Biggest pain you've ever felt?

German Borbon

New member
May 18, 2011
i have heart pressure lowdowns and once i got one at a mall, i couldn´t think and barely talk. more than pain, i couldn´t feel anything except of my whole body shaking. it was one of the most terrifying fellings i ever had

German Borbon

New member
May 18, 2011
Ultrajoe said:
Migraines. It's not so much the pain as the crippling disorientation and nausea that accompanies the whole 'white-hot spike through the skull' feeling. Thankfully, I get them very infrequently.

The ways it screws with your vision can be really fun, though, until the sickness and pain starts. Live in a green-filtered world for a bit, or have your brain edit out your own arms from your vision. Trippy shit.
i know that feel bro


New member
Aug 6, 2011
I had the right set of my wisdom teeth removed a few years ago, and they gave me T3s. No one cared to mention that they may not work on me. Suffice to say, it felt like a fucking donkey kicked me in the face.

When I got the left set removed, extra strength liquid tynol. Never felt a thing.

And people still wonder why I hate the dentist.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
I'm largely free from injury in my lifetime...

Having my lip sewn up largely without anaethesia, I suppose. I got mugged in Russia, involving bruised ribs and a split lip.

The anaesthesia didn't seem to stick. Badness, given that a large portion of bloody infected lip seemed to be cut off before the remainder was inexpertly sewn together with old-style wire stiches.

Rubbish, but not terrible in the grand scheme of things.

I've not been kicked in the knackers for years.


New member
Jan 11, 2009
I dislocated and broke my wrist when snowboarding (on the first day, on the first damn piste!). That... didn't really hurt much honestly, I sorta just kept going and told the group "I think I hurt my wrist" when we stopped.

Anyway, the painful part was after I had the x-rays and was told it was broken and dislocated. The doctor told me anaesthetic would hurt just as much as resetting it and I believed him. I believe he was wrong. Having a broken wrist jerked around in 360 motions had me lying on the table gripping as hard as I could with my other hand trying not to yell. The male nurse at the office was nice though! :D


New member
Jul 8, 2009
geK0 said:
Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:
When I was a little kid, for reasons I can't remember, I had to have a catheter...placed. If you don't know what those are....Well, you're probably better off, but I'll explain it anyway. Essentially, catheters are(brace yourself) tubes a doctor slides into your penis. I can't even type that sentence without my legs crossing a little bit. To make things even better, I'm honestly not sure if they even gave me anesthesia. I got another one recently and it didn't hurt (felt fuckin' bizarre and I hated it, but it didn't hurt) but I remember the one I got as a kid hurting like goddamn hell. They did SOMETHING differently. Also, it hurts like a mother to pee afterwards.

Seriously, never get a catheter. Recently, some doctors thought that if they didn't give me one, my kidneys would fail. Long story, it's not important. What's important is that, after about 3 weeks of weaseling around them and getting second opinions, I managed to prove them wrong. My kidneys are now better then ever.

Seriously, fuck doctors. I have a list of experiences beyond those listed above to back up that statement, but I won't get into them here.
Oh God, I had one of those before! Your description made me quiver and cross my legs >...>
The worst part is when they take it out; my doctor said I wouldn't feel anything, SHE LIED! She pulled the thing out in one quick motion and I squealed like an injured dog.
The piss I had after also stung.
Terrifying isn't it?

In relation to your story, when I was about 17, I found one day that I could no longer pee. I made several trips to the doctor over the course of two weeks, the first time they failed to catheterize me, but luckily was able to piss afterwards(without being too graphic when you pee after something like that it's like something out of your worst nightmare, for instance the nurse accidentally pierced the vein wall of my urethra in her failed attempt). They gave me some muscle relaxants and figured it was just some kind of weird fluke. A couple days later I go home from school with extreme pain being unable to pee for the next ten hours and feeling like all my lower bits were going to explode. We go to a different hospital, where I go under the knife of a urologist. When I awake he tells me he had to remove scar tissue from my urethra. He tells me it looks to be caused from either a really vicious blow to my groin or repeated blows is how the scar tissue developed. I don't know if any of you had idiotic morons in school who like to play bag tag, but I unfortunately did. Nowadays whenever anyone makes a move to try and hit me in my junk, I flip out. Let that be a lesson to any of you who do any sort of idiotic shit or skate or bike or whatever. Remember that you could end up not peeing and having to have your urethra operated on....oh and I removed the catheter myself in the shower, having to have a piss bag for a week.

Sean Hollyman

New member
Jun 24, 2011
BrionJames said:
geK0 said:
Frozen Donkey Wheel2 said:
When I was a little kid, for reasons I can't remember, I had to have a catheter...placed. If you don't know what those are....Well, you're probably better off, but I'll explain it anyway. Essentially, catheters are(brace yourself) tubes a doctor slides into your penis. I can't even type that sentence without my legs crossing a little bit. To make things even better, I'm honestly not sure if they even gave me anesthesia. I got another one recently and it didn't hurt (felt fuckin' bizarre and I hated it, but it didn't hurt) but I remember the one I got as a kid hurting like goddamn hell. They did SOMETHING differently. Also, it hurts like a mother to pee afterwards.

Seriously, never get a catheter. Recently, some doctors thought that if they didn't give me one, my kidneys would fail. Long story, it's not important. What's important is that, after about 3 weeks of weaseling around them and getting second opinions, I managed to prove them wrong. My kidneys are now better then ever.

Seriously, fuck doctors. I have a list of experiences beyond those listed above to back up that statement, but I won't get into them here.
Oh God, I had one of those before! Your description made me quiver and cross my legs >...>
The worst part is when they take it out; my doctor said I wouldn't feel anything, SHE LIED! She pulled the thing out in one quick motion and I squealed like an injured dog.
The piss I had after also stung.
Terrifying isn't it?

In relation to your story, when I was about 17, I found one day that I could no longer pee. I made several trips to the doctor over the course of two weeks, the first time they failed to catheterize me, but luckily was able to piss afterwards(without being too graphic when you pee after something like that it's like something out of your worst nightmare, for instance the nurse accidentally pierced the vein wall of my urethra in her failed attempt). They gave me some muscle relaxants and figured it was just some kind of weird fluke. A couple days later I go home from school with extreme pain being unable to pee for the next ten hours and feeling like all my lower bits were going to explode. We go to a different hospital, where I go under the knife of a urologist. When I awake he tells me he had to remove scar tissue from my urethra. He tells me it looks to be caused from either a really vicious blow to my groin or repeated blows is how the scar tissue developed. I don't know if any of you had idiotic morons in school who like to play bag tag, but I unfortunately did. Nowadays whenever anyone makes a move to try and hit me in my junk, I flip out. Let that be a lesson to any of you who do any sort of idiotic shit or skate or bike or whatever. Remember that you could end up not peeing and having to have your urethra operated on....oh and I removed the catheter myself in the shower, having to have a piss bag for a week.
I had penis pain once, it always felt like I needed to piss, but nothing would come out no matter how hard I pushed. Hurt like hell when it finally started flowing though


New member
Sep 24, 2009
Well, my worst pain doesn't seem to be as hardcore as everyone else...

Mine is sunburns. 2 to be exact. Due to my pale skin, I get them often enough, but these two were by far the worst. The first one happened because I was at the beach and the sunscreen wore off. And, being a sunburn, it didn't seem all that bad at first. But slowly, that fucker crept up on me and suddenly I'm in a blinding burning pain everytime I moved. My entire back and shoulders were red and the next day is when the nerves decided they were fried and the skin started to die. Now, I don't know who knows this, but when your skin dries, it itches. and when your nerves are fried, they feel literally everything. So, I had to choose between scratching my back to relieve the itch and cause an intense burn or sit and endure the itch. I ended up going to the bathtub with cold water every 10 minutes. I also tried aloe vera and something else, but the two reacted and caused even more itching and pain. By the end, my skin blistered.

The other time was when I had a track meet and a couple days after I got the burn, it turned dark brown and started to flake off like scales. I was older though, so I manned up and took it.

Overall, fuck the sun.

General Vengeance

New member
Aug 26, 2009
Breaking both legs in 1977 skateboarding, wasn't taken to hospital till next day.
Sean Hollyman said:
I had penis pain once, it always felt like I needed to piss, but nothing would come out no matter how hard I pushed. Hurt like hell when it finally started flowing though
Sounds like kidney stones. Drink more water, cut back on the caffine or soda, or you can expect more stones eventually.


New member
Nov 9, 2008
Ickorus said:
I had to deal with a toothache brought on by a tooth that needed root canal surgery.

Essentially what the problem was was that I had an exposed nerve and an abscess in the tooth, the abscess itself is bad enough since it pushes down upon the nerve causing pain but the addition of the exposed nerve meant even simple things like eating or drinking or even breathing through my mouth became a test of my tolerance for pain.

Imagine a regular tooth ache and magnify it by 10 or 15, then imagine that pain unceasingly for over three months; i'm sure that in itself it is not the worst pain in the world but because of the constant inescapable nature of it it becomes one of the most excruciating, sanity destroying pains you're ever likely to experience.[footnote]I can imagine Phantom Limb Pain to be worse since at least with a tooth ache you know that it can be fixed but with PLP there is pretty much nothing that can be done to completely stop it.[/footnote]

I mean, because it never stopped I even found it hard to sleep and the only way to deaden the pain enough to bring sleep was to (carefully) lance the abscess and then to wash the tooth out with some very strong vodka but even then within an hour the pain would return in it's full fury and wake me up again so the exhaustion caused it to be magnified yet more; towards the end even the lance & vodka trick stopped working so the only times i'd ever really sleep was due to passing out from exhaustion.

People seem to say that root canal operations hurt but to be honest in my experience as soon as they stuck the anesthetic in me I felt like I was in heaven.

