Biggest pain you've ever felt?


New member
Mar 27, 2010
Stepped on a big Sea Urchin once. We were pretty far out from civilization, so my dad had to try and get the deeply embedded spines out with two knives. That didn't end well. Eventually, we just left them in there because they were basically impossible to get out (even for a doctor a few days later).

Appendicitis was pretty bad, but nothing compared to that. I also got smashed in the head with a golf club once (accidently - don't ever play golf with a woman :p).


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Based on what I've been reading here, I've gotten off pretty lucky with a baseball breaking my nose on 2 separate occasions.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
FateOrFatality said:
Stepped on a big Sea Urchin once. We were pretty far out from civilization, so my dad had to try and get the deeply embedded spines out with two knives. That didn't end well. Eventually, we just left them in there because they were basically impossible to get out (even for a doctor a few days later).
Happened to me once. Poorly designed hotel. Hurt for an hour or so. It was a small one though. Got back to my room, dad went to get vinegar. Put my toe in, and took a nap on the balcony. All gone. The spines are mostly calcium, and dissolve quickly in white vinegar. Most aren't even poisonous.


New member
May 21, 2009
Having my teeth torn from my gums using a dentists cleaning pick like a crowbar with no pain killers. Shit was so painful I have recurring nightmares about it


New member
Feb 24, 2009
Seems like I've had it pretty easy compared to some people on here.

I used to get terrible migraines but I worked out a method to avoid them. There are several signs before I get a migraine, first of all I get an aura in the corner of one (or both) of my eyes (this means basically my vision is extremely blurred in the corner, like a blind spot), then my hands and arms begin to tingle like I've got pins and needles, then the migraine hits. But when I get an aura I know if I lie down and close my eyes tight for 10 minutes or so it will go away, and the migraine never comes. Thanks to this I haven't had a real migraine for years now, but when I used to get them my god they were bad.

This one wasn't even that painful, but it should have been. When I was about 12 I remember my brother had lego bits lying around and some of them were broken, and there was one very sharp broken bit of plastic, like a pole (not sure what it was supposed to be before it broke) maybe 1.5cm thick and 7cm long. I stepped on it and it went right though my foot through the sensitive middle area. I remember it hurting and I remember hopping around for a second, but I also remember pulling it out by myself before getting my mum to bandage it, and I don't remember crying or really thinking it was a big deal. It's weird because these days I'm very sensitive to pain.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Slashed my chest and chipped a rib back in high-school when some kids were shoving each other, one flew on me and I lost balance and fell chest first on a faucet. Strangest thing was at the time I didn't feel a damn thing, sure it was hard to breathe but it didn't hurt at first. Went to the hospital, cleaned the wound, yatta yatta, following day it hurt to exist. Everything I did was followed by the sharpest and most agonizing pain in my chest, breathing was very painful, talking was almost impossible, each step I took was so difficult my legs went limp with the pain.

Wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.


The Butcher On Your Back
Apr 25, 2010
Tattoo on left forearm got infected. I had to hold my arm over my head (kept the pressure down) for 4 days. Lowering it at all felt like my arm would literally burst open.


New member
Mar 27, 2010
redisforever said:
FateOrFatality said:
Stepped on a big Sea Urchin once. We were pretty far out from civilization, so my dad had to try and get the deeply embedded spines out with two knives. That didn't end well. Eventually, we just left them in there because they were basically impossible to get out (even for a doctor a few days later).
Happened to me once. Poorly designed hotel. Hurt for an hour or so. It was a small one though. Got back to my room, dad went to get vinegar. Put my toe in, and took a nap on the balcony. All gone. The spines are mostly calcium, and dissolve quickly in white vinegar. Most aren't even poisonous.
Unfortunately we didn't have any vinegar on hand as we'd taken our boat to a pretty remote area. This one wasn't poisonous either fortunately, but it was very big and the spines were damned hard to get out.

I'm actually probably pretty lucky that it wasn't a poisonous species, considering I live in Australia.


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
Bruised lung, very sharp pain. I couldn't lie down to sleep due to the pressure of my chest on my lung so I slept in a sitting position for a week. Tylenol 3 didn't do jack all to help either.

