Biggest pain you've ever felt?


New member
Jun 17, 2010
A biopsy on my thigh with some really shitty excuse for an analgesic. Took a while, hurt like hell from start to end.

I also had a migraine or something that sure as hell felt like it last year. The pain wasn't enormous, but it was bad and present for a week or so. And I don't mean that in a "it came on and off" way, I mean it quite literally hurt every moment of every one of those days.


Full Frontal Nerdity
May 25, 2010
Probably the worst I can remember is calf-cramp. I get it several times a week, usually around 4am if I'm sleeping by then. Woken up by agonising pain, and have to lie rigidly for minutes for it to subside.
Compared to some of the stories on here though, I've had nothing.

The worst pain I've ever seen is when assisting in lumbar punctures. It reduces the toughest men in the world to screaming and crying.
<spoiler=Probably not for the squeamish>
For those who don't know, a lumbar puncture involves taking a sample of Cerebro Spinal Fluid by sticking a needle into your lower spine. It's a bigger needle than the one used for epidurals, and you are only under local anaesthetic (which again, has to be inserted via a needle in your spine).


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Ingrown toenail, sharp edge right into the flesh. Oh, and no anesthesia. Hurt even worse after the operation, but then, 5 minutes later, no pain. None at all. Just one moment, intense burning sharp pain, then the next, nothing. All good.


New member
Aug 27, 2010
I've never experienced a pain I couldn't manage, but I did get a 2nd degree burns one summer. Almost 48hours on the dot after getting my wicked sun burn my back began to itch. The skin itself was completely numb so scratching did nothing. The itching was like an unbearable torture, I couldn't sleep, and I was shacking from the need to scratch. I was told to use aloe lotion to help the burn and stop the itch but all that did was increase the itching and make my skin that was numb feel like I was burning. I didn't sleep for 3 days, sometime on the third day I passed out. I woke up almost on the 5th day the the itching was far less extreme and the skin was no longer numb, scratching still didn't help but at least the shaking stopped.

After going through that I'm pretty sure I can last through being tortured for at least 3 days before spilling all my secrets.


New member
Jan 6, 2012
aegix drakan said:
I went out to eat ramen for the first time with friends.

Then, at 2 in the morning, I woke up with excruciating pain in my gut. Like, rolling around on the bathroom floor groaning in pain for two hours kind of pain. I almost tried to induce vomiting, that's how much it hurt. I almost wished that I would just fall unconscious or die just so that it would end. Most agonizing 2 hours of my life.

>_< It was so bad that I have never touched ramen again since then. Even though it's probably just the cooks who !@#$ed something up, I am so scared of a repeat event that I don't think I'll ever have ramen again.

...I'll just stick to the instant noodle variety instead. I know that kind won't try to kill me.
Hmm, that sounds familiar. I had the same thing happen to me, only it was just half an hour before the pain hit. I was twisting and bending and pulling on my arms and shoulders, anything I could think of to take my mind off how much it hurt. Ultimately all I could do was wait it out, was quite miserable for days after that. Must be something in the ramen that caused our bodies to reject it. :I


New member
Jul 25, 2011
Stepping on lego, migraines and those random cramps that REALLY hurt (really).

Yeah I guess I've gotten lucky so far

TheBobmus said:
The worst pain I've ever seen is when assisting in lumbar punctures. It reduces the toughest men in the world to screaming and crying.
<spoiler=Probably not for the squeamish>
For those who don't know, a lumbar puncture involves taking a sample of Cerebro Spinal Fluid by sticking a needle into your lower spine. It's a bigger needle than the one used for epidurals, and you are only under local anaesthetic (which again, has to be inserted via a needle in your spine).
That's odd cos I had to have lumbar punctures when I was 6 or 7 and I don't remember it being that bad. Unpleasant, and I'd be ill afterwards, but not excruciatingly painful.


New member
May 8, 2010
Torn ACL. Then a year later I had an injury that tore the cartilage from that same knee.

I also get cluster headaches, but those are more a long-term pain. For an intensity, though, the knee injuries.


New member
Apr 24, 2012
I got a strep infection in my kidneys in fifth grade. It felt like someone bashing my lower back with a sledgehammer over and over again. Had to spend two or three days in the hospital to get it all cleared out.

Bigggg BRIM77

New member
Nov 27, 2011
Blew out my knee in 10th grade. Wrestling 5 & 1/2 minutes with a broken hand at the state meet for wrestling. (Yes, I lost, but I didn't get pinned)

Also had an ingrown toenail on my big toe a few years ago that got super infected. Doctors had to numb it and stick q-tips covered in acid on the sides of my toe to kill off the infection. The nail never grew back quite right and it ended up infected again last spring. Rather than go to the doctor again, I got a small pair of pliers, a metal spike from my tool chest and a sock to bite down on while I did the "surgery" myself. I ended up pulling the entire nail so at least I don't have to worry about that getting infected anymore.

The other would be a pec tear. This picture isn't me, but the bruising on my arm was quite worse.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
Worst for me was a few years back when I had a badly impacted wisdom tooth. It was pinching on a nerve in my jaw, giving me near constant earaches for a month. But the worst part was the extraction. 2 and a half hours in the dentist's chair. It was so badly impacted it had to be drilled into three pieces to be removed. When I finally got out, my face was bruised from having my mouth forced open for that length of time, plus all the usual pain associated with dental surgery..


New member
May 15, 2011
Removal of my wisdom teeth, I wasn't put off to sleep, I had to experience the whole removal of those four useless teeth with little anesthesia and worse of all, I had them taken out before they had a chance to begin getting out on their own.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
I'm constantly in pain. I had an accident two and a half years ago in which I did something to my knee. Doc's don't know what it is, Pain killers don't work and the general consensus is to shut up and get on with it!


Feb 9, 2010
Managed to sever the tendons in my left hand while drunk one night.Didn't really feel anything at the time but fuck me it hurt the next morning when I sobered up


Positively Neutral!
Feb 18, 2011

Feels like... someone taking a serrated tree saw to the crease between your thigh and pelvis, every single time you try to move.




The soreness after the surgery doesn't even compare.


New member
May 13, 2010
My dentist was giving me the.. I forgot the name, the shot that numbs pain, needle of painkillers, whatever. But as she was giving me the shot she sneezed, breaking the needle in half and ripping up my mouth and tongue.. Ow. D:


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Broke my foot, 4th and 5th metatarsals.

A several hundred pound (our later estimate put it at at LEAST 350 pound) slab of concrete landed directly on my foot from about 10 feet up. Broke the slab in half, hehe. Standard immense pain, though my upper body ended up going pretty much numb within 10 minutes.

I suppose I lucked out, because the slab fell after jumping up and grabbing the top of the wall, and if I hadn't had lightning reflexes and kicked off of the wall, that slab would have landed right on my head.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
I got kicked in the face while sparring at my kung-fu class which broke my nose.Wasn't actually that bad after wards but the instant it happened the pain literally floored me.On the bright side when people hit my nose now it doesn't hurt half as much.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
Third degree acid burns over 23% of my body. That was absolutely no fun at all, and no medical insurance meant I had to deal with it using only my buddy's army medical training. And alcohol. Lots of that. It was almost six months ago and my arms and chest have still not fully healed.