Big Boss and Raiden Appear On Kojima Teaser Site


New member
May 28, 2009
okay, here's my hunch...the old guy isn't big boss right, but it is a descendant of his from MGS, MGS 2, and MGS that screams to me LIQUID SNAKE!!!! here's my idea, after MGS, the patriots take liquids arm, and give it to Ocelot to see if he can take over liquids mind through the arm because of him being The Sorrow's son and all, but are in fact disappointed when Ocelot cannot, but they revive liquid somehow anyways just for some reason im not sure...but yea then they try to take out "Liquid" Ocelot after ocelot already gets rid of the arm in mgs 4...and then all that stuff happens in the conclusion...but yea i think its liquid cuz he was significantly younger than solid snake, so maybe he didn't age as fast? and maybe there is a really really deep secret to all this...I mean throughout the series, we've played as each snake but liquid and solidus...solidus was old and only made to be a complete replica of big boss and to be prez for a short time...liquid on the other hand was involved either directly or indirectly in all the games with solid i think this is his chance, and honestly, i'm juiced cuz he had all the dominant genes from the start! feel me?


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Keane Ng said:
So what, a game with both MGS4 Raiden and Big Boss? How is that even possible? Sure they were alive at the same time at some point, but Big Boss was in his autumn years by then. And what of this emblem on Big Boss' beret? Is Kojima going to pull a Lost and have a game with flashbacks and flashforwards, and complicate the Metal Gear mythos even more with some wacky multiple timeline nonsense? Or maybe Raiden travels back in time! Two games, maybe? If you guys have an answer, please share. Because I don't even know, man. I don't even know.
Wait wait wait wait, where did MGS4 come in? Seriously, why must everyone bark up the MGS4 tree? Can we get over MGS4 for now, please? Don't make me use a fourth question mark! Let's hope for a new Metal Gear game, hmmm? (See! You made me use a fourth question mark!)

On subject, holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit..................................HOLY GUACAMOLE!@!

I'm so excited :D

Random Argument Man

New member
May 21, 2008
RAM's list of theories:

-An MGS title in the Big Boss days.(Somehow related to Raiden)
-Something completly new.
-Kojima is just screwing with us.
-That paradox thing in MGS3 could be a suspect.


New member
May 27, 2009
Onmi said:
I call it the PS2 effect, when you first start with a system you don't know what to do with it, now that they have a foot hold in the PS3's coding their is a lot of potential they haven't tapped. I know it's said a lot but it's the same with the PS2.
Well, Yah, but MGS4 was already pushing the PS3 to its limits :p So if the next game was released with those graphics, the game would be incredibly short and low on content.


New member
May 27, 2009
Onmi said:
RedVelvet said:
Onmi said:
I call it the PS2 effect, when you first start with a system you don't know what to do with it, now that they have a foot hold in the PS3's coding their is a lot of potential they haven't tapped. I know it's said a lot but it's the same with the PS2.
Well, Yah, but MGS4 was already pushing the PS3 to its limits :p So if the next game was released with those graphics, the game would be incredibly short and low on content.
How do we know that? Everyone loves to claim in the beginning that they were pushing the machine to it's limits. we won't know the limits until the console has stopped production.
Because they said so. Then it's true. Else it's false advertising. And that is against the law ^^


New member
May 27, 2009
Onmi said:
Everyone ALLWAYS says it. I dare you to find one company trying to sell their product who didn't say "This is the systems limitations!" and then come out with a game later "No THIS is the systems limitations"
Which would be an incredibly bad move because if they get sued, it could stick. And even if they don't get sued, that would be bad PR and bad PR affects the sales figures. And I'm really over thinking this, aren't I? :3


New member
May 27, 2009
Onmi said:
RedVelvet said:
Onmi said:
Everyone ALLWAYS says it. I dare you to find one company trying to sell their product who didn't say "This is the systems limitations!" and then come out with a game later "No THIS is the systems limitations"
Which would be an incredibly bad move because if they get sued, it could stick. And even if they don't get sued, that would be bad PR and bad PR affects the sales figures. And I'm really over thinking this, aren't I? :3
Yeah, for instance Square Enix said that FFXIII would use 100% of the PS3's power. I garuntee you that it's using as much as they know how to use and thats it.
I think they know how much the consoles can handle though. It's not like with the PS2 where they were tossed in to the deep end of the ocean with a "Swimming for dummies" book.
Of course, the PS3 is always evolving and becoming better with better components and software so in the future, they could develop better games ...


