BioWare Defends Mass Effect 3 Launch-Day DLC


New member
Dec 27, 2009
That's just it guys, can't you see? All Zeel wants is to feel superior. He is fighting the good fight, and will not go gently into the night (like the rest of us schmucks that don't know our foreheads from our anuses).


New member
Jun 22, 2011
Zeel said:
Blind Sight said:
Agente L said:
What's up with the use of "gamer entitlement" at every bioware thread now?

Everyone that disagree with the way bioware does business now are angry gamers with "gamer entitlement? Is that a new buzzword or what?
It goes both ways I'd argue. People who criticize Bioware are called entitled, while people who don't are sheep/fanboys or just wallets with no brains. It's basically non-stop strawmen.

My opinion? Don't really care. I might purchase this at a later time, but as of now I really don't have the time or money to be purchasing new titles. Either way the DLC doesn't really bug me.
Well if you're buying a game even though they are trying to screw you over... What else could you be? stop trying to equate the sides. We are not equal, that much is apparent. We didn't start the blasted namecalling until this "entitled" word came up. tit for tat. However are sides aren't equal by any stretch of imagination.
*checks the thread* ...nope, you were the first. If you mean overall, well sir, I wish to see proof that the sheep called the entitled entitled first over the internet, you know, since your so demanding of confirmation. Otherwise, I'm just going to call BS on the "they called us this first so it's totally cool" thing.

Doc Theta Sigma

New member
Jan 5, 2009
Zeel said:
Doc Theta Sigma said:
Zeel said:
Doc Theta Sigma said:
Zeel said:
Doc Theta Sigma said:
Zeel said:
Agente L said:
What's up with the use of "gamer entitlement" at every bioware thread now?

Everyone that disagree with the way bioware does business now are angry gamers with "gamer entitlement? Is that a new buzzword or what?
Yes. That and "Bioware is telling the truth". I'd sooner bite off my thumb than believe a word that comes out of the Bioware's PR team. Their entire job is lie to the consumer.

But seriously, nobody is going to boycott this thing. Boycotts for video games have NEVER worked. People will ***** and moan, then go buy the game and forget why they bitched and moaned in the first place.
Dead Space 2
Battlefield 3
It worked on both those EA game titles. Stop trying to derail the issue.

It's wrong no matter how much they sell.
However you're acting like Bioware walked into your house on christmas morning, proceeded to steal every worldly possession you have and then slap you in the face for good measure. The characer is included in the game. The squadmate is not.

You see the difference? You're not losing anything. You're just whining like a child because you don't want to pay for extra content.
You can not be that bloody naive. EA games is a HUUUUUUUUUUUGE producer of games. If this trend continues how much do you think I'm going to lose in the future? Games I'm interested in will cost almost twice as much just to have the 'privilege' of the full experience. I will draw the line here, atleast if we fail then I know i didn't rollover quietly like some people.
... You're not a goddamn freedom fighter. It's a game. Seriously if you don't want the bloody thing then don't buy it. Nobody will ultimately give a damn. Now crawl back to the basement you came from, where you've probably been online continuously since '98.
You don't get to tell me what's important. I will "freedom fight' on the issues I find important. if you don't find it important. See the top right corner? There's that x button.

It's quite a jump from "I dont care" to "I defend this". Do you defend it, or are you just here to tell that you don't care? Noted. move along.
I can defend the practice and not care whether you buy it at the same time. You don't get to tell me what I can and cannot do. But I'm sure revolutionaries fighting dictatorships all over the world would stand proudly with you against the tyranny of a company that dares try to make money. FIGHT ON GOOD SIR. FIGHT ON FOR SHIT YOU'RE IN NO WAY ENTITLED TO.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Zeel said:
Frostbite3789 said:
Zeel said:
Fuck that. Anyone who agrees with this practice is a brainwashed sheep with no independent thought.
So you're saying I should agree with you no questions asked? Boy it sounds a lot like you want me to be a brainwashed sheep, just a brainwashed sheep who thinks the same as you.
That is not what I said at all. you've miscategorized both my argument and my character. Do not for one second think I want some sort of cult-like behaviour on my side. Anyone who reads ANY of my posts know "DEBATE" is what I do. What I see on the other side, other than a few good arguments is clearly some fundamental biowarist behaviour. No one is thinking, just coming up with excuses.
Dude, or dudette if you are a lady underneath that masculine avatar, to me you sort of lost any credibility as a debater when I saw the numerous times where you call people names. Like "brainwashed sheep"

To me, that doesn't come across to me as being a "debater". That comes across to me as being a jerk.

