Biggest pain you've ever felt?


New member
Nov 28, 2007
dumbseizure said:
Xifel said:
Getting trapped in a gas chamber with 50% teargas in it. Normally you use 2% so someone messed up.

Think of it like someone grilling you over open fire. And when you breath you cough until you puke, endlessly. And your eyes and nose hurts, of course.
Okay, this interests me, how did this happen?

Basic training in the military. You are supposed to have you mask on, and you chem-suit (which also is your raincoat). I think some think went wrong cause the concentration was much much to high, and of course I got a mask with a broken filter.

I wasn't "trapped" in the room, I just couldn't find my way out because of the gas which was thick you only could see 2 inches in front of you. The the gas made me tear up and I sort of panicked, until the LT came an pulled me out. It's amazing you can get lost in a room that is about 10 square meters :D

captca: fishy smell. Thought it was sort of appropriate

The Artificially Prolonged

Random Semi-Frequent Poster
Jul 15, 2008
Quite a few contenders for most pain I have been in, though two experiences do stick out,

First was when I was in nursery aged about four or five when a fellow child threw a solid wooden block at my head which split open. That was not painful part, the painful part was at the hospital where they glued or stitched my head together without pain relief, though I'm not sure of the details as I was too busy screaming my lungs out in pain to notice exactly what they where doing... hey lighten up I was just a kid back then!

My second experience of most crippling pain needs some background info as it is quite a long story. I used to work for a building firm when I first left school, mainly fitting windows at the time. One day I was working a site of a retirement replacing old windows when I delivery for the glass panes arrived. It started off normally unloading the glass from the lorry until of the fellas right before picks up a big pane of glass and I then took one step closer to the van. However this turned out to be a rather silly thing to do in hindsight as the co-worker instead of going towards where we had been storing the glass, decides to turn back on himself and doing so hit me in the torso with the pane of glass. It was a weird sensation, it actually felt being hit with a bat and actually thought, though in some pain I thought was alright. That was until another co-worker asked "it didn't go through your shirt did it?" and which I was like "my shirt?". That was when I noticed the hole in my shirt where underneath I found another hole in my torso with blood pouring out.

Fast forward to the hospital where I had been dump like an od'ing hooker, (I'm not kidding they literally drove me to the hospital and left me there so they could get back to the job, leaving me with no way to get home or way of contacting anyone as my phone had crapped out) I was eventually seen to my a doctor (and here is where the pain begins). The doctor explained to me that there might be small shards of glass in the wound so he would check to be sure. He proceeded to dig around inside the wound with a pair of cold tweezers, without giving me any pain killers before gave up looking and sent me to radiology for them to check >_<. However unlike my first example I bared the pain in a proper manly way and just thought about all the nasty things I'm going to do to this sadistic doctor once he's patched me up. I did get eventually get some pain killers...3 hours after being admitted and 10 minutes before being discharged (damn NHS!). What followed was two weeks of horrible pain as my entire torso ached and I literally could not sit up myself or use any muscles in my torso because of the pain. I had to get out of bed my sliding myself out being careful not to bend in anyway. All in all it wasn't the most pleasant of 2 weeks and you know what the worst thing was? That job I was working was the last week there before I left to go to college -_-

Rawne1980 said:
Out of every single injury i've ever had (and there have been a few) no pain has ever come close to standing on a UK 3 prong plug socket bare foot....
Though this is a close runner up mind.


Dec 1, 2011
Headsprouter said:
Not as bad as the other stuff, here, definetely, but I have to agree, those are debilitating for the short period they last, I need to stop everything i'm doing and writhe in pain for a while. Until it fixes itself after about 12 seconds.
I know it's not the worst, but it's the only thing that I can remember being really painful due to how rarely I have a really painful injury. My little brother has had some pretty bad pains over the years, but I can't feel that.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Matthew94 said:
I'm allergic to penicillin so I had to use a different painkiller when I broke my collarbone.

Every drop that entered my veins hurt. Imagine a constant pain that you can't scratch that lasted for hours throughout the night.

Fuck, it hurt.
First point of contention. Penicillin is an antibotic, not a painkiller.
Second point of contention. If you used a different "painkiller", why did it still cause a reaction.
Third point of contention. Why were you receiving IV anything for a broken collarbone?
Fourth point of contention. Why would you scratch a pain?

OT: Worst pain I've ever felt? It certainly wasn't the infected, ingrown tonail I've had for a couple weeks. Judging by the first couple of posts, maybe I should check for nerve-damage in my feet. Purely physical pain, I think I'm gonna have to go with the time when I was about 6, when my sister slammed the sliding van door on my head. That hurt like hell, I couldn't even stand for hours. Either that or a good hard shot to the nuts, shorter length but much worse.


