Congratulations - you've proven that not only are you a troll, and that you'll ignore legitimate arguments, but you have no idea what you're talking about.Loethlin said:So, wait, this is complaining about complaining about complaining people?
It's not what I want, per se, but what the majority of people who played the game (which, if the initial response was anything to be believed, constituted a solid 90% of the hardcore, forum-visiting, fanbase) wanted. Incredibly poor job of trying to twist my words around, but thanks for trying.You think that if you'll be shouting more they'll apologise to no end, like with DAII, like you said, you'll be happy?
As I said, you've either been willfully ignorant, or just outