Calibretto said:
Lol a gay shephard whats he gonna do throw rainbows at sovereign or run in the corner and hide when big blasts happen everywhere...
I can understand how it wouldnt " fit " the characters image
You... have no idea what homosexuals are, do you?
Let me guess, 13, 14 years old? And probably American, then you'd have an excuse, but if you are in your 20's and still think that then frankly you should be ashamed of your ignorance.
If the only gays you know of are the ones you have seen depicted on TV or seen at a distance then you know LESS than nothing.
OK, take Ian McKellen, you know the guy who plays Gandalf, badass wizard, did all that "You SHall not PASS!!" thing oh and also played the villain in X-men, Magneto. Well he's gay. Very gay.
Oh yeah, and historically speaking the defenders of the Battle of Thermopylae, as depicted in 300, were in fact all really rally gay. Or at the very least they liked to bum each other which is pretty gay.