Biggest plot holes


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Aug 11, 2009
Azurian said:
Oh yeah I have one and it's been bugging the hell out of me when Loki touch Tony's chest with his staff in Avengers why didn't it work? Did his chest piece protect him somehow?
It needs to physically touch the persons flesh, touching metal isn't good enough.


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Feb 10, 2011
Zenn3k said:
How does Batman jump from "The Bat", land in the water safety, and swim to shore in the 5 seconds remaining until the nuke goes off?!

Either THAT somehow happened, or the final scene at the end of the TDKR was just an illusion in Alfred's head.

It has to be one of the other.
The autopilot was fixed. He exited the Bat before it had even flown over the water.


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Aug 11, 2009
Vigormortis said:
You show me an orc that can fire an arrow or throw a rock hundreds of feet into the air, accurately, and then you have a point.

Here's the thing: the eagles were a significant plot hole in both the films AND the novels.

Don't get me wrong. I thoroughly love the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien. They are among the few masters works of sword-and-sorcery fantasy.

Even so, they are not free of plot-holes and plot contrivances.
Except there are bows and crowsbows that can fire hundreds of feet into the air, not to mention with all of the pollution in Mordor from making all of those weapons, armour, and siege machines, the eagles wouldn't be able to fly very high, let alone the fact that the air is partially poisonous to them, there are also plenty of machines that could easily have take the eagles down like ballistas.


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Feb 25, 2008
Warachia said:
not to mention there's more than 9 flying mounts, and I'll bet you anything they outnumber the eagles.
But at the early points of the book, the Nazgul are on horse back, far away from their mounts.

Had the Eagles (and Gandalf) had any sense a sneak attack was completely possible, they come in from such a height at the end they could have attacked Mt Doom from above cloud height (Edit, Eagles of various species have been photographed above 15'000ft, that's higher than arrows, catapults or smog). Even if they were spotted by Mr Magic Eye himself, he can't touch them directly. By the time any kind of response could be directed they'd already be well on the way to the target and have a speed and height advantage.

Mt Doom itself doesn't even have any defences (beyond being Mt Doom in the middle of Mordor), so the only time they need to get inside firing range is also one the only places in whole of Mordor where it's safe to do so.

Getting back could be interesting...

Lovely Mixture

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Jul 12, 2011
Zenn3k said:
How does Batman jump from "The Bat", land in the water safety, and swim to shore in the 5 seconds remaining until the nuke goes off?!

Either THAT somehow happened, or the final scene at the end of the TDKR was just an illusion in Alfred's head.

It has to be one of the other.
He didn't have to remember? He had fixed the auto-pilot. It's possible he jumped out much earlier.

The film still has a bunch of problems. My two main ones

1. Why was it necessary for Bane to get Gordon's letter? Why did everyone just instantly believe that Gordon had written it?
2. How the fuck did Alfred find out that Bane had worked for the League of Shadows, an organization that has been undetected for centuries?

King Billi said:
OT: Why did Batman go out of his way to save the Joker in order to prove his point about not killing and then kill Harvey Dent anyway?
Well he didn't intend to kill Dent. But.....He did kind of use a shaky loophole with "not-saving" al Ghoul at the end of Betman Begins.

Relish in Chaos said:
But a plothole in The Sixth Sense that bothered me was how Bruce Willis? character somehow didn?t realize he was dead the entire time. I mean, seriously, he?s been dead for, what, a month? Two months? And he doesn?t think anything of the fact that no-one but a strange boy with psychological issues has spoken to him since then?

How would he even manage his life like that, if he was somehow just floating through day-to-day without ever having to converse with another human being? And, plus, how did he get to talk to this boy in the first place? He?s dead?he can?t just suddenly be assigned this patient, without any parental permission. Did the boy contact him first? Or did he just turn up, assume that he had some problems, and say, ?I?m going to help you?? Is this how he conducts all his meetings with his child patients? Doesn?t that sound a bit dodgy?
I agree, that's my main problem with the twist. We see him having sat in the living room with the boy's mother. Are we to believe they both just sat there staring at each other silently until the boy came in?

