BioWare Asks Gamers if They Want a Mass Effect Prequel


New member
Jun 1, 2009
Honestly? I'd just like if they started a new series instead of forever churning out Mass Effect games that each become less interesting and good. I'm a fan of series' that finish and stay finished.


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
Whether it be a prequel, interquel, or sequel there's problems Bioware will have to get around, to wit:

Prequel: The history of the Mass Effect universe is already pretty well established, so anybody that's played the first trilogy is going have at least general idea what's going to happen (this is one of the reasons the prequel trilogy of Star Wars was terrible). Also, and more importantly, in a series that emphasizes choice, having an already decided history will GREATLY limit those choices, unless Bioware is smart and just says "screw it" and makes several noncanon paths in addition to the canon one.

Interquel: Same problem as the prequel, but choices would be even more restrictive. However, this might actually be a good idea, since an interquel would be able possibly create another set of alternate endings to the original series that the future sequels could then run off of, (in short, a retcon trilogy) solving the ME3 endings issue. The could even go the parallel universe route for their sequels so that the original trilogy doesn't end up being pointless.

Sequel: The problem here is either things must take place a long time into the future so that the events of the original trilogy will have been forgotten or at least don't really affect things, or a canon choice for the ME3 ending will have to be chosen, either will probably piss fans off. The other problem is that they will have to create something EVEN WORSE than the Reapers as the bad guys, (and the Reapers as threats set the bar massively high) that antagonists make must escalate with each sequel, otherwise the audience won't take the threat all that seriously. In other words, if the Reapers are beaten, if this new evil is weaker or the same then what chance does it have?

Regardless, Bioware will have to do a LOT of work to continue the francise from this point on, it won't be easy for them. I'm personally in support of any of them, but I think the interquel retcon idea that I mentioned is probably the best idea


New member
Sep 4, 2009
I want a sequel, just to see how they'll make it work.

Also I want Casey Hudson to be kept far, far away from it. I know its being developed by a new team but I cant remember if Casey was still working on it.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
Kipiru said:
SilverBullets000 said:
Just because you claim to lose intrest in a franchise doesn't mean you won't keep an eye on it
That is exactly what it means, otherwise you still show intrest by reading such news. One either backs out and doesn't bother anymore or he does and he keeps commenting in the hope that his oppinion matters to someone. Simple as that, if you don't care- you don't get to have an oppinion, and as soon as the "I'm through with this franchise" idiots get it, the better.
I disagree with the bolded line more than anything else, but I do understand your reasoning despite having a hard time articulating a response. In a way, that's like saying that old fans of, say, Spongebob have no right to complain about why the new episodes suck because they simply don't care about him anymore. They only stopped watching because it got so bad in the first place.

You are correct in a way, if someone has grown to be completely apathetic toward a series then they won't come back around and complain about it. That is assuming that they are completely apathetic toward it and it doesn't hold some sort of sentimental value for that person anymore.
Enjoying just a small part of that experiance makes it hard to be completely apathetic toward something. For a lot of people, the earlier games of the series was where it peaked, and they'd like to see more of those. The parts they don't care for are the ones that have deviated away from what they enjoyed, be it gameplay or storywise. For them, it can be a matter of personal preference, and they could still hold the hope that it will become better again while retaining a "I don't really care," attitude to keep the dissapointment of them not doing so at bay.
Or it simply could be that they saw the potential and still do, just was dissapointed the first time around.
Or they could just want to ***** about it, as you said earlier.

lord's voken

New member
Oct 9, 2011
seems like a prequel has more potential. first contact war, morning war, ranchi wars, korgan rebellion, and heck even do a game about the fall of the prothys. use it a chance to flesh the world out a bit


New member
Feb 5, 2008
Like how far back are we speaking here? I think they should go back a handful or so cycles. See how creative they can be.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
No. Just let it go, Bioware. It can't be salvaged.
You done goofed with ME3, and we already endured months of insipid rage and desperate rationalization.

