BioWare Asks Gamers if They Want a Mass Effect Prequel


New member
Jul 8, 2009
No. If Bioware seeks to have my money again and my interest they need to go back to the basics and figure out where shit went wrong with their approach to RPG design. I lost interest after ME2 and am not in any sort of rush to play 3 so - - -*pbbbttthhhtt

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
i don't see why they should make it a prequel.

set it after the trilogy, that would be better for the story, since it wouldn't be constrained by having to end a certain way


New member
Aug 30, 2011

Silly Hudson. There's no way you're pulling that shit again, especially not with a prequel. How the hell are my choices meant to matter if we already established what the result will be? It's like the trilogy already, except you already know you're going to get shafted at the end. I call fail.

(This is of course if you can even convince dissidents from ME3 that the series is even worth their time).


New member
Mar 16, 2008
D Moness said:
Screamarie said:
Maybe, MAYBE a prequel of the First Contact War with a compelling male/female choice might work...
I would prefer "The morning war", i understand we all know how that war ends. It still would be a nice idea(also can make a game with 2 campaigns then for both the Geth and the Quarian(also since it will be played on Rannoch we can see them without their biosuits)).

We also have the Rachni Wars that can be explored. In my opinion making games that takes place after mass effect 3 will be many many years later or they just retcon some peoples ending.
For example in my ending there are no Quarians (they more or less mass suicide against the geth) due to the fact i picked destroy in the end(can not have the reapers stay) I also have no Geth anymore. Funny though i set out to try and save them both and end the war I end up destroying them both.

As for buying I would be kidding myself if i said it wouldn't be a pre-order for me >.<
Well I think you could do a double campaign with the First Contact War as well. Play the side of a human, deciding if you're going to roleplay as a character who is for contact or as a character who shouts "those aliens took our jobs! (insert South Park redneck accent)". Then playing the side of a Turian or the like who can decide whether he or she should want the humans crushed or accepted.

But, like we've both said, whatever it is, once they announce it I'll probably just drool and throw money.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
I'm with those that say it almost has to be a prequel due to the very different circumstances of the possible endings. They'd likely have to retcon the storyline and pick a canonised version of Shepard's adventures. Because playing in a galaxy after one ending would leave everyone in a unified galactic utopia while another would leave them having to rebuild technology.

I'd say the next one should take place in the First Contact War, if not simply taking place before Shepard's rise and appointment to the Spectres. Just make up a new secret agent fighting against a more toned-down threat (since you obviously can't get much bigger than galactic extinction) with some sort of conspiracy behind it or something.


New member
Feb 4, 2011
Set it after. For the same reason I have no interest in watching Paragon Lost(unless I hear that it is exceptionally good) I know what happens and as endearing as James' interactions made him I have no desire to watch him
lose his entire squad over some info that ultimately useless thanks to Shepard

Alternatively, You play as a young human or quarian or turian or asari, who through a series of events ends up owing the turian captain of a freighter your life. So you go work for him and his motley rag-tag crew, including a spacer human who hates mud, dirt precipitation and generally anything to do with gravity and being planet-side. A Krogan mercenary who just wants his pay check, a quirky plant-loving quarian pilgrim, a plucky asari pilot, some other dude who is painfully shy and I haven't thought through yet, oh and a volus accountant (again haven't thought it through).
Together you all traverse the galaxy doing odd jobs, say for specters, or Aria or the Blue Suns etc. Early on you hear about the first human Spectre, crew bitches and cheers and the final final decision of the game is: do you join the fight against the reapers or do you run and try to survive, one ship lost in the stars of the galaxy?

Or set it after 3, pick the control ending, Shep used the reapers to fix everything watched the crew move on and then went "Right since the ones who remain are alright. Your on your own y'all. I'm taken the reapers to the heart of the super massive black hole of the Andromeda galaxy, Peace out!"
That way there is no real change to the universe we know, characters can refer to the invasion and all, memorials and lost family, rebuilding lives etc but it will feel like the ME universe
Mar 20, 2010
I think only thing that would redeem both Bioware and Mass Effect is to do a bit smaller (as in not "SAVE THE UNIVERSE FROM THINGS")Story, separate from Shepard's journey. It could be before or after the trilogy. Just leave Shepard out of it. Mass Effect doesn't have to be only about Shepard.

Much like the guy above me says.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
I would either like a game set before and/or during the time humans start activating the Mass Relays, with races besides humans being playable, or after 3 by a few hundred years, with one of the endings being the definitive one.

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
Nimzabaat said:
I would love to see another company make a Mass Effect prequel. My vote is for Obsidian :)
They are doing their own thing with Project Eternity.

My vote would be to let the series lie fallow for a few more years and let that nasty taste that was the ending fade before starting a new ME project.


New member
Feb 1, 2010
Ed130 said:
Nimzabaat said:
I would love to see another company make a Mass Effect prequel. My vote is for Obsidian :)
They are doing their own thing with Project Eternity.

My vote would be to let the series lie fallow for a few more years and let that nasty taste that was the ending fade before starting a new ME project.
Ah yes, I can't wait for Project Eternity. My actual point was that I would enjoy a Mass Effect game made by somebody other than Bioware :) I'm pretty sure that Obsidian would let you play as a Turian, or Krogan, or Asari, or *gasp* Elcor!!!

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
Nimzabaat said:
Ed130 said:
Nimzabaat said:
I would love to see another company make a Mass Effect prequel. My vote is for Obsidian :)
They are doing their own thing with Project Eternity.

