Big Boss and Raiden Appear On Kojima Teaser Site


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
I'm intrigued...

Could be a time spanner...

Part of the game is in the past, with Big Boss
The other part is in the future, with Raiden.

As much as I hate Raiden, this is a GOOD storytelling gimmick and I hope they make the most of it.


Old Hands
Apr 6, 2009
Oh this hurts my mind.

Didn't Big Boss die at the very end of MGS4?

Aardvark Soup

New member
Jul 22, 2008
Someone at NeoGAF partially translated the Famitsu article:

1. (The Big Boss image is posted above)
Interviewer: "Is that Big Boss?"
Kojima: It's a little different from XX
(or XXX's next form is a little different)
Interviewer: "Whaaaattt? Different???"

Kojima: I still can't tell you what the title is, but this is the real deal. Put it this way, it's part of the orthodox "Metal Gear Saga"
(The text below was mostly blocked out, but it talked about what timeframe the game is based in, and it appears that it's across all time periods)

Kojima: I want the game's core to be aimed towards Japan, and released globally. XXX... It's being made by MGS4 staff
Interviewer: That's awesome!

Kojima: The symbol on the cap of the old man (he did not say Big Boss) will be important
Interviewer: This symbol is different from the fox, it looks like a world map
Kojima: No just the mark, but the system of the game will be new!
Note: Kojima uses "This old man" a lot through the interview rather than referring to Big Boss

Interviewer: It sounds interesting, but do you think people will understand it at all?
Kojima: I think people will understand

Well... Tried my best to translate it, but it's so hard with all the blocked out text... bloody Kojima. That's all I can do for now, maybe I'll give it another go later

Interestingly the old man in the cap might not be Big Boss, the story will be part of the main MGS saga and it will go through different time periods. New game system, and it's being made by the staff from MGS4


New member
Nov 25, 2008
Keane Ng said:
orannis62 said:
That wouldn't really make sense, given what made us think Raiden in the first place. I mean, why point us to Raiden when they mean Gray Fox?
Why point us to Snake in MGS2 when they really meant Raiden?

I actually do think it's Raiden, but YOU NEVER KNOW.

Onmi said:
HERE it is

Either an elaborate hoax or... yeah.
Oh yeah, I saw those. But where is it translated where they say it's two games?
so that girl-boy'ish looking raiden is actually a woman?

wow....i never would have guessed.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. did it better.
Dec 6, 2007
orannis62 said:
Looks pretty cool. What little we can see, that is.

By the way, slightly off topic, but I can't be the only person who didn't hate MGS2, Pre-ninja Raiden, can I?

EDIT:A thought: How can Raiden's hair be thinning? Didn't Emma say something about a wig before she got shanked in MGS2?
No, you're not alone. I liked MGS2 as well.


New member
Oct 14, 2007
Meh. It's an extra scenario in ol' MGS4 with a subtitle--probably Subaquatic or something(remember it's Kojima). I on't believe for a second in MGS5 so close to the previous one.

Just mark my words, people. Major letdown and just another iteration of the same thing.

Way to keep the cash cow going.


New member
May 27, 2009
To me this looks more like it's going to be a CG movie. The graphics are just far to advanced for the PS3 for a project as big as Metal Gear. And it definitely isn't Metal Gear Solid 5 because Kojima said that Solid was over.


New member
Jan 25, 2009
Onmi said:
Berndawg69 said:
Brotherofwill said:
Onmi said:
It could be an MGS with stealth replaced with Metal Gear battles, or a Stealth Gear
Or wait...could it be? Super Smash Solid Brothers!

No wait... Kojima Productions/Konami isn't at that point yet.
more likely "MGS4 subsistanance", you see where i'm going with this
Um guys about a few posts up I posted the exact translation of the article, it's none of those.
That was an obvious joke on my part, really hope you didn't think I was serious...

Quinn Davis

New member
Jan 6, 2008
Honestly, I think at this point Kojima realizes he could post a picture of Raiden and Sokolov riding a GECKO through space and everyone on the internet would spend the next 65 hours creating deep plot analyses and dissertations on it.