Don't add to it.


New member
Feb 10, 2011
I would rather see a sequel than a prequel. A sequel would have had the Human Revolution problem, where a game series built on choices is forced to conform with the pre-determined storyline. If there is a prequel, it should be in an 'alternative universe/reboot' style so that it isn't handicapped by the past games.


New member
Apr 2, 2012
I think a prequel in the previous cycle would work pretty nice. Having it during the heyday of the Prothean empire. It doesn't necessarily have to touch down on the reapers at all.
Sep 3, 2011
i would like to be play as one of the other spiecies, see a new story mass effect 3 let me down but i think that a new mass effect has hope that does not mean im hopful im not but i do want a mass effect 4 i love the games and i want them to do well

i would like to see the mass effects after the end of the war with the reapers i also liked all the merc bands in mass effect 2, i want those back


Hmm.. what's this button do?
Nov 2, 2009
TsunamiWombat said:
Garrus. Garrus Garrus Garrus Garrus. Make the game star Garrus.
I was about to say something new but I second this notion. Garrus is cool enough to deserve his own game.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
How about reboot mass effect as a borderlands/rage hybrid with some ME2/3 combat elements, then add in more polished vehicles(with vehicle upgrades) stuff and quick path planet mining/data,ect setup so you can quickly scan it or go down and rock crawl or hover!


New member
Jul 10, 2012
I don't know, Mass Effect 3 derped iy hard IMO, so I don't know if I'd want another game in the series. However, EA inevitably will make another one for da moneyzz so in that case I'd want a prequel or a very, very late sequel. Like the Old Republic is to Star Wars except in reverse. (Making the game thousands of years in the future)
Apr 5, 2008
I guess after. If only to see "what happened next". But dammit, don't make it a generic shooter with forced Origin and online passes. Make a good BIOWARE game, like pre-EA BioWare. Give us a choice of races. Give us a different experience and story if we play as good or evil. The ability to buy and upgrade ships, or at least *a* ship. Romances. And for heaven's sake, learn from the ending fiasco and do it right this time.

That is a game an ex-BW fanboy would like.

If it had to be a prequel, it should beset in between the Human/Turian conflict and ME1 and unrelated to Reapers.

But after is better as there can be cameos. I can see what happened to the queen I let live on Noveria, what happened to the Krogan population with the genophage cured, etc. I would love it if it weren't set against a military backdrop, ie. Alliance, SPECTERs, etc. Maybe the player can be a smuggler, citizen, criminal, etc. Or DAO style, a choice of starting jobs. Oh my, I'm getting too excited, please excuse me.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
I'd be happy if they let the Mass Effect universe lay low for a long while. The sheer scope of the trilogy set the bar too high in my opinion.

The Galaxy is in danger of being wiped out, problem solved. Move onto another Galaxy? Save the Universe? They're backing themselves into a corner.


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
Is anyone in the US reminded of the time after 9/11 when the government asked the citizens how to prevent further terrorist attacks with what EA/Bioware is trying to do here?

Does it sound just as stupid? Or is it just me? *shrugs*

Anywho, EA desperately needs to follow Bill Hicks' advice, especially as it concerns the ME series:



New member
Jan 2, 2012
The thing is, Bioware has kinda shot themselves in the foot with this already; if they did a prequel they are constrained with the established canon, and because Shepard's beginning is not fixed (if s/he is involved in this game, i personally hope not).

If they did something like well and truly before humans came into it, i could see it, doing things like the Krogan rebellion, the Morning War and the Rachni wars might work, and somehow tying the Asari into it (they didn't have much to do with these events, but bringing them in on a tangent might work)

If they did a sequel, i think it'd go wrong because they'd have to decide on an official ending (otherwise the story could vastly change depending on Shepard's choice), and they'd have to set it far in the future, post Shepard, but still bringing his/her choice into the story.