Biggest pain you've ever felt?


New member
May 6, 2009
I've got no idea what caused it, but I was once in such pain that I couldn't physically move. In fact, it started whilst I was stood up, so I ended up falling over in the bathroom and knocking myself out on the tiles because I couldn't even move to catch myself.

A couple of hours later it stopped, and no one knows why. How marvelous.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
Bloodtrozorx said:
A burst eardrum. A line blew near my head and the noise was so intense it burst. I laid on the ground for a good ten minutes holding my head. Balance gone, double vision. Never again.
Damn, I've had that come close to happening from firing high-caliber weapons without ear protection, it's no fun at all :( How do they treat that?


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Well, I think I have to go with kidney stone. I woke up at 6am with what I thought was a cramp in my back. It hurt so much I couldn't get out of bed. I tried straighten out on my back to make it feel better cause that usually helps when I get back pains. It just kept hurting like hell. I was unable to breathe, it hurt so much I wanted to throw up, but then again it hurt so much I couldn't. It came and went in waves of pain. I only had a small kidney stone, I am really grateful I didn't have a big one.


New member
Mar 3, 2012
I accidentally deleted my pr0n folder a few years ago..

The restoration process is still ongoing, slowly and sticky.


New member
Feb 23, 2012
Sean Hollyman said:
So what's the worst, most excrutiating, painful pain you've ever felt?

I had an ingrown toenail once, mega ouch :(
Just the past few days actually I had to cope with an ingrown toenail. Those were dark days, the slightest tap was excruciatingly painful. And my method of treating it even more so...


New member
Jul 20, 2009
OK heres mine, gonna spoiler for those squeamish

Having six teeth removed when I you're around 12 years old isn't the most pleasant experience, especially when it turns out they have to cut the side of you're mouth open as the last tooth broke apart when being removed and can become infected if allowed to stay, worst part was that the anaestethic started to wear off just before then

Also being hit over the head with a bat when I was 8 by another kid, leaving a scar is up there as well.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Well, I had my tonsils removed along with some puss that had formed in the back of my throat, and I coughed at few times.

I thought I was going to die.

And there was the time I had cotton removed from my nose after another surgery (I had about a half of my nose blocked inside). I don't cry in pain, but when I felt a 30cm long (almost a foot-long) of that weird hospital cotton ripped out of my nose, my eyes acted on reflex and shed a LOT of tears. The guy who had his nose cleaned after me also came back crying and laughing at us, both grown men, crying after a minor procedure.

Oh, and I still feel pain after shoulder surgery. September, October, November, December... and until May, still counting. It was worst right after surgery, before I started taking strong painkillers, and during the time I was off the painkillers but had to wait few hours before taking another pill. Though, the pain I felt when I ripped a part of my tendon off my shoulder bone was probably worse...



New member
Apr 5, 2010
Was shot in my arm during a hunting trip when I was 16. That was intense but didn't really hurt right there and then but it was so gruesome looking that I passed out.

Had a nail go right through my foot

Broke my ankle but the cast hurt more than anything.

And getting hit in the forehead by a baseball bat.


New member
Jan 23, 2012
Vryyk said:
Bloodtrozorx said:
A burst eardrum. A line blew near my head and the noise was so intense it burst. I laid on the ground for a good ten minutes holding my head. Balance gone, double vision. Never again.
Damn, I've had that come close to happening from firing high-caliber weapons without ear protection, it's no fun at all :( How do they treat that?
I got pain pills and weekly check ups for signs of infection. They told me if it had been worse there was the option for surgical repair. I can't speak for yours though, the largest caliber I've fired is .270 Winchester.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
When i fell on my ass from 2,5 meters up. The fall made my bottom 3 vertibrea slam into eachother. The following 2 weeks sucked so bad.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Okay well, as I'm sure many of you know, men have a pair of these things known as 'testicles'. These are connected to the body by a pair of cords (I forgot the medical term). In a perfect storm of nasty circumstances, often brought about by an odd sleeping position or shifting about in awkward ways while asleep (lying face down, moving legs around, etc.), these two cords can tie themselves into a knot.

Think of a mixture of the worst food poisoning you've ever had mixed with the sensation that your balls are inflating like balloons and being ripped off. Had to have surgery to have the 'knot' undone.


Elite Member
May 23, 2010
My friend and I were playing lightning at a birthday party. He shot and missed so I kicked his ball across the court, he retaliated by pushing me into a wall. I broke my wrist. Worst pain I've ever had. We were snowed in too (Stupid Northern Minnesota) so I wasn't able to see a doctor almost two whole days later.


