Biggest pain you've ever felt?


Mwee bwee bwee.
Feb 4, 2009
I haven't felt anything TOO painful, but my finger was sliced open by a rather large kitchen knife thanks to my brother. It didn't hurt as bad as one might think; all I had to do was run it under cold water until my mom took me to the hospital.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Well I have just found out I have 2 cysts the size of grapefruits inside of me along with another the size of a golf ball.

The doctor said 'How can you still walk around without fainting from the pain?'

I guess you get used to it over time...pretty scary. Although the pain has become worse recently ><


New member
Jan 8, 2009
One word... Toothache. I can promise you now that there is no pain worse than that. It often feels like you've been hit in the face with a sledgehammer.

However, there is one pain that's probably on par with it. Split eye. You know when your lips dry out in cold weather and crack and the skin splits? Well imagine that happening to one of the most sensitive organs in your body, your eyeball. Trust me, it REALLY hurts when your eyes dry out and there's nothing you can do about it. (One of the side effects of having laser surgery to correct my vision)

Imre Csete

Original Character, Do Not Steal
Jul 8, 2010
Infected 2nd degree burns on 12% of my body (from knees to ankles).

I was unable to walk without feeling like my feet were dipped into molten lava. It happened on a week long rowing trip, so it was fun.


New member
Jan 13, 2012
Well this one is rather specific and i will have to go into some rather detailed parts so if you're squeamish don't read further...

When i was about 15 i had an ingrown toenail that got removed 4 times, however every time it happened as my nail was growing back the wound hadn't healed, meaning its ingrown again. So i had one more operation to remove the nail AND the root so it wouldn't grow back. Which means removing the nail, and scraping the nail bed to stop it growing back. So i had this operation, and had to leave the bandage on for a week, as i'm sure you can deduce there would be a lot of blood, so the bandage was very thick and consisted of around 12 layers. So i went to the nurse at my local GP to have it removed, sadly i didn't know it was a trainee nurse. So anyway i went in and laid down while she started to undress it. As each layer went down until around the 6th it was getting stuck together, so she cut through it until it was about 2 layers left which was too stuck to move. Obviously i was "bricking it" and asked it to be soaked first. To which she got out a tiny sachet containing about 5 drops of water, she put that on and before she even took the empty sachet out her hand ripped it right off, a nail bed scraped to death and stuck with blood to a bandage....

Yeah that smarted a bit


New member
Jul 1, 2010
Ripping my front two teeth clean out when i was younger (child teeth thank god) caused by face planting a stone fireplace.... ouch oh and ripping muscles in your stomach isn't fun either you have to stay curled up in a ball or else it kills!

oh and standing on a lego brick


New member
Mar 7, 2011
Hmhmh... probably that time when I had an iron pin pulled out of my hand.

What happened was I broke my hand a month or so before. (I can recall the time between breaking it and it being healed) My right hand was fractured under the knuckle of my pinkie. But because I'm an asshat and wiggled around with my hand too much (trying to use it) it got worse so they had to put a pin in surgically to make sure it would heal properly.

When I went on a regular check-up at the hospital the doctor said "Ok, it's looking really good. We can pull it out now". So I thought he'd arrange another surgery or get me an anesthetic.

No. He grabbed some pliers and went to work. After normal pliers failed to keep hold of it (it was a bit wedged I guess, or w/e happens to pins in your body) so he got some special pliers that would grip it and pressure the thing out.

It felt like he put my hand in a big metal vice and just turned it shut slowly. Ow.

The weirdest pain I had though was when another doctor gave me some anesthetic in my mouth to treat an infection I got after removing all four of my wisdom teeth. When he stuck that needle in for a split-second I felt like every vein in my body was on fire. It was really bizar and painful. Only lasted for an instant though.


New member
May 20, 2009
My throat when i had mono. My esophagus was so swollen occasionally it would whistle when breathed. inhaling hurt, exhaling hurt, breathing was like someone stabbing my thoat. i could eat solid food, trying once resulted in me passing out from pain. I had to take morphine before i ate so i didn't feel much of anything. I could drink but not much, and congestion caused more problems.

