

New member
Dec 28, 2008
quiet_samurai said:
I got it! I got it!

Okay level with me here..... (takes deep breath) Raiden has an eyepatch because he had his eye removed so he could then have an implant of Big Bosses remaining eye which was preserved in a secret Fox Hound base in Antartica. Then having Big Bosses eye implanted ensues him to live on through Raiden via his preserved eyeball. The dual screen shot you see of Raiden and Big Boss is merely a Hideo misdirection to make you think they are physically in the same game but in fact live as dual personalities in Radidens mind. Therefore the eyepatch is there merely to protect the newly implanted eye of Big Boss but also is preferred by his preserved identity when he is living through Raiden because of having the eyepatch for his own for so long....

Yep, if that doesn't scream Hideo Kojima i don't know what would.
The sad thing is, you're probably not far off.

My personal explanation for Big Boss and Raiden in the same game? What else but... Nanomachines!


New member
Apr 20, 2009
orannis62 said:
Looks pretty cool. What little we can see, that is.

By the way, slightly off topic, but I can't be the only person who didn't hate MGS2, Pre-ninja Raiden, can I?

EDIT:A thought: How can Raiden's hair be thinning? Didn't Emma say something about a wig before she got shanked in MGS2?
I said this on another MGS thread, but no, I also liked Raiden.

Also, if you call her on the codec, Raiden angrily tells her it is not a wig. That was just her speculating.


New member
Jan 25, 2009
Keane Ng said:
New theory: It's not Raiden, it's Gray Fox.

Omni I haven't heard that confirmed from the scans, I'll wait until someone reliable has a translation out and then update the story. Keep me posted if you hear anything more though.
If indeed it is a Gray Fox game I would be estatic. Raiden is about the worst character ever and Gray Fow embodies awesomeness, I have been hoping for a more prominent role of the fox but that was mostly hopefull dreaming.

Gray Fox might possibly be more awesome than Solid, the whole 'shoot the fucking Rex Snake!' moment still remains in memory. 'I can't do it'... screw you Snake.