Bioware are getting really lazy as of late. (Possible Mass Effect 2 spoilers)


New member
Jun 26, 2009
So, I recently finished Mass Effect 2, and what a game it was.
The story was passable, and so were the characters. Unfortunately that was about all their is to enjoy.

Why the hell did they take out roaming the planets on the Mako? I know people bitched about it (I certainly wasn't one of them), but scanning was not a good alternative, it was boring and tedious and just lazy in my opinion. You scan a planet, find a mission and then can NEVER go back to it when you've completed it.

They took out the inventory system and micromanaging of mods and upgrades completely, gave you 3 shotguns (one of which only Grunt can use, 2 sniper rifles, 2 smg's, 2 pistols and 2 assault rifles ( 3 IF you bought the Collector's edition).

There were so many glitches I had during cutscenes and when I'd just be walking along and suddenly "oh look, I'm walking along the rooftop of the derelict reaper, wait shit... I can't get down" Oh, look I have to reload. Just poor work Bioware, just poor.

The gameplay was fairly enjoyable, apart from the bullshit they introduced with each power being tied to the exact same cooldown. Even the medpacks were tied to a cooldown, seriously... wtf!? I don't have to use psychic power to apply a medkit. How hard was it to keep the old biotic system where each power had it's own cooldown time? It worked, and for me was more realistic.

The spelling errors... oh my god... I remember once when I was talking to a slave on Illium they spelt slave as slake (yes slake) not once, not twice, but 3 times. The grammar and spelling in those little burst transmissions (and indeed the whole game including cutscenes) you'd get from the Illusive Man weren't much better either.

Sometimes in the subtitles they'd have these black blocks behind the words to cancel out the chance of characters behind them making the writing hard to see. Did we really need those Bioware? It's noticeable, it's lazy and you never needed them in the first game.

As for all the previous characters in the game, they were lazy with that too. You completed one crappy little mission for them all, and to top it all off the love interest from the first game i chose (Liara T'soni) barely said hi to me and is now a crazy cold hearted *****.

The biggest problem (that really pissed me off because I spent 2 playthroughs of the first game getting to level 60) was the fact that realistically apart from certain semi important story elements and characters there was no reason to play Mass Effect 2 with a previous savefile from the first. They still bumped me back to level 3, and completely altered all my powers. I had virually no biotic powers in the first and relied solely on my party for those options. I was the heavy hitter. In mass Effect 2 I find Shepherd's been "upgraded" and I can no longer use any of the skills I had besides charge.

And now the actual game...
The sidequests were shoddy as was exploration. I actually had to strain my brain in the first to complete some of the sidequests, but in ME2 they practically hold your hand and tell you where to go. The entire game literally consists of gaining party members and doing really crappy little sidequests (for money mostly). The scanning is pointless and the amount of experience you get for missions on other planets (125 exp) is bullshit. Why couldn't they keep it like the first game where you gained experience based on who you killed? No, instead they made the levelling story-based which really pissed me off.

It seems to me that the entire game was scrapped in favour of purely focusing on the last mission.
The whole game is just gaining crew members and building them up, until the "Suicide Mission" (which everybody came back alive from, so that was a lie) and then after all that screwing around, they stick you with possibly the most lame final boss ever. They build on this absolutely amazing, imaginative story throughout the game and then you get to the end and it's quite anticlimactic really.

Realistically the Boss (not saying what) is just pointless. How would making the Boss look completely different to a normal reaper change how it would be perceived? That boss technically would just have the same powers as a normal reaper.

Okay, so I've finished my rant and despite all the godawful flaws, I'm not disappointed I bought this game, just disappointed with alot of the decisions that Bioware made for it especially considering all the hype it got. It did better than the first game which really ticks me off as it was far superiour to 2 in nearly every way.

What say you, Escapists? Are Bioware getting lazy as of late (provide examples) or am I just nitpicking on little things?