And you can bet your ass I brush my teeth twice daily now.

I suffer from migraines, chronic ear ache tinnitus but the most painful one has to be when I needed a root clonal but couldn?t be seen to for 2 years (the dentist got shut down because the building well broke) and it took them that long to get me exchanged to a different one (yay for going private)
A large crack appeared in my tooth and I had had enough,I put a plastic knife in the crack and twisted the tooth broke in half and after a lot of swearing I ripped it out and killed the nerve. When I got to the dentist all they did was pull out what was left.

I?ve been told I have a high pain threshold being autistic but ether way that hurt a lot.

and ditto on the brushing


New member
Feb 4, 2012
I remember when I was younger going to the dentist to have two teeth removed after an accident (Which caused these two particular teeth to.. move position) so I could then be fitted with braces, so I had to receieve an injection into the gum to numb the area, was a bit painful but nothing too bad. After 5 minutes the dentist then took out a pair of pliers and told me to close my eyes saying I wouldn't feel a thing...

She was wrong, I felt the pliers clamp down on the first tooth and as I was about to say I could still feel it she pulled on it. Hard, and I felt it for the next 10 minutes and had to sit through another injection whilst shaking with blood pouring out of my mouth, not fun.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
The worst pain I've felt was probably when I was 16. I was in the hospital for an abscess in my side. I went in for the usual procedure to have it drained, etc. Anyway, they had decided to leave the incision open and pack it full of a really long gauze strip to soak up what hadn't drained. The fun bit is that this gauze strip needed to be changed twice a day. I was on morphine for pain control but that sort of thing tends to override any kind of pain medication they could give except, perhaps, for an epidural...Maybe.

I can't really think of anything aside from that except for occasions where my Crohn's Disease has acted up.

Johnny Impact

New member
Aug 6, 2008
Broke a wisdom tooth. Cracked it in half like splitting a piece of wood. That actually didn't hurt all that much.

Then half the tooth came out and stuff started touching the raw, living nerve. Felt like being stabbed in the face with a red-hot icicle every time my heart beat for the next few days.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
I used to be really into dangerous sports, so I've got plenty of good broken bone stories. But the absolute worst, most uncomfortable thing ever is when I got a spinal tap. They put this 12-inch needle into your spinal cord, and it's this terrifying freezing cold metal feeling going from the top of your neck all the way down inside your pelvis, in a place where normally you feel no sensation at all. Then the needle is hooked up to a pump for like an hour, just to extract a very small vial of spinal fluid. It's so painful, and your back spasms for days afterward... I still hate receiving massages or anything where someone touches my back.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
I burnt my leg bad enough to scar it 2 days before getting 2 teeth drilled out. That, that was hell.

Don't ever burn yourself. EVER.


New member
Dec 19, 2011
Smithburg said:
Having my teeth torn from my gums using a dentists cleaning pick like a crowbar with no pain killers. Shit was so painful I have recurring nightmares about it
what in the fuck? were you tortured?


New member
Oct 16, 2009
I was surfing , 14 years old , on a very stromy day. The waves were very large. I got up to go down the face of a wave but, i pulled off from it because there was a larger one behind it. The wave was too powerful it flipped me and knocked my foot onto my fin. My fin went through my ankle and did so with such force that it broke the bone. If it was 1 cm to the left it would of slashed my achielles. I had to hobble back to our beach club which was around a mile away. It hurt but i was in ok shape the sand getting in it made it worse. When i got to the doctors they said they have to clean it with basically what was a giant water gun. They blasted inside the wound to blow the seaweed and sand out. Now that was the worse pain i ever felt ! After they gave novacaine injections to dull the pain. It hurt months afterwards , so i went to doctors and i have nerve damage there. Its really weird though cause it will just hurt insanely much like 1 out of 100 days and the rest of the time it doesn't hurt at all or just feels cold. Funniest thing about the story the next day i wanted to go surfing again because i was on vacation and didnt want to waste it , so i duct taped a plastic bag around my foot so the stiches did'nt get wet ! Haha


New member
Jul 2, 2008
A near-fatal case of Clostridium Difficile with Sepsis during a round of chemotherapy. In laymans terms, my intestines started to rot, my blood decided to join in the rot-fest and the chemotherapy wouldn't even let me recover until at least a month after it hit me.
Thanks NHS, you crazy bastards!


New member
Feb 21, 2010
A metal bar falling on my toe.
While wearing nothing but socks.
With an ingrown toenail.
That was badly infected.

To make things worse something apparently popped as I was bleeding as well.
Yeah,that moment sucked.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
When I was in Primary school I was running in the play ground, then I tripped, thing is the playground was made up of concrete slabs, my face scraped across the floor, leaving only a trail of skin and blood behind me, I stood up with half my face torn up, and a broken nose, worse thing is, I didn't realise how much it hurt until I saw the blood EVERYWHERE. Never before have I felt something so painful in my life.