New member
Dec 10, 2008
RedVelvet said:
azadiscool said:
RedVelvet said:
To me this looks more like it's going to be a CG movie. The graphics are just far to advanced for the PS3 for a project as big as Metal Gear. And it definitely isn't Metal Gear Solid 5 because Kojima said that Solid was over.
Did you even play MGS4? It looked just as nice.

benwaddell said:
Lets hope, if it is a new MGS, they end it at the right time... sitting through those last 45 minutes of MGS4. Necessary? Yes. Enjoyable? No...
Yeah, but all of the tied up ends were worth it.
I don't know. These new pictures look a lot more detailed and in depth than MGS4.
Hm... Maybe the resolution looks better. But the detail is the same. At this point it isn't a question of what it will look like, but how it will animate (we all know it will look amazing no matter what XD).


New member
Jun 30, 2008
Ollie596 said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
Ollie596 said:
Militares Sans Frontiers

Military without a land" or home perhaps? So could be a flashback game about Bigboss setting up Outer heaven. Still that dosn't explain Raiden.

The logo seems to a map of Europe without the UK with a bit of Africa.
Its a patrtially rotted skull
Jesus how did I miss that.
Actually i think the logo on the patch is better translated into "Soldiers without Borders"
Sounds like it could be the motto for some kind of mercenary group. Maybe Kojima is going to have some PMC replace Foxhound as the new, go to guys.


New member
Jun 30, 2008
Indigo_Dingo said:
slowpoke219 said:
Ollie596 said:
Indigo_Dingo said:
Ollie596 said:
Militares Sans Frontiers

Military without a land" or home perhaps? So could be a flashback game about Bigboss setting up Outer heaven. Still that dosn't explain Raiden.

The logo seems to a map of Europe without the UK with a bit of Africa.
Its a patrtially rotted skull
Jesus how did I miss that.
Actually i think the logo on the patch is better translated into "Soldiers without Borders"
Sounds like it could be the motto for some kind of mercenary group. Maybe Kojima is going to have some PMC replace Foxhound as the new, go to guys.
I heard it was the motto of Outer Haven
Possibly, but the man pictured as the supposed Big Boss appears to be in his mid to late forties. Canon wise, I don't think Outer heaven was established until Big Boss was further along, when he was officially commander of the Foxhound Unit. If it is Big Boss, this might be him during his mercenary days, post Snakeeater and Portable ops, but prior to being made Foxhound commander. Perhaps sometime in the early 1980's. This would have been still during the middle of the cold war where lots of proxy wars between rebel groups and established governments were being waged in the third world. It would have been, and I believe it actually was, the hey-day of the old style mercenary before the rise of the modern PMC. Might help to explain the motto on his beret patch.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
For those that haven't caught on yet, clicking on the bottom right hand corner will take you to this:

It used to look different. It used to be the whole mask, but now it looks like that.

Sixties Spidey

Elite Member
Jan 24, 2008
Keane Ng said:
Big Boss and Raiden Appear On Kojima Teaser Site

The mystery of Kojima Productions' next game just got a whole lot clearer, and yet, at the same time, somehow even more confusing.

End the speculation that Kojima Productions' next game is going be a duck-riding sim or Zone of the Enders 3. It could be - Kojima is one crazy dude, but, judging from the latest and to date most substantial update to the developer's teaser site, 7-11 was right. This is going to be another Metal Gear Solid game.

Don't bother hurting your eyes (or brain) looking at the site - all you need to see is the picture to the right. That looks to be Big Boss, the original soldier whose genes provided the DNA for Solid and Liquid Snake, and the star of Metal Gear Solid 3 and Portable Ops. The eye patch, the beret, the gritty expression and facial hair - this has got to be Big Boss, right? Right?

Well then someone explain to me how Big Boss - who was in his prime decades before the events of Metal Gear Solid 2 and an old man by Metal Gear Solid 4 - is in the same game as Raiden. That's right, Raiden is apparently in this game too []. Scans of the Famitsu issue that reveal Kojima's new game leaked online just hours ago, revealing a portrait of Raiden's face behind a timer. He'll presumably be the next thing to show up on the teaser site. Raiden's not exactly looking like his glamorous self - he's wearing a bandage over his eye, has thinning hair, and looks generally peeved. Guess he took some hints from Big Boss.

So what, a game with both MGS4 Raiden and Big Boss? How is that even possible? Sure they were alive at the same time at some point, but Big Boss was in his autumn years by then. And what of this emblem on Big Boss' beret? Is Kojima going to pull a Lost and have a game with flashbacks and flashforwards, and complicate the Metal Gear mythos even more with some wacky multiple timeline nonsense? Or maybe Raiden travels back in time! Two games, maybe? If you guys have an answer, please share. Because I don't even know, man. I don't even know.

I know what it is.

It's probably gonna be a remake of the old Metal Gear games. There's no way that could be Snake at all. It's probably Big Boss in his prime during Metal Gear 1/2. As for Raiden.... I dunno. Might be one of the antagonists from Metal Gear 1/2.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2008
Hey, I just noticed something interesting about 'Raiden' in that teaser... That bandage over 'his' eye... Could that infact be Snake's Bandanna?