Big Boss and Raiden Appear On Kojima Teaser Site


High Priest of C'Thulhu
Dec 7, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
Onmi said:
Also bets on when the 'MGS is a Movie' starts up again? it sorta dies whenever there is hope for a 360 MGS and then comes back to life when thats shot down.
MGS has always been a movie. Especially since MGS2. :p

Knowing Kojima, anything is possible. The plot line could swerve in ways that my feeble mind can't even comprehend.

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
Brotherofwill said:
Keane Ng said:
New theory: It's not Raiden, it's Gray Fox.

Omni I haven't heard that confirmed from the scans, I'll wait until someone reliable has a translation out and then update the story. Keep me posted if you hear anything more though.
If indeed it is a Gray Fox game I would be estatic. Raiden is about the worst character ever and Gray Fow embodies awesomeness, I have been hoping for a more prominent role of the fox but that was mostly hopefull dreaming.

Gray Fox might possibly be more awesome than Solid, the whole 'shoot the fucking Rex Snake!' moment still remains in memory. 'I can't do it'... screw you Snake.
Why was Raiden so bad? No one is ever able to explain it to me. So he was whiny, at least he wasn't another jaded, battle hardened old vet (although he did gradually become one in MGS2, one reason I liked him so much).


New member
Jan 25, 2009
...Kojima, darn you for creating legions of conspiracy theorists and fan-tards. That being said, lets just see where this all goes.


New member
May 25, 2009
Onmi said:
skcseth said:
Wow, I thought Kojima said he was done after MGS4?
He thought he was done after MGS2. I'm sure he would prefer to be doing ZOE or Boktai or Snatcher.
I say we start a petition for a new ZOE game.


New member
Jan 25, 2009
orannis62 said:
Brotherofwill said:
Keane Ng said:
New theory: It's not Raiden, it's Gray Fox.

Omni I haven't heard that confirmed from the scans, I'll wait until someone reliable has a translation out and then update the story. Keep me posted if you hear anything more though.
If indeed it is a Gray Fox game I would be estatic. Raiden is about the worst character ever and Gray Fow embodies awesomeness, I have been hoping for a more prominent role of the fox but that was mostly hopefull dreaming.

Gray Fox might possibly be more awesome than Solid, the whole 'shoot the fucking Rex Snake!' moment still remains in memory. 'I can't do it'... screw you Snake.
Why was Raiden so bad? No one is ever able to explain it to me. So he was whiny, at least he wasn't another jaded, battle hardened old vet (although he did gradually become one in MGS2, one reason I liked him so much).
I'll explain it to ya, no problem.
He was whiny, the end.

It doesn't take much to create a good, likeable hero and most of them include the following ingredients:

Down-to-earth personality
Slightly disinterested toward other human beings
Philosophical but in a realistic way
Tough, faces challenges
Whitty responces, knows his one-liners
Does not whine
Generally remains quiet

Now ask yourself: What characteristics did Raiden have to make him a likeable or atleast bearable hero? None.

I agree that a large part of the probblem came from him being introduced in MGS2 without any kind of warning that Snake would be dropped, but still...he has no character traits that interest me in the slightest. Raiden, I don't want to hear about Rose or your useless kid (which was probably the worst part of MGS 4), just give me Gray Fox damnit.


New member
May 16, 2009
Ghostkai said:
I called it. Raiden :p

Though, the mere fact that Big Boss is in it makes me have a nerdgasm, I want this. Now. As for the emblem on his head. Possibly the location of Outer Heaven? (It's clearly a landmass on it)
Word. I new it was gonna have Raiden in it, hence the storm, but now Big Boss???!!!!!!! WTF??
Kojima is making me lose my goddamn mind and I'm loving every second of it!!!


New member
May 16, 2009
quiet_samurai said:
I got it! I got it!

Okay level with me here..... (takes deep breath) Raiden has an eyepatch because he had his eye removed so he could then have an implant of Big Bosses remaining eye which was preserved in a secret Fox Hound base in Antartica. Then having Big Bosses eye implanted ensues him to live on through Raiden via his preserved eyeball. The dual screen shot you see of Raiden and Big Boss is merely a Hideo misdirection to make you think they are physically in the same game but in fact live as dual personalities in Radidens mind. Therefore the eyepatch is there merely to protect the newly implanted eye of Big Boss but also is preferred by his preserved identity when he is living through Raiden because of having the eyepatch for his own for so long....

Yep, if that doesn't scream Hideo Kojima i don't know what would.
Thats a good point. And the screen shots of Raiden and Big Boss are mirrored.

d7rth j0e

New member
May 27, 2009
guys its and mgs game. it isn't supposed to make sense. but it is pretty cool, but probably just a last attempt to revialize a series that they MUST regret tying up so tightly, my friend gave every detail of the game after he played it, since I hadn't (thanks for the spoilers man, I might have played it someday) and it sounds like they'll have to pull some really arbitrary stuff to make it work. Though that is their specialty. looking foward to seeing what the studio does next (meaning a non- megal gear game).