I dunno if it the worst pain i ever felt but it the one i remember the most vividly. Also it might have been because it lasted the longest. it wasn't like you burn your hand and after a couple of hours the pain dulls, it was just pain all the time for two months. according to my doctor i had a bad case...

Dr Jones

Join the Bob Dylan Fangroup!
Jun 23, 2010
Wouldnt say it was pain, but I was once sick for a day where I literally couldn't do anything. It was a mix of vomiting all the time (I counted 13, 14) and having diarrea.. It was pretty bad on the toilet..

As for injuries, I guess (but I cant remember the pain, tbh) when I was young, and I got my foot mixed into a fastly running bicycle wheel carrying quite a bit of weight. That's a bit of skin that came off :C

James Crook

New member
Jul 15, 2011
Fucking hell, nothing I could ever come up with would be on par with the shit you all have been through, fellow Escapians.
I'll have to say circumcision. I'm not Jewish and it wasn't for anything religion-related either, but it was recommended by my doctor when I was a kid to avoid infections (I still can't wrap my head around it, just mind you). Normally, you think they'd do that when the child is something like 2, 3, 4 years old. But I was frickin' 7 years old, and was old enough to create, record and remember memories of the excruciating pain in the cocker it was everytime my bandages were removed.

My captcha is "last straw". I don't know if it's mocking me.


New member
Apr 2, 2012
Breaking bones hurts a lot. I once broke my arm, three fingers, two toes, and a rib all in one go (bike accident). I was also stabbed once, but that wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be, but it was my leg so I'm sure my stomach would have been worse.

But what beats all of that was when my eardrum ruptured. I woke up in the middle of the night with the most horrible pain I'd ever felt. There was a weird pus and blood coming out and the pain was so intense that I was thinking that something crawled in there and was biting my eardrum or something. That horrible. I also broke the footboard on my bed by kicking through it in my fit of pain. Fucking horrible.
May 29, 2011
When I was 8 I had some sort of infection in that caused excruciating pain evey time I breathed.

As a fellow breather I'm sure you can understand how this could get quite annoying after a while.

Missed 3 weeks of school at the hospital.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
Google the word "apadravya"

That or I had to have a testicle surgically descended because for some reason it was up in my abdomen... Certainly made it tough to walk for a few weeks...

Grey Day for Elcia

New member
Jan 15, 2012
I overdosed on my antidepressants, taking about... two months worth maybe in the space of 30 seconds. Oh boy. That hospital stay was fun.

Final First

New member
Feb 13, 2012
When I was a kid (I can't remember what age, somewhere around 10) I was running down a steep ditch while carrying wooden planks somewhere. I stepped into a small hole in the side of the ditch while running at full speed and tripped, thus rolling down the ditch and twisting my ankle and leg in general. The fact I was carrying wooden planks didn't help either.

Both my ankle and knee hurt tremendously for several weeks. To add to that I was also a stupid kid and, despite the great pain and the obvious twisted ankle and foot, thought that it was only a minor cramp.

Yeah, I thought that it was minor despite all that pain and my foot being twisted a the ankle.

I still get horrid pains in my knee ever since that.


Dib dib dib, dob dob dob.
May 25, 2009
When I was on vacation in Maine and I was about 7 or 8 years old, I tripped on top of a large rock in a lake, and it tore off the entirety of my big toe's nail. Then I had to get back on land and sadly there was sand instead of nice non mini rock grass and dirt.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
No memory of how much they hurt really. Just aknowledged that they hurt as individual incidents. I've broken nearly every bone in my right hand when it got crushed. That was a mess. My brother saved my hand that day, much love for him right there.

Dislocated my left arm on my birthday last year. Got assaulted on the way home by the local chav wankers. My mate took me to A&E... That hurt alot. Getting it back in, ohhh man was that painful.

My fracture clinic folder is like 4 inches thick. Had alot of accidents. Cant say for sure mate. Sorry :p