A Simply Dignified Manly Man.
Feb 3, 2011
When I was younger I had otitis media in my right ear which is when the middle ear becomes infected and causes massive swelling behind the ear drum, I thought my ear was going to explode. I was only 8 at the time and it's still the most pain I have ever been in, although I'm pretty sure that the hangovers I have on New Year's Day are a close second.


Maintenence Man of the Universe
Mar 19, 2009
Hmm, probably when I went to the hospital for an u.v. infusion and the nurse was (obviously) having a bad day. She hit a nerve with the needle...


I can't watch the amputation part of 127 hours after that *shudder*


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
I once sprained my toe. It hurt a bit.

I've been really fortunate in my life to never get seriously injured or ever endure something all that painful. It's not that I live a sheltered life though, I do plenty of dangerous things for thrills but I am just really lucky I guess (or just good at what I do).


New member
Jun 13, 2011
An ear infection I had as a child. I remember lying on my side crying for hours. Every time I moved my head, the pain went from just murderous-throbbing straight up to white-lances-of-agony. That is the longest I have ever been off school/work due to illness. Seven days in bed, four of which were utter hell.

Stupid ear.

As an aside, it does not comfort me that, whenever I mention this incident to my mother, she just smiles and says, "Wait until you try giving birth. That's pain!"


New member
Feb 25, 2009
Alergy test shots. they give you around a hundred shots in a 3 days span bu they are very shallow shot, as soon as the needle gets under your skin they pull your skin out with the needle. I was about 10 years old when i got through that.

Captcha: nice job. Not quite, i cried and screamed with all my lungs the whole time.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
I cracked my head open on pavement once (friend pushed me down concrete stairs) I was knocked out for a good 20 mins, I was taken to a doctor by my Mum, the doctor decided to stitch me up while I was unconscious, I woke up face down covered in blood with 3 people holding me down while I could feel a needle and thread go through my scalp while I still had a cracked skull and bleeding everywhere, until my Mum mentioned this a few years ago I always thought this was a horrible nightmare I had (repressed memory, yay!) I also crashed into a corner of a wall (a steel corner go figure) when I was about 3 and cracked my forehead head open I remember sitting in a hospital bleeding out for about 4 hours with no pain killers or anaesthetic, until a nurse suggested my Mum should go see a doctor, 'really lady? What are hospitals for?!' oh and because I 'waited' so long to be seen by a doctor I have a large unsightly scar on my forehead, whoo!


New member
May 24, 2011
My most painful event was probably nocking out a front tooth, and nocking one out of place when I was four. To add salt to the wound, the doctor decided to put his hand in my mouth, and jam my wiggly tooth back into the tooth hole (socket?).

Sarah Kerrigan

New member
Jan 17, 2010
Damn i don't know...

I do believe when I was picking a piece of glass out of my foot. I picked the entire first layer of my skin off (the glass was just on the first layer, not in it) and I picked skin off by itself. Veryyyy painful.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Broke my right arm in a car accident when i was 7, in the more recent years my right shoulder likes to dislocate which is also quite painful. Also in high school had a guy roll over me in a wrestling match which nearly broke my nose


New member
Oct 5, 2009
yogibbear said:
Had a 10cm deep, 15cm long cut into my ass crack to remove an ingrown hair...
Sorry, but that just sounds absolutely hilarious. It isn't, I know, and that's a fucking huge cut, but god, I laughed a lot. Maybe because it's 1:30 in the morning...


New member
Oct 5, 2009
I had a cap for my tooth poorly made, and basically, food got under it. Bacteria basically ate the tooth away. Then, the pain started. Imagine having a soldering iron plunged into your ear. FUCKING HELL. I could not sleep, think, eat, breathe, or anything without crying when it hit. It'd happen randomly, even during class, or half-way through the night. Took a month for the doctor to see me. Then it just kept happening before the operation happened to remove the cap. I was given anesthesia for it, so I can't really remember. Now, I don't usually cry from pain. This was so intense that I could do nothing else.

Another was an infected ingrown toenail. Hurt like a ***** for a week. If I moved it, pain. Then, of course, I hit it against a table leg...

I went to the doctor as soon as I could. The "operation" took 5 minutes, no anesthesia. Just pain. I couldn't see what had happened, as he put some curtain thing between me and my toe, so that was good, at least. Hurt even after the op. For 5 minutes. Just remained the same, and then disappeared.

EDIT: Toenail, all my fault. Kids, don't bite or pull your nails. Finger, toe, whatever. I did, for about 17 years. I'm 17. At least once a year, I'd have to get an operation for something stupid that I caused. I did stop, but that took a hell of a lot of willpower.