My vote would be to let the series lie fallow for a few more years and let that nasty taste that was the ending fade before starting a new ME project.
Ah yes, I can't wait for Project Eternity. My actual point was that I would enjoy a Mass Effect game made by somebody other than Bioware :) I'm pretty sure that Obsidian would let you play as a Turian, or Krogan, or Asari, or *gasp* Elcor!!!
Aren't Elcor infantry basically walking artillery platforms?

I would like to ammend my previous post, to include:

Not being made by Bioware.

Being made with next gen graphics and hardware so we can get Elcor infantry included (as well as a holstering animation).


Dec 24, 2011
I don't know if anyone's noticed but prequels have a bad habit of sucking. And it's not a coincidence, they have a number of inherent limitations that stunt creativity. I'm not saying it COULDN'T work, but I'd rather Bioware just not try to go down that path.

Bioware should challenge themselves with making a sequel, despite all those crazy endings. It would give us more opportunities to see the fruits of our labour in the first 3 games and they could expand the story so much more. An intergalactic war? Or perhaps the "Chaos" that the Catalyst predicted would return if the reapers were stopped?

One way or another it has to avoid dealing too much with the ME3 endings and the Krogan, Quarian, and Geth will all have to be kept in the background since we don't even know if they're alive or not. Having the story involve any of these would make it way too complicated for the writers.

Frostbyte666 said:
Hmm the only decent prequel I can think of for the franchise would be the first contact war and hey that way EA can have their tacked on multiplayer of humans vs turians (was it a good idea writing that?).
Sorry but the first contact war wouldn't make for a very compelling story. It was just a brief scuffle that only occurred due to a misunderstanding between Humans and Turians. Neither species knew what they were even fighting for and there was no victor in the end.
Besides, who would want to fight against a race that we know are good and will become our future allies?

Mycroft Holmes

New member
Sep 26, 2011
Sequel. Make the reaper ending decision automatically the Destroy option. Immediately ignore everything about the star child and make it like it never happened. The Geth were cool but they aren't worth having Deus Effect or Reaper space police. Also you could always have Tali rebuild them out of reverence or something.

Either plunge the galaxy back into war as the Leviathans attempt to conquer the now weakened Turians/Asari/Salarians/Humans. Or completely ignore them and have something less epic but equally gripping.

Personally I always thought it would be fun to have a less structured Mass Effect game in the vein of Sid Meiers Pirates! or Mount and Blade. Like you recruit NPCs both named and generic nameless ones and then travel around the galaxy doing whatever you want. Sort of like a cross between Faster Than Light, Mass Effect and Mount and Blade.

Board ships in dynamic battles where you can decide what happens: do you go straight to their bridge kill the captain and demand the rest surrender? Do you disable their power and then fight guerrilla style whittling down their forces? Do you blow holes in it and let those who can't find space suits suffocate? Trade goods between colonies, sign up with a fleet and fight against pirates and raiders, become one yourself and prey on merchant ships, become a mercenary capturing or killing specific people for money. Set up a small base on an asteroid or backwater planet to avoid notice, or become a warlord trying to conquer the sector with large bases. Captain a dreadnaught with hundreds of soldiers or a small Corvette with a dozen crewmen who rely on surgical boarding strikes to get the job done.

Probably would never happen for an AAA game though. For some reason larger developers aren't interested open games like that which is sad because the ME3 engine is pretty much finished, and without a heavy amount of dialogue writing, voice acting and cut scenery they could probably crank out such a game in a year easily.


New member
Apr 20, 2010
Mass Effect: Chronicles

A game where you explore what your various squadmates did before ME2 and during ME3

For example, you could have a 3-4 hour campaign following Garrus and his band of vigilantes doing hit-and-run ops on Omega, finishing with the betrayal and being pinned down in the building where Shep finds him.

A series of stealth missions involving Thane or Kasumi where you either have to hunt a target to assasinate or work your way towards an item to steal.

A series of missions involving Zaeed and his reckless suicide missions where he emerges the only survivor, he is equipped with Jessie who cannot be unequipped, and if your Shepard didn't help him kill Vido in ME2, an additional bonus mission where you attack Vido's new hideout with the Reapers interrupting the battle halfway through.

Hell, you could have a section based on almost anything Jack did before ME2

There's a lot of potential, I think I'd definitley like to see something set during ME3 at least, so we can see different sides of the conflict. After a galaxy-ending threat like the Reapers I don't know if there's much that can really live up to it.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
(Not I only read the first page so sorry if someone already had this idea)

For a prequel, an RTS game that starts towards the beginning of the Rachni Wars. You play a campaign as first the Asari, then Turian, Rachni, Salarians and finishing with the Krogans. Leading into a 2nd game with the Krogan Rebellion. Yes we know the gist of the war, discover the Rachni, get into war with Rachni, bring up the Krogan to kill the Rachni but think of all the little battles that happened during the time that could be explained and developed. Choices wouldn't matter but it's an RTS with good Voice Acting not choices.

Also, how about a sequel where you import your ME3 Shep data into the game and it spits out what galaxy life is like 500 years after ME3. So if the Geth survive, they're there. If you control the Reapers, there are Reapers around and Shep is in the Citadel. But have the game so you go to different places such as the Turian homeworld, not just a moon of it or a different area of the Asari world. See how the Quarians are if they are back home.

Camaranth said:
Or set it after 3, pick the control ending, Shep used the reapers to fix everything watched the crew move on and then went "Right since the ones who remain are alright. Your on your own y'all. I'm taken the reapers to the heart of the super massive black hole of the Andromeda galaxy, Peace out!"
That way there is no real change to the universe we know, characters can refer to the invasion and all, memorials and lost family, rebuilding lives etc but it will feel like the ME universe
Issue with that is people did choices such as cured the genophage. How can you have a game with the control ending if there's no genophage when your Shep didn't cure it?