If the twist was he was dead AND aware of it the whole time, it would make more sense.


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Aug 11, 2009
fix-the-spade said:
Warachia said:
not to mention there's more than 9 flying mounts, and I'll bet you anything they outnumber the eagles.
But at the early points of the book, the Nazgul are on horse back, far away from their mounts.

Had the Eagles (and Gandalf) had any sense a sneak attack was completely possible, they come in from such a height at the end they could have attacked Mt Doom from above cloud height. Even if they were spotted by Mr Magic Eye himself, he can't touch them directly. By the time any kind of response could be directed they'd already be well on the way to the target and have a speed and height advantage.

Mt Doom itself doesn't even have any defences (beyond being Mt Doom in the middle of Mordor), so the only time they need to get inside firing range is also one the only places in whole of Mordor where it's safe to do so.

Getting back could be interesting...
But the Nazgul were only on horses to disguise themselves, and the Eagles were in an entirely different region from the shire, that's like asking why people in the US don't have a Brazilian Bird, that aside, if the Nazgul aren't on their mounts, then their mounts are guarding the mountain, as we can see in the movies, if you look at mount doom it almost always has more than 9 fellbeasts guarding the outside (minus the final battle in the final movie because I'm guessing they went to confront the eagles or couldn't fit in the mountain itself).

Incidentally, you can't keep flying higher, flying over mount doom is literally impossible because of up-drafts, and the poisonous air would be too thin to breathe, and Mordor isn't small, the eye would have spotted them from a LONG ways away, and had a plan to kill them the instant they entered, it's not like it's just a five minute flight to the mountain.


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Feb 26, 2012
I can't really reply to anyone specific, but about the Eagles in The Lord of the Rings...

Isn't pride something that would make you very very susceptible to the effects of The One Ring, and I think that it's mentioned at some point that the Eagles are some of the most proud creatures of Middle-Earth. So yeah, there's that, not to mention the Nazgul on their Fellbeasts, all of the motherfucking orcs, and of course the Eye itself.


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Feb 2, 2009
regalphantom said:
Zenn3k said:
How does Batman jump from "The Bat", land in the water safety, and swim to shore in the 5 seconds remaining until the nuke goes off?!

Either THAT somehow happened, or the final scene at the end of the TDKR was just an illusion in Alfred's head.

It has to be one of the other.
The autopilot was fixed. He exited the Bat before it had even flown over the water.
Except that they SHOW him sitting in it with 5 seconds remaining on the clock.


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Nov 29, 2010
Warachia said:
That aside, how exactly was Harry Potter allowed to come back in the Deathly Hallows? Everything I've seen on it says "just because".
It's not "just because" it's "because magic!"

Anyway, about the time turners, I'm pretty sure rowling just realized how world breaking they were, and when it appeared readers hadn't forgotten about them (after the 4th book) she wrote up some excuse to have all of them destroyed.


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Aug 9, 2009
SomeLameStuff said:
That's not really a plothole. If you take another look, Dumbledore doesn't learn of the existance of the Horcruxes until AFTER Chamber of Secrets, after Harry turns the diary Horcrux over to him.

The only one coming to mind right now is probably when Gordon sends every cop into the sewers in Rises. WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?!
Because there's a terrorist cell living beneath the city that they can't find without as many people down there as possible. I also wouldn't take it as them literally moving every single cop down there.

Besides, that's not a plot hole. Characters being very stupid? Perhaps. But not a plot hole.

King Billi said:
OT: Why did Batman go out of his way to save the Joker in order to prove his point about not killing and then kill Harvey Dent anyway?
Dent fell but Gordon's son would have had his head blown off. Dent wouldn't have necessarily died, the son would have.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Warachia said:
Except there are bows and crowsbows that can fire hundreds of feet into the air, not to mention with all of the pollution in Mordor from making all of those weapons, armour, and siege machines, the eagles wouldn't be able to fly very high, let alone the fact that the air is partially poisonous to them, there are also plenty of machines that could easily have take the eagles down like ballistas., not really. In most cases, even with todays best crossbows, the maximum effective "kill range" is roughly 40 yards, give or take.

Firing up into the air, that distance would be drastically shortened, due to gravity. So, if the eagles were to fly above three hundred feet, they'd be unreachable.

As for the pollution, that didn't stop the eagles from flying to the top of mount doom, even as it was erupting. So that point doesn't make much sense.

Ballistas, while providing the range needed, would be hard to move and aim quickly and accurately. Ballistas were used as siege weapons, not fast-acting anti-air weapons.

I'll explain more below:

TheJJBL said:
Not sure about the bows but they for the rocks they had catapults, hell for throwing rocks they had trolls.

I'm not sure how they are a plot hole exactly, could you explain?
Because, at worst, using the eagles to fly to Mount Doom presented the same amount of risk as sending in two small hobbits....on foot and by themselves....into Mordor.

At best, it could cut the travel time down to days, even hours, and circumvent almost the entire orc army.

The point is, if the council at Rivendell had wanted to take the best, least-likely-to-fail course of action, they would have sent their best people with the eagles. (though, that would have made for a much less dramatic, less compelling story, so...)

Again, it's a plot-hole that's been present since the first printing of the novels. It doesn't necessarily detract from the story, but it is still a curiosity. People can admit to plot-holes and contrivances in their favorite stories without losing their love of the material.

Even with realizing some of the failings in the plot, The Lord of the Rings trilogy remains one of my favorite stories.


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Sep 8, 2008
TizzytheTormentor said:
In Final Fantasy X
When Yuna sent Seymoar, why did Auron not get sent? Considering he is an unsent spirit, he should have gone as well.
I'm going to assume its that the Summoners must direct their energy towards the unsent, and must "know" that they are dead in the first place, Maester Kinoc and Auron are about during operation Mi'hen too and ain't sent then either, both of whom happen to be dead, but unbeknownst to the player at that point

Plot hole that pissed me off recently? Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, that things like a piece of swiss cheese. The chamber of secrets was built 1000 years ago, yet the entrance is in a girls bathroom on a modern tap, attached to a porcelain sink! They didn't even invent plumbing till 900 years later, and the Basilisk is fucking huge, yet roams around the castle through the pipes and then emerges from the wall, yet noone else EVER saw it. And it doesn't eat any of it's paralysed victims, fucking why? It's a Basilisk it's what they do, para and kill!

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
anthony87 said:
There was a plot-point that was scrapped before the release of the movie that involved Raptors somehow getting onto the boat and killing everyone. They removed the plot-point but didn't bother shooting new scenes on the crashed boat.
Now that makes sense! I wonder why they scrapped it? Not that it would've made the rest of the movie any less stupid though.


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Jun 24, 2009
Gizmo1990 said:
Dumbledore didn't teach Harry any powerful magic because he meant for Voldemort to kill Harry, thus destroying his last horcrux.

They didn't ride the eagles to Mordor because they would have been gangraped by Nazgul. Sauron's eye would have seen them coming miles away. The only way Sam and Frodo managed to destroy the ring anyway was because of the distraction provided by the armies of men.

HardkorSB said:
First, a tazer would not have worked on Bane as he was on painkillers.
Secondly, Batman got into a fist-fight with him because he was being arrogant. I thought that was pretty clear.
Lastly, that's not a plot-hole you're just supposed to use your imagination.

King Billi said:
OT: Why did Batman go out of his way to save the Joker in order to prove his point about not killing and then kill Harvey Dent anyway?
Because he had no choice but to kill Harvey. He wasn't just gonna let Gordon's son die right in front of his eyes. Also because Batman's arrogant and kind of crazy, he just really didn't want the Joker to be right.

TheKasp said:
Damn, I'm so sick of people not being able to figure this out. It's common sense.

If Sauron had seen them coming there would have been an entire army waiting for them at Mount Doom. Six eagles would get slaughtered.


Oct 4, 2011
I've seen many plot holes in my travels, both big and small, or tight and slick. Not to say I don't enjoy plot holes, though!