Agente L

New member
Apr 4, 2010
Blind Sight said:
Agente L said:
What's up with the use of "gamer entitlement" at every bioware thread now?

Everyone that disagree with the way bioware does business now are angry gamers with "gamer entitlement? Is that a new buzzword or what?
It goes both ways I'd argue. People who criticize Bioware are called entitled, while people who don't are sheep or just wallets with no brains. It's basically non-stop strawmen.

My opinion? Don't really care. I might purchase this at a later time, but as of now I really don't have the time or money to be purchasing new titles. Either way the DLC doesn't really bug me.
Yea, I understand that. But I already made my decision, I won't buy me3, with only exception:

If the game is send by god itself to redeem the gaming industry. Like, 96+ metacritics.

Bioware isn't the company it used to be, and I have both ME and ME2, and even dragon age, both with many DLC. And I dislike the direction it took, mostly due to EA ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL

If it falls a bit short of that, a pirate life for me.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
I'm still skeptical of this. They pulled the same stunt with Sebastian in Dragon Age 2. If the Prothean is so fleeting to the plot that he's a DLC, then why don't they do the same as they did with Zaeed? Buy the game new, and get him for free? Buy used, and you need the $15 Cerberus Network charge.

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
Zeel said:
Blind Sight said:
Agente L said:
What's up with the use of "gamer entitlement" at every bioware thread now?

Everyone that disagree with the way bioware does business now are angry gamers with "gamer entitlement? Is that a new buzzword or what?
It goes both ways I'd argue. People who criticize Bioware are called entitled, while people who don't are sheep/fanboys or just wallets with no brains. It's basically non-stop strawmen.

My opinion? Don't really care. I might purchase this at a later time, but as of now I really don't have the time or money to be purchasing new titles. Either way the DLC doesn't really bug me.
Well if you're buying a game even though they are trying to screw you over... What else could you be? stop trying to equate the sides. We are not equal, that much is apparent. We didn't start the blasted namecalling until this "entitled" word came up. tit for tat. However are sides aren't equal by any stretch of imagination.
Actually I was referencing the majority of the debate, not just this specific instance, where it usually devolves into petty name calling (in fact that majority of 'Bioware is going downhill' arguments turn into that).

Also 'screw me over' is a purely subjective term. I don't agree with your conclusion. When I purchase the game, if I feel like the extra content is worth it, I'll purchase it. That's not 'screwing me over' that's a consumer choice, just in the same way that you will not purchase the game on the grounds that you don't agree with this DLC plan. So stop trying to act like your position is obviously superior when in reality it comes down to whether an individual simply wishes to purchase extra content. It is an equal debate when it comes to consumerism. Unlike you, I'm not damning your position because I disagree with it.


New member
Jun 22, 2011
Zeel said:
Richardplex said:
Zeel said:
Blind Sight said:
Agente L said:
What's up with the use of "gamer entitlement" at every bioware thread now?

Everyone that disagree with the way bioware does business now are angry gamers with "gamer entitlement? Is that a new buzzword or what?
It goes both ways I'd argue. People who criticize Bioware are called entitled, while people who don't are sheep/fanboys or just wallets with no brains. It's basically non-stop strawmen.

My opinion? Don't really care. I might purchase this at a later time, but as of now I really don't have the time or money to be purchasing new titles. Either way the DLC doesn't really bug me.
Well if you're buying a game even though they are trying to screw you over... What else could you be? stop trying to equate the sides. We are not equal, that much is apparent. We didn't start the blasted namecalling until this "entitled" word came up. tit for tat. However are sides aren't equal by any stretch of imagination.
*checks the thread* ...nope, you were the first. If you mean overall, well sir, I wish to see proof that the sheep called the entitled entitled first over the internet, you know, since your so demanding of confirmation. Otherwise, I'm just going to call BS on the "they called us this first so it's totally cool" thing.
Keep derailing the issue folks. If you aren't going to discuss the main topic why on God's green earth are you critiquing 'insults'. petty and useless gripe. I don't care who called who first. Our sides are not equal, that is my main concern. If you are replying to me, do address what I BRING UP.
My bad, I mixed up the irrelevant things you posted with the irrelevant-but-you've-decided-as-being-relevant things you posted. Seriously, what is on topic in the post I quoted? the sides not being equal? That's not about ME3 DLC, that's about your imaginary war.