I also had an ingrown toenail for about 10 years, I finally got the surgery to fix it last December. The pain I felt when the painkillers wore off after the surgery was pretty intense too, but not quite as much as the bruised lung.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
FateOrFatality said:
redisforever said:
FateOrFatality said:
Stepped on a big Sea Urchin once. We were pretty far out from civilization, so my dad had to try and get the deeply embedded spines out with two knives. That didn't end well. Eventually, we just left them in there because they were basically impossible to get out (even for a doctor a few days later).
Happened to me once. Poorly designed hotel. Hurt for an hour or so. It was a small one though. Got back to my room, dad went to get vinegar. Put my toe in, and took a nap on the balcony. All gone. The spines are mostly calcium, and dissolve quickly in white vinegar. Most aren't even poisonous.
Unfortunately we didn't have any vinegar on hand as we'd taken our boat to a pretty remote area. This one wasn't poisonous either fortunately, but it was very big and the spines were damned hard to get out.

I'm actually probably pretty lucky that it wasn't a poisonous species, considering I live in Australia.
Yeah, that's pretty lucky. They tend to break up really easily, too. I just got back to my room, and googled on my phone how to deal with it. I'd have needed to pay for the wifi, but their login screen was broken, and just let you use it.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
I have Crohn's Disease as a result of that my small intestine preferred and began leaking stomach acid and what ever was in my stomach that was not vomited up into my abdomen. That shit hurts really bad.

I almost died and had to have emergency surgery to repair my intestines. I had over a foot of damaged bowel.

Recovery wasn't that much more pleasant.


Mar 30, 2011
Oooh that's a toughie.
Is it the time I broke my left arm as a child?
Is it the time I broke my left arm riding a bike?
Is it the time I broke my left arm whil bringing in the washing?
Or is it the time I got my brown rotten tooth pulled?

Thank you for these memories OP

Dark Link

New member
Jul 27, 2009
Broken ankle when I was 13...landed on it, snapped a bone inside and knocked a load of the others out of place by bending it right back. Needed surgery, and an ingrown toenail when I was learning to walk again did not help. In contrast, the second time I broke my ankle about a year ago was nearly painless, because I only thought it was twisted at first and walked around the hospital on it for a few hours.


New member
Jun 3, 2010
Killer migraine which lasted for days while having an ear infection-in both ears. May I never surpass that horror. Could barely see, couldnt sleep, couldnt lie my head down...


New member
Oct 13, 2009
I had a severely herniated disk and my sciatic nerve looped out of the back of my spine instead of the side. The result of this was that it had no more slack and it felt like every nerve fiber in my right leg was being pulled out thru my lower back. Morphine barely touched it. No real sleep for 7 days.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Stepping into a pit of ash from burnt garbage that was still hot .. I was 10 and at scouts in Malawi, Africa .. third degree burns over the sides of the feet - had jumped straight back out, but the damage was done.

Worst pain since then.. kicking my little toe into something solid, while walking around at home.. suspect I fractured it - it's still slightly bigger than its counterpart on the other foot.

Hmm actually, scratch the toe - although it lasted longer, the worst pain was due to a big cavity in my remaining bottom wisdom tooth - most of a week of nurofen (painkiller) until I got it removed as an emergency (of sorts) operation at the local dental hospital, and got out the two top wisdom teeth as a job lot (they were coming out of the gum at an angle that would push against the neighbouring teeth).

A parting blow from those teeth was that the bottom of that bottom wisdom tooth was hooked under the nerve and I could feel that through the local anaesthetic. The tooth had to be broken apart into pieces by drilling it. It was a relief to put that episode behind me.

Vicarious Reality

New member
Jul 10, 2011
Probably when i crushed my little finger in our heavy wooden outer door before puberty

Or when i held a fireworks fountain upside down in my hand
The whole thing swelled up to a pusy mess, had to have it bandaged for about a week

Ultrajoe said:
Migraines. It's not so much the pain as the crippling disorientation and nausea that accompanies the whole 'white-hot spike through the skull' feeling. Thankfully, I get them very infrequently.

The ways it screws with your vision can be really fun, though, until the sickness and pain starts. Live in a green-filtered world for a bit, or have your brain edit out your own arms from your vision. Trippy shit.
Whaat? That sounds way more serious than a simple headache


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Spontaneous kidney failure due to burst blood vessels in the sides. People poked a bit too hard, too many times, on the same spot. I didn't sleep, I passed out from sleep deprivation because the pains were keeping me up. Like a constant electrical charge surging through my sides.


New member
Feb 11, 2010

It took around 12 hours of waiting and switching hospitals for me to get my appendix removed as well. God that was a terrible day.