BioWare Co-Founder: Consoles Are "The Past"


New member
Sep 21, 2009
So motion controls for the big two consoles are a great idea because it's a great improvement if you can kill a person by swinging your arm, but consoles altogether are about to die?
I see...


New member
Dec 8, 2009
I'm really not sure why these comments have so many up in arms. He's just telling the truth.

First off, he's talking at a developer's conference so his comments are likely to be, oh I don't know, things focused on game development and not on speaking to gamers themselves.

Second, AAA Blockbusters are to some extent killing the industry.. or at least themselves. A single AAA game costs hundreds of millions of dollars to create and only a handful of them a year make anything close to their money back. This leaves the rest as just being extremely expensive time sinks for, in some cases, very creative people who could likely create something just as good if working on other projects. The rise of the every title being a AAA title is also what has driven the price of games up recently. If your game costs hundreds of millions of dollars to make, there's no way you're going to look at anything other than a $60 dollar price point with nickel and dime DLC post launch when examining the price point. The game industry, just as the movie industry, needs to grow to be more open to a wide range of titles from AAA blockbusters to smaller titles. If everyone is doing nothing but trying to make AAA titles they are just going to bankrupt themselves.

Finally, consoles are something of a thing of the past. Not in the sense that no one likes them or uses them anymore, but in the sense that gaming is hitting such a diverse player base now, and that player base is gaming using a large variety of platforms. If you're a developer now (and remember, that's who he's talking to) you need to explore all of the different game spaces as some are going to be a lot better for the design ideas you have in mind, both in terms of suitability as well as in terms of money making potential.

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
...Doesn't the definition of a Triple-A title basically say that the title in question has to be near the top of the charts when it's first released? *Facepalm*...


New member
Apr 29, 2009
s69-5 said:
Zing said:
The difference is that BioWare are trying to move games forwards with advancement, Square are just scoring easy money by rehashing the last good final fantasy games for Iphone.
Name one so-called advancement brought to you by Bioware.

Oh, and Chaos Rings is not Final Fantasy.
Don't argue with BioWare fans, you're never gonna win because you can't possibly be right.

Forget the fact that FF XIII sold better than Dragon Age and ME2 combined, those facts are trivial.

Seriously BioWare, why don't you try writing some new characters instead of wrapping new skins around the same seven party members. Also, shut the fuck up, you're starting to look like Sony circa 2006.

StriderShinryu said:
Second, AAA Blockbusters are to some extent killing the industry.. or at least themselves. A single AAA game costs hundreds of millions of dollars to create and only a handful of them a year make anything close to their money back.
Bahahahahaha. What an outlandish statement, the most expensive game ever made was GTA IV and that didn't even come close to "hundreds of millions" to produce and market. Most AAA titles have a budget of around 20 million and you only have to sell 2 million copies or so to make back what you spent.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
bam13302 said:
Im getting tired of shooting down every console frat boy who thinks their console is better then my computer, even though they pay more for games, lower resolution, worse graphics, more complicated controls (cuz they need to fit 50 different commands on to the 2 nipples, an arrow pad, start, select, and the 4-10 other random buttons, and i can do other, useful stuff on my computer.
ok, it alone is cheaper short term the a computer that can beat it, but a computer (well, desktop) can be upgraded easily, cheaper games, more versitilty, better and more precise controls. The only true good reason iv heard for people likeing the console more (outside of pricing which iv already talked about) is the omni directional control, but if thats really the only thing, then just get a joystick, or usb controller.
Personally, I stay away from PC gaming because most of your games stink.


New member
Feb 25, 2009
JourneyThroughHell said:
If consoles are the past, what is the future? You can't just say such bold words and expect us to go "okay".

Also, focusing entirely on "kids"? Not cool, Bioware, not cool.
Feel free to disagree with me, but it looks like Bioware is arguing for industry murder. I can't really see how they can say things like that with games like ToR and DA2 in development.
Since current gen consoles are basically PC's....hmm I wonder where gaming will go next?

Oh yeah ToR is PC exclusive, no consoles at the moment.

DJmagma said:
consoles are the past, but your last major PC release would crash because something was too blue.

seriously, I've never had a console game crash but practically all my PC ones have at one point or another.
Dragon Age, and Mass Effect 2 are the last major releases I can think of that were actually made for PC, can't say I have had any problems with games crashing on any of my last three systems, mind you I built those, store bought or mail order your asking for trouble regardless of the hype or spec.

I've had more game crashes and lockups on my PS3 in the last 2 years, than my last two computers over the 7 years.

FloodOne said:
Personally, I stay away from PC gaming because most of your games stink.
is that because 3/4 of PC games are crappy console ports?


New member
Mar 17, 2009
wait...what? so pc gaming was doomed because of console gaming (so they said) and now console gaming will die? so this leaves us with.....casual gaming and hand held..mmmkay

also its fairly obvious to try and build aaa games...why go for building mediocre games when you can make better and earn (more) money?

i do like console games for one reason and three reasons!: 1. they dont fucking chrash or dont work because of hardware, 2. controllers, 3. couch (albeit i solved that with a laptop)

in short: oh noes gaming is doooomed what do we do now!