Oh, and since I might as well respond to all your points. Why am I doing this? I'm currently in downtime waiting for someone, and this seemed appropriate to pass the time. I hope that's acceptable.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
Zeel said:
Tzekelkan said:
That's just it guys, can't you see? All Zeel wants is to feel superior. He is fighting the good fight, and will not go gently into the night (like the rest of us schmucks that don't know our foreheads from our anuses).
Boycotting a game is a reasonable reaction to quality issues. Do not try to compare my side to some sort of fringe terrorist group. am I calling people to freaking bomb the HQ? no, boycott. boycott, boycott, boycott. If you find that to 'extreme' then it is you with the issues, not me.
Well, I never said you were extreme. Granted, some poeple on the thread here did say it, and since you have trouble differentiating between people who disagree with you (sheeple, I know), I'll give you that.

All I'm argueing is that calling everyone who disagrees with you a mindless sheep-person hybrid ("Anyone who agrees with this practice is a brainwashed sheep with no independent thought") and continuously attacking these people ("Well if you're buying a game even though they are trying to screw you over... What else could you be?") isn't a "reasonable reaction to quality issues".

I believe you're overreacting. I see you calling me names, all for thinking their reasoning isn't 100% absurd (also, a game's producer isn't exactly in the PR team, but whatever) and even though I have no intention of buying the game. So, I don't know. Are you extreme? I don't really care, because I don't know you and won't be able to change your position even an inch. So carry on fighting, soldier.

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
Agente L said:
Blind Sight said:
Agente L said:
What's up with the use of "gamer entitlement" at every bioware thread now?

Everyone that disagree with the way bioware does business now are angry gamers with "gamer entitlement? Is that a new buzzword or what?
It goes both ways I'd argue. People who criticize Bioware are called entitled, while people who don't are sheep or just wallets with no brains. It's basically non-stop strawmen.

My opinion? Don't really care. I might purchase this at a later time, but as of now I really don't have the time or money to be purchasing new titles. Either way the DLC doesn't really bug me.
Yea, I understand that. But I already made my decision, I won't buy me3, with only exception:
And that's perfectly fine, you're exercising your right to reject the product on legitimate grounds. I just wish this debate wouldn't turn into a pathetic name-calling game and people on both sides could accept that other people might have different consumer demands then them.


New member
Nov 27, 2010
Zeel said:
Agente L said:
What's up with the use of "gamer entitlement" at every bioware thread now?

Everyone that disagree with the way bioware does business now are angry gamers with "gamer entitlement? Is that a new buzzword or what?
Yes. That and "Bioware is telling the truth". I'd sooner bite off my thumb than believe a word that comes out of the Bioware's PR team. Their entire job is lie to the consumer.
I think you should maybe skip buying ME3 before you have a heart attack from the rage.

Zachery Gaskins

New member
Mar 29, 2011
I think we're just having an opinionurbating discussion on what the word "extra" means in the context of Mass Effect game content as it pertains to the narrative.

Zachery Gaskins

New member
Mar 29, 2011
DVS BSTrD said:
Doc Theta Sigma said:
Every comment in this thread:


The character is in the game. Without having to purchase DLC. You get all his dialogue, interactions with others etc. The only thing the DLC gives you is the option to have him as a squad member.
So they removed the whole point of having him in the game at all just to make a few extra bucks on opening day? This revelation WAs supposed to dampen my outrage HOW?
Whoa whoa whoa. You have just insisted that all of us believe that the reason for a Prothean NPC to be in the game is to be a playable squad member.

I respectfully and facepalmedly disagree.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
so when some of the crew doesn't have anything to do, they whip together some dlc that isn't part of the main game, and charge for it?

makes sense to me.

(not being sarcastic, this actually does make sense to me. i mean, it's not like this will have a huge impact on the main plot or anything. still being serious by the way.)
Zeel said:
Fine. I can't complain about derailing the topic when I am partially to blame. I take back my "sheep" comment. You guys at best are turtles.
... why can't i be a human?...'cause that's ..y'know.... what i am?