Elite Member
May 23, 2010
DugMachine said:
Was shot in my arm during a hunting trip when I was 16. That was intense but didn't really hurt right there and then but it was so gruesome looking that I passed out.

Had a nail go right through my foot

Broke my ankle but the cast hurt more than anything.

And getting hit in the forehead by a baseball bat.
DugMachine said:
Was shot in my arm during a hunting trip when I was 16. That was intense but didn't really hurt right there and then but it was so gruesome looking that I passed out.

Had a nail go right through my foot

Broke my ankle but the cast hurt more than anything.

And getting hit in the forehead by a baseball bat.
Damn. What's the story behind the baseball bat?


New member
Mar 10, 2010
I used to have migraines and have cracked my wrist, but the most powerful pain I have ever had was when I was quite young, around 10 I think. My family and I were at the beach, and I got stung by a blue-bottle in the water. I screamed so loud my parents a good 50 meters up the relatively crowded beach heard me loud and clear. I was given a chocolate, a peppermint crisp, but I could only eat the thing about 30 minutes after I was out the water. The ***** had wrapped those blue tentacles all the way around my leg (twice), under my knee and some of it on the under-side of my thigh. There was a piece that got stuck on my toe, but by the time I stopped screaming from the pain in my leg I forgot it was there, I only noticed because I saw that there was another one of those awful burn-marks where the life-guard had peeled blue-death off my foot.

I fucking hate blue-bottles.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
DugMachine said:
Was shot in my arm during a hunting trip when I was 16. That was intense but didn't really hurt right there and then but it was so gruesome looking that I passed out.

Had a nail go right through my foot

Broke my ankle but the cast hurt more than anything.

And getting hit in the forehead by a baseball bat.
Damn. What's the story behind the baseball bat?
My cousin and I were playing catch with the dog and we wanted the ball to go really far, so we decided to hit it with the baseball bat. All was going well but at one point I was next to my cousin talking and he must not have heard me and he took another swing and boom, lights out. I woke up with gash on my forehead that bled like crazy.

I had one nasty headache for the rest of the day and for the rest of the week my head was just sore. Good thing it was a wood bad and not metal.


Monster Befriender
Nov 19, 2010
Fijiman said:
Foot cramps are a painful *****. Aside from that the only thing I can think of might be falling down the stairs and skinning most of my left shin, but that was forever ago so I don't remember it that well.
Not as bad as the other stuff, here, definetely, but I have to agree, those are debilitating for the short period they last, I need to stop everything i'm doing and writhe in pain for a while. Until it fixes itself after about 12 seconds.

The worst pain I can remember had me on Caolin and Morphine solution, which tasted great, by the way, like chalky aniseed.
It was faecal impaction, lack the pain of constipation, but your stomach is stretched by a solid mass of....faecal matter.
Very sore for a very long time.

EDIT: Speaking of pain, I've seen a lot of people talking about how they cry or don't cry in pain.

I murmur softly to myself. Creepy, right? But in the case of my faecal impaction, since the pain is a lengthy, crippling stomach cramp, I hunch over making noises I can only describe as like when you stretch.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
Bloodtrozorx said:
Vryyk said:
Bloodtrozorx said:
A burst eardrum. A line blew near my head and the noise was so intense it burst. I laid on the ground for a good ten minutes holding my head. Balance gone, double vision. Never again.
Damn, I've had that come close to happening from firing high-caliber weapons without ear protection, it's no fun at all :( How do they treat that?
I got pain pills and weekly check ups for signs of infection. They told me if it had been worse there was the option for surgical repair. I can't speak for yours though, the largest caliber I've fired is .270 Winchester.
My eardrum didn't actually burst, it just came close a couple times from repeatedly shooting a 7.62x54R in an enclosed space. I was partially deaf for about three days.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I sprained both my knees while skiing once when I was 14. I couldn't even stand, people had to carry me around before I was given some crutches, and I hopped on them (and had my knees bandaged) for 3 months after. They're still not the same, 9 years later.

I also get migraines on a regular basis when I'm stressed. Imagine having the pain of a million needles stuck into your brain every time you make even the smallest motion. I end up lying completely still in a dark room, not moving a muscle, trying to sleep to escape it, all while the pain's enough to make me cry. Migraines suck.

EDIT: Ooh, last spring I had an ear infection that rendered me deaf on my left ear for 3 weeks. The first week was hell, the pain was vile, and eventually my eardrum ruptured. Worst. Pain. Ever.