Ph0t0n1c Ph34r

New member
Feb 25, 2009
I think hy are branching off.They have the new DA IP fo hardcore RPG's, as well as the old favorite BG 2 and Neverwinter Nights. Then they are using Mass Effect to appeal to a wider audience. I think they are just trying diffrent things.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
I liked Mass Effect 2. A lot. There really wasn't much I could find wrong with the game. In my eyes you are just nitpicking, but we all have our opinions.

Oh, and in response to your comment about the final boss,

It's just basically a reaper fetus, which explains why it's powers don't compare to Sovereign's


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Ph0t0n1c Ph34r said:
I think hy are branching off.They have the new DA IP fo hardcore RPG's, as well as the old favorite BG 2 and Neverwinter Nights. Then they are using Mass Effect to appeal to a wider audience. I think they are just trying diffrent things.
I'm all for trying new things, but when you replace something people didn't like (the vehicle driving bits)with something else that is even more boring and tedious like mining on planets and not being able to access other planets once you've finished whatever mission Cerberus gives well, I just think that's being lazy.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
T3h Merc said:
ME2 was a failed renaissance of gameplay elements. This is not new.
Thank you for providing absolutely no interesting discussion to my post whatsoever. I wasn't whingeing about them "dumbing" things down and completely changing the game (like other people)
My viewpoint (if you had bothered to read) was whether or not you think Bioware are just getting lazy of late, and just riding their success of an already successful IP).


New member
Dec 21, 2009
Your facts are wrong, first off: 3 sniper rifles no matter what, buddy.
2nd off: The inventory was a pain in the ass, so was the mako, the majority didn't like them, so unfortunatly(Or fortunatly, in this case.) you, the minority, have to deal with it.


New member
Jan 31, 2010
I agree with almost everything you've said! And you're about the first person I've found who has the same gripes about the game! SO many flaws with that game, but people are too fond of just being happily spoon-fed second-rate sequels; and there is a definite case of fanboy-ism regarding the ME series.

The reason I can't completely agree with you is that I didn't notice any spelling mistakes and the streamlined inventory was, imo, a pleasant change; thats all however.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
TheLastCylon said:
I liked Mass Effect 2. A lot. There really wasn't much I could find wrong with the game. In my eyes you are just nitpicking, but we all have our opinions.

Oh, and in response to your comment about the final boss,

It's just basically a reaper fetus, which explains why it's powers don't compare to Sovereign's
I understand that but it doesn't really explain the significance of why they were building what they built. The thing was massive. It would have made more sense for the final boss to be about the same size as Shepherd and possibly even look similar (or Identical?) Now that would have been GREAT Storytelling!.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Normalgamer said:
Your facts are wrong, first off: 3 sniper rifles no matter what, buddy.
2nd off: The inventory was a pain in the ass, so was the mako, the majority didn't like them, so unfortunatly(Or fortunatly, in this case.) you, the minority, have to deal with it.
I guess I just prefer my RPG's to be oh I don't know... more like actual Role playing games, rather than jst blasting everything in sight that moves. They removed the strategy and the elements that make you think.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Overkill195 said:
Well, you are start of with "Wow what a game Mass Effect 2 was!" then just shit on it with criticism ranging from the fact you can go inside stars (Hey, you didn't mention that! Better get editing!) and a stain on Shepard's shoe.

To your question, yes, you are nitpicking on little things.
If you had bothered to read further, you'd see I justified it by saying I was commenting on the Story and the characters when I made that statement. I then went on to talk about the game itself (not story elements).