New member
Aug 31, 2009
im concerned about my DAO2 and ME3 now.
does it sound like 'we are running out of money so must make cheap shit mini games.' because this doesn't seem like what you'd expect from bioware. i mean kid games. what was there last non 18 title? perhaps they are getting bored of using the same formula for their rpg's? o well i hope this is all forgotten and their future games dont go down hill.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Yes, Bioware. The Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and the Wii are so outdated. NOBODY plays them. EVERYBODY wants to play games on the iphone. You guys know everything, and you don't make ANY money off consoles. You guys are the best game developers in the history of eternity and should be worshipped as gods. Hail Bioware, the mighty lords of knowledge!
Not only that, but they make games for kids too!


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Well like it or not, there is some truth in his words.
Without going into the whole idiotic console vs PCs, which is absolutely irrelevant the the topic, there is a huge market of casual entertainment, more and more phones and widgets like iPad are being advertised as gaming platforms among their other functions. They are constantly improving their tech at much faster rate than current consoles/PCs. Granted they started at lower level to begin with, but it is still something amazing for the old people (as in above 30 years mark).

The todays 'kids' as the man was kind enough to state, are going to be adults in few years. The sooner you start to create products for them, the larger audience you will have in years to come. Business is about getting your customers used to your brand, it makes perfect sense.

Personally, after over 20 years of gaming i find most of the todays AAA titles boring, repetitive or simply unappealing to me. I buy less games with each year and it is not because i get bored of gaming, i just find less games i would like to play and prefer to re-play the ones i did enjoy.

Gaming blockbusters are for me pretty same as movie ones, i cant see much of difference between one and other production. Every time i see another shooter or action game i just see the same thing that was released 3-4 months ago.


New member
Feb 25, 2009
JoshGod said:
im concerned about my DAO2 and ME3 now.
does it sound like 'we are running out of money so must make cheap shit mini games.' because this doesn't seem like what you'd expect from bioware. i mean kid games. what was there last non 18 title?
Knights Of The Old Republic, but your a young'en, you were probably 10 when that came out.


New member
May 19, 2008
Man, people are really reading this the wrong way. With AAA game costs skyrocketing, you need to sell a large number of copies to even make your money back, let alone make a profit. And for most new development studios, or even small ones, that's an extremely lofty and unlikely goal. Not impossible, but given the realities of the industry it's not something everyone should look to do right away. You have to be one of the top sellers to succeed, and the reality is that if you have a large number of teams working on AAA games, then a very good chunk of them won't recoup costs, and that's basically a death sentence for a studio.

Given the rise of casual, social network-based gaming, there are a lot of industry figures looking into that as a viable source of income. It doesn't mean AAA is going to go away, nor does it mean that we'll be doomed to solely playing games on iDevices from here on out. Obviously BioWare is going to continue to do AAA releases. But it does mean that when you take the collective industry as a whole, there's a vastly increasing number of people working on smaller projects than AAA ones. We as gamers who frequent gaming sites and read gaming news often don't pay attention to things like that, but it's collectively turned the heads of the industry. To freak out over a comment basically stating such is foolish.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
FloodOne said:
bam13302 said:
Im getting tired of shooting down every console frat boy who thinks their console is better then my computer, even though they pay more for games, lower resolution, worse graphics, more complicated controls (cuz they need to fit 50 different commands on to the 2 nipples, an arrow pad, start, select, and the 4-10 other random buttons, and i can do other, useful stuff on my computer.
ok, it alone is cheaper short term the a computer that can beat it, but a computer (well, desktop) can be upgraded easily, cheaper games, more versitilty, better and more precise controls. The only true good reason iv heard for people likeing the console more (outside of pricing which iv already talked about) is the omni directional control, but if thats really the only thing, then just get a joystick, or usb controller.
Personally, I stay away from PC gaming because most of your games stink.
what do you mean? Course in my opinion most console games stink, however, several of my favorite PC games have console versions *sidestepping rant on comparing versions*
Iv played a few games on the console, Gears Of War, Resistance Fall of man+ Resistance 2, Ace Combat (whole series, i actually liked that one alot and would be the only reason i would by a console), Ratchet and clank (about 80% of the series, another one i like), however if i really wanted to play them, either i would go to a friend or play them on an emulator on the PC (have not reasearched PS3/Xbox360 emulators, though id be fairly confident they exist). Long rant short, anything a console can do, a computer can do better.
motion controls/detection are intersting (kinetic, WII, etc), wonder when they will become more popular on the PC

gah my rants are getting longer, sry

EDIT: oh, and ill never seriously look into the consoles until they figure out how to do an RTS well, i know there are a small handful out there, but i have never heard of a good one.

EDIT2: did see one good point, bugs in console games, due to the difficutly of patching a game released on a console, and the fact that they KNOW the system config of the console, their games tend released bug free, but with the consoles more and more needing internet (meaning easier patching) and onboard storage on the consoles (downloading games) patching becomes easier and they can afford to release a game with a potentially horrid bug then release a patch to make it playable, i expect that is what will happen as console approach PC games, i could be wrong and if i am, kudos

Knight Templar

Moved on
Dec 29, 2007
That is a missleading headline I think. Most people will read that and equate it to "Consoles are dead", which is far from what he is saying.


New member
May 27, 2008
For some reason, some strange reason, I'm smelling the stink I got a sniff of when I read that article about "gamers are getting too much game for their money..."


New member
Aug 2, 2009
I get the feeling that lately Bioware has been bashing Console gaming to earn the loyalty of PC gamers. I could honestly care less though, I still like their games.


New member
May 5, 2010
"Not everyone can be amazing as us"

If consoles ever become "the past", it simply will be by becoming PCs themselves.