As long as we have people saying that story doesn't matter, or that "If you want a story, go read a book!" we'll never have good writing and story. The problem is that most devs don't care about story, or it's such an afterthought that it's drivel. Heck, her game, Far Cry 2 is a good example of a game with a horrid story. Games get made with a premise, to only get a half assed story shoved in with a set of rules, not the other way around.
Games over the past decade have become more involved in story telling, but we still have a long way to go. When you have the stories of Deus Ex or Half-Life as the pinnacle, well.... that's not good.
Gameplay is important, but it's not always the most important thing when it comes to game. TWD is a basic point and click, but I'd best almost every person played it for the story rather than loving the PAC genre.