BioWare Asks Gamers if They Want a Mass Effect Prequel


Until I get thrown out.
May 16, 2011
Prequel, but only in name only. No characters in common and just the species. Who knows? we ca maybe play as another species for once.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
canadamus_prime said:
lacktheknack said:
canadamus_prime said:
Kipiru said:
canadamus_prime said:
My answer? No. I kind of lost interest in the series after the second game.
"No" to what? If you're saying No to another game in the series, then please go hide in a hole and stop bothering us. If not- then clarify.
Thank you for so kindly accepting my opinion.
/angry sarcasm
Your first post basically implied "I don't care, so therefore, I don't want it to have another installment".

Surely you can see why that's a silly opinion that annoys people.
I don't care what people think I implied. That's no excuse for disrespecting my opinion. Esp. from a community that always brags about doing otherwise.
So you just throw words around and don't care if they get your message across!? And you want people to respect that? Also, if you took time off from sulking, you will see that I asked you to clarify yourself.

The Lunatic

Jun 3, 2010
I don't trust Bioware not to screw up the ending of a prequel, to be honest.

They'll probably retcon half the events that happened in the original series.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Kipiru said:
canadamus_prime said:
lacktheknack said:
canadamus_prime said:
Kipiru said:
canadamus_prime said:
My answer? No. I kind of lost interest in the series after the second game.
"No" to what? If you're saying No to another game in the series, then please go hide in a hole and stop bothering us. If not- then clarify.
Thank you for so kindly accepting my opinion.
/angry sarcasm
Your first post basically implied "I don't care, so therefore, I don't want it to have another installment".

Surely you can see why that's a silly opinion that annoys people.
I don't care what people think I implied. That's no excuse for disrespecting my opinion. Esp. from a community that always brags about doing otherwise.
So you just throw words around and don't care if they get your message across!? And you want people to respect that? Also, if you took time off from sulking, you will see that I asked you to clarify yourself.
Well what I really wanted to say instead of "disrespecting my opinion" might have inured mod wrath and I wasn't about to risk it. Whatever you thought I meant did not justify telling me to go hide in a hole!


New member
Feb 1, 2010
Ed130 said:
Nimzabaat said:
Ed130 said:
Nimzabaat said:
I would love to see another company make a Mass Effect prequel. My vote is for Obsidian :)
They are doing their own thing with Project Eternity.

My vote would be to let the series lie fallow for a few more years and let that nasty taste that was the ending fade before starting a new ME project.
Ah yes, I can't wait for Project Eternity. My actual point was that I would enjoy a Mass Effect game made by somebody other than Bioware :) I'm pretty sure that Obsidian would let you play as a Turian, or Krogan, or Asari, or *gasp* Elcor!!!
Aren't Elcor infantry basically walking artillery platforms?

I would like to ammend my previous post, to include:

Not being made by Bioware.

Being made with next gen graphics and hardware so we can get Elcor infantry included (as well as a holstering animation).
I'm now thinking of how funny it would be to have that (inspiring speech) "If you're not ready to die, it's because you're already dead" (in the Elcor voice). That insipidly stupid quote was from the ME3 trailer by the way.


New member
Jul 15, 2010
I wouldn't mind a game about Garrus' Space-Batman days on Omega...but a prequel eh...

Id be down with one if we could play as other races..not just like in ME3's multiplayer. Otherwise...Meh.

Oh oh. What about a game where you play as Blasto, the first Hanar Spectre!


New member
Mar 17, 2011
canadamus_prime said:
Kipiru said:
canadamus_prime said:
lacktheknack said:
canadamus_prime said:
Kipiru said:
canadamus_prime said:
My answer? No. I kind of lost interest in the series after the second game.
"No" to what? If you're saying No to another game in the series, then please go hide in a hole and stop bothering us. If not- then clarify.
Thank you for so kindly accepting my opinion.
/angry sarcasm
Your first post basically implied "I don't care, so therefore, I don't want it to have another installment".

Surely you can see why that's a silly opinion that annoys people.
I don't care what people think I implied. That's no excuse for disrespecting my opinion. Esp. from a community that always brags about doing otherwise.
So you just throw words around and don't care if they get your message across!? And you want people to respect that? Also, if you took time off from sulking, you will see that I asked you to clarify yourself.
Well what I really wanted to say instead of "disrespecting my opinion" might have inured mod wrath and I wasn't about to risk it. Whatever you thought I meant did not justify telling me to go hide in a hole!
Now you start explaining what you say, well better late than never. I actually did get a warning from the mods about what I said, but I stand behind its meaning- if you meant No to another game being made, then you should have better not spoken. If that is not what you meant, then the whole "hide in a hole" thing didn't apply to you, right. Be more clear next time and maybe people will take your opinion for what it is, rather than all of this happening.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Kipiru said:
canadamus_prime said:
Kipiru said:
canadamus_prime said:
lacktheknack said:
canadamus_prime said:
Kipiru said:
canadamus_prime said:
My answer? No. I kind of lost interest in the series after the second game.
"No" to what? If you're saying No to another game in the series, then please go hide in a hole and stop bothering us. If not- then clarify.
Thank you for so kindly accepting my opinion.
/angry sarcasm
Your first post basically implied "I don't care, so therefore, I don't want it to have another installment".

Surely you can see why that's a silly opinion that annoys people.
I don't care what people think I implied. That's no excuse for disrespecting my opinion. Esp. from a community that always brags about doing otherwise.
So you just throw words around and don't care if they get your message across!? And you want people to respect that? Also, if you took time off from sulking, you will see that I asked you to clarify yourself.
Well what I really wanted to say instead of "disrespecting my opinion" might have inured mod wrath and I wasn't about to risk it. Whatever you thought I meant did not justify telling me to go hide in a hole!
Now you start explaining what you say, well better late than never. I actually did get a warning from the mods about what I said, but I stand behind its meaning- if you meant No to another game being made, then you should have better not spoken. If that is not what you meant, then the whole "hide in a hole" thing didn't apply to you, right. Be more clear next time and maybe people will take your opinion for what it is, rather than all of this happening.
Ok, I don't like the direction the series took and thus I don't think it'd be improved by another game. Satisfied?


New member
Jan 26, 2010
The fact that not even they know if they want to make it a prequel or a sequel doesn't exactly inspire a lot of confidence. It tells us that they currently have no direction whatsoever.

Treaos Serrare

New member
Aug 19, 2009
i would say have the prequel be about Nihlus and how he eventually succumbs to reaper controll to set off the events of the first game


New member
Mar 17, 2011
canadamus_prime said:
Ok, I don't like the direction the series took and thus I don't think it'd be improved by another game. Satisfied?
Why would I be satisfied? Do you think my life revolves around your opinion? Sorry if I made you think that :) And for the record- It turns out I was right about what you wanted to say and you now know where I think you should go. Your comment is pointless here. Have a nice day!

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Kipiru said:
canadamus_prime said:
Ok, I don't like the direction the series took and thus I don't think it'd be improved by another game. Satisfied?
Why would I be satisfied? Do you think my life revolves around your opinion? Sorry if I made you think that :) And for the record- It turns out I was right about what you wanted to say and you now know where I think you should go. Your comment is pointless here. Have a nice day!
Pardon me, does that clear things up?
Also, you don't want to know where I think you should go.


New member
Sep 29, 2009
Frostbyte666 said:
Which 1 is the canon ending and what would the ramifications of that be?
I'd like it to occur after ME3. The question of which ending is canon happened once before in an epic series and I'd really like to see BioWare do something similar. In The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall there are six endings, each one completely different lore than the others. Bethesda, whilst making Morrowind, were trying to decided how to make all the endings relevant but have the result be the same Tamriel. Their GENIUS idea was to call the entire game of Daggerfall "The Warp in the West" which according to TES lore was when Akatosh lost control of time thus allowing several different timelines to progress at the same time, all wrap up differently, and all still have essentially the same result. They did this because of the PLAYER CHOICE involved in the plot of Daggerfall. Bioware could take a lesson mass effect fields all over the galaxy, space magic (biotics), and liberal use of nuclear style weaponry who's to say that the fabric of space/time didn't have holes ripped all through it by the cavalier use of technologies not understood and who's to say that the star child wasn't looking for a solution to that and that the different choices in the trilogy really represent the same things in different places and at the end of ME3 space/time gets fixed by the explosion of the crucible. I'd be interested in something like that and I think it'd be creative enough to give them a completely clean slate to move on from.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
No, because it would suck. Very hard. The only interesting thing going down with the humans before the reaper war would be the first contact war, which is just humans vs turians in systems alliance space and I think a small part of outer council space (And it will be a human protagonist because picking an alien would just be too much fun). So you would be confined and not have any real contact with anyone other than humans, except turians who you'd be killing. And they'd have to revert back to the fucking weapon cooldown system.

So no, not a prequel, because this would be the one instance that there is no way to justify a prequel looking and feeling better than the sequels (See DE:HR). However, development has been started and this is probably Hudson pulling a "So how fucked are we for making a prequel?" Because an ME prequel would be yet another ME game where decisions didn't matter at all.

Keep it moving forward Bioware, for the love of christ, don't just pull what every successful trilogy has done and start moving backwards into godawful prequels.

Brad Calkins

New member
May 21, 2011
Well, I don't really want one, never been too into Mass Effect, however it's nice to here them asking. So, no, but thanks for asking.


New member
Jan 23, 2009
Kipiru said:
canadamus_prime said:
Ok, I don't like the direction the series took and thus I don't think it'd be improved by another game. Satisfied?
Why would I be satisfied? Do you think my life revolves around your opinion? Sorry if I made you think that :) And for the record- It turns out I was right about what you wanted to say and you now know where I think you should go. Your comment is pointless here. Have a nice day!
canadamus_prime said:
lapan said:
Kipiru said:
lacktheknack said:
canadamus_prime said:
Kipiru said:
canadamus_prime said:
My answer? No. I kind of lost interest in the series after the second game.
"No" to what? If you're saying No to another game in the series, then please go hide in a hole and stop bothering us. If not- then clarify.
Thank you for so kindly accepting my opinion.
/angry sarcasm
Your first post basically implied "I don't care, so therefore, I don't want it to have another installment".

Surely you can see why that's a silly opinion that annoys people.
See- he gets it! Thank you sir!
If he really meant that, it would be a silly opinion indeed. Just because he doesn't like it personally doesn't mean they can't make a game for those that still enjoy it enough.

I wouldn't see anything wrong with people saying "I wouldn't buy it myself since i don't think it would be able to satisfy my expectations after what happened to the original triology" though. Which is my own opinion in a nutshell and what i interpreted his to mean.
Thank you! At least someone gets what I was trying to say.
If you had scrolled up a little you would have seen just what he wanted to say. Perhaps you shouldn't be so quick to assume that "haters" want to the game not to be made at all. You took an admitely not very detailed opinion of his and interpreted it according to your prejudice.

Both of you could need some cooling down before you invite more modwrath upon yourselves. That much anger about a misunderstanding is silly.


New member
Aug 10, 2010
I'll only come back if it takes place after ME3 and it's good. I believe a series can get better even after a disastrous ending. A prequel will only serve to remind me that ME3's ending is still coming, and that alone would turn me away.