Bioware are getting really lazy as of late. (Possible Mass Effect 2 spoilers)


New member
Feb 11, 2009
ME2 was I think a superior game to ME1, the action was better, the story was better, the characters were a little vague though (you get a geth companion and you get no reaction), BUT it WASNT an RPG it was a shooter.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
pizzapicante27 said:
ME2 was I think a superior game to ME1, the action was better, the story was better, the characters were a little vague though (you get a geth companion and you get no reaction), BUT it WASNT an RPG it was a shooter.
Mass Effect 1:
Freedom to shape your character.
Massive (and clunky) inventory with marginal weapon upgrades.
In-depth stat building
Fantastic story with great characters
Third-Person shooter gameplay
Was developed and critically acclaimed as an RPG.

Mass Effect 2:
Freedom to shape your character.
Streamlined inventory, but every weapon has a distinct purpose.
Streamlined stat building
Fantastic story with great characters
Third-Person shooter gameplay
Was developed and critically acclaimed as an RPG.

Hmmm...I fail to see where Mass Effect 2 sudden stopped being an RPG and became a shooter. For the record, I do not believe stats are what make RPG's.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
Psychosocial said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Yeah... I call bullshit on your post. There is no way you killed all the behemoths, explored all 120+ dungeons, completed every single quest (including Agatha's Song and Fort Constantine's, collected all bobbleheads and got to level 20 in 17 hours. You're a troll and no-one cares about your opinion.
As for mass effect 2, I could have finished the entire storyline in about 12 hours. I only got to 60 hours because I forced myself to mine everything (which I found was completely pointless) and did every crappy little sidequest there was (so you're saying the sidequest in which you had to give a fake ID to two random Asari women detained in the Citadel was "compelling" and "interesting?"). Or perhaps the side quest where you have to collect the front axel of a car for a Krogan Warlord Mechanic? (I'm not making this shit up).
I read that sentence and knew that you're the biggest shithead on this whole site. "hurr hurr u did something i suck 2 much 2 do, troll troll troll no one cares about you". It makes me almost as mad as your 'arguments' for not liking Mass Effect 2. It's nitpicking nearly on the same levels as Yahtzee, but just nearly.
There was absolutely no need to insult him. All that will do is cause people to report you and get you into trouble with the moderators.

On Topic: I never really any problems with Mass Effect 2. If I did find a problem I usually overlooked it because of how good the game is.