Maybe he's just dicking with us?


New member
May 21, 2009
RedVelvet said:
To me this looks more like it's going to be a CG movie. The graphics are just far to advanced for the PS3 for a project as big as Metal Gear. And it definitely isn't Metal Gear Solid 5 because Kojima said that Solid was over.
True,Solid Snake's story is over with, but the lack of Solid didn't stop him from naming the two Big Boss-centric games "Metal Gear Solid 3" and "Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops."


New member
May 21, 2009
RedVelvet said:
To me this looks more like it's going to be a CG movie. The graphics are just far to advanced for the PS3 for a project as big as Metal Gear. And it definitely isn't Metal Gear Solid 5 because Kojima said that Solid was over.
True,Solid Snake's story is over with, but the lack of Solid didn't stop him from naming the two Big Boss-centric games "Metal Gear Solid 3" and "Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops."


New member
May 27, 2009
It's got to be about Outer Heaven. Just think of the story that goes along with the Outer Heaven incident, you would have Snake, Big Boss and Grey Fox all in one game along with a slue of other characters fimilar to all the games except maybe MGS2. The bandaged character who looks like Raiden could easily be Grey Fox, the time you see Grey Fox's face is after he'd already been dead or very close to dead and I'm sure thats gotta make you look a ton different to what might have taken place anywhere between 5 and 10 years before. If it were up to me, it'd would line up Snake Eater, a game about Outer Heaven, MGS1, MGS2 and then MGS4. But it Mr. Kojima so who really knows...logic kinda escapes him lol. And MGS2 wasn't not a horrible game it just suffered from not living up to the MGS1, thats all really.


New member
May 27, 2009
TheGreatToast said:
RedVelvet said:
To me this looks more like it's going to be a CG movie. The graphics are just far to advanced for the PS3 for a project as big as Metal Gear. And it definitely isn't Metal Gear Solid 5 because Kojima said that Solid was over.
True,Solid Snake's story is over with, but the lack of Solid didn't stop him from naming the two Big Boss-centric games "Metal Gear Solid 3" and "Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops."
Well, Kojima did branch of in to Metal Gear Solid because he wanted to start a new numbered franchise, so technically 3 and PO are a part of that Solid franchise. ^_^


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Onmi said:
Apparently their are magazine scans out with this in it that say that one is a PS3 game, and one is a PSP game.

The 'Big Boss' is not Big Boss but another Clone who is involved in MGS 1,2 and 4 that we don't know is a clone. who's premature aging has begun to kick in.

Looking at soldiers in MGS 1,2 and 4, who look like Big Boss, that leaves one guy.


Still take this with a grain of salt as it's in japanese.
Some of my friends insist it's Otacon, who after losing Snake goes crazy and pulls the whole Outer Heaven thing. They keep pointing out the Scary Eyepatch Man and Otacon have the same eye color. :siiiiighs:


New member
Dec 10, 2008
RedVelvet said:
To me this looks more like it's going to be a CG movie. The graphics are just far to advanced for the PS3 for a project as big as Metal Gear. And it definitely isn't Metal Gear Solid 5 because Kojima said that Solid was over.
Did you even play MGS4? It looked just as nice.

benwaddell said:
Lets hope, if it is a new MGS, they end it at the right time... sitting through those last 45 minutes of MGS4. Necessary? Yes. Enjoyable? No...
Yeah, but all of the tied up ends were worth it.


New member
May 27, 2009
azadiscool said:
RedVelvet said:
To me this looks more like it's going to be a CG movie. The graphics are just far to advanced for the PS3 for a project as big as Metal Gear. And it definitely isn't Metal Gear Solid 5 because Kojima said that Solid was over.
Did you even play MGS4? It looked just as nice.

benwaddell said:
Lets hope, if it is a new MGS, they end it at the right time... sitting through those last 45 minutes of MGS4. Necessary? Yes. Enjoyable? No...
Yeah, but all of the tied up ends were worth it.
I don't know. These new pictures look a lot more detailed and in depth than MGS4.