T3h Merc

New member
Dec 24, 2008
Daedalus1942 said:
T3h Merc said:
ME2 was a failed renaissance of gameplay elements. This is not new.
Thank you for providing absolutely no interesting discussion to my post whatsoever. I wasn't whingeing about them "dumbing" things down and completely changing the game (like other people)
My viewpoint (if you had bothered to read) was whether or not you think Bioware are just getting lazy of late, and just riding their success of an already successful IP).
Sorry, I only skimmed your text and I gave a general answer. No I do not think Bioware are lazy by any means.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Overkill195 said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Normalgamer said:
Your facts are wrong, first off: 3 sniper rifles no matter what, buddy.
2nd off: The inventory was a pain in the ass, so was the mako, the majority didn't like them, so unfortunatly(Or fortunatly, in this case.) you, the minority, have to deal with it.
I guess I just prefer my RPG's to be oh I don't know... more like actual Role playing games, rather than jst blasting everything in sight that moves. They removed the strategy and the elements that make you think.
Daedalus1942 said:
Really? So you don't think in this game? You just mindlessly shoot and stuff dies? I suppose those choices in conversation trees don't count as thinking?
Not really, you had a choice between being nice (paragon) or being mean (renegade) or you could go in between on the grey edge. The only conversation that really made me think was in the Flotilla during Tali's trial. That was really it and choosing whether Morinth or Samara died.
Sep 13, 2009
Overkill195 said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Normalgamer said:
Your facts are wrong, first off: 3 sniper rifles no matter what, buddy.
2nd off: The inventory was a pain in the ass, so was the mako, the majority didn't like them, so unfortunatly(Or fortunatly, in this case.) you, the minority, have to deal with it.
I guess I just prefer my RPG's to be oh I don't know... more like actual Role playing games, rather than jst blasting everything in sight that moves. They removed the strategy and the elements that make you think.

Daedalus1942 said:
Really? So you don't think in this game? You just mindlessly shoot and stuff dies? I suppose those choices in conversation trees don't count as thinking?
Just to be a parasite and tack on to his remark: There is actually A LOT of strategy involved in combat on the higher difficulties. I'm on my insanity difficulty play through after I played on normal, and my god! Normal was a cake walk, just mowing down enemies right and left. Krogen posed no threat what so ever, but on insanity if you let up fire for one second they regenerate all their health. So, you have to think about 1: who you bring on missions 2: What weapons you equip them and yourself with and 3: How to use your (and your squad mates) abilities in combination with each other to take down large groups and tougher enemies.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
DeadlyYellow said:
Might I just be lazy and point you in the direction of Shamus's blog?
That line about all the Normandy crew teetering on the edge of treason in the last game made my day. Thank you, but I have to agree with everything that guy said.
Also, the line about him not knowing who the Illusive man was. It was interesting for me as I've read "Ascension" and it refers to him in that, but still It doesn't paint him as a noble man with ignoble methods.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Baron Von Evil Satan said:
Overkill195 said:
Daedalus1942 said:
Normalgamer said:
Your facts are wrong, first off: 3 sniper rifles no matter what, buddy.
2nd off: The inventory was a pain in the ass, so was the mako, the majority didn't like them, so unfortunatly(Or fortunatly, in this case.) you, the minority, have to deal with it.
I guess I just prefer my RPG's to be oh I don't know... more like actual Role playing games, rather than jst blasting everything in sight that moves. They removed the strategy and the elements that make you think.

Daedalus1942 said:
Really? So you don't think in this game? You just mindlessly shoot and stuff dies? I suppose those choices in conversation trees don't count as thinking?
Just to be a parasite and tack on to his remark: There is actually A LOT of strategy involved in combat on the higher difficulties. I'm on my insanity difficulty play through after I played on normal, and my god! Normal was a cake walk, just mowing down enemies right and left. Krogen posed no threat what so ever, but on insanity if you let up fire for one second they regenerate all their health. So, you have to think about 1: who you bring on missions 2: What weapons you equip them and yourself with and 3: How to use your (and your squad mates) abilities in combination with each other to take down large groups and tougher enemies.
Well, I will admit that due to me not knowing what to expect (as they pretty much threw all of mass effect out for this game) I played normal. I plan to go back and play Insanity mode in a few months, so maybe it will change the experience for me. But in the first one, It was fairly difficult even on normal and I had to use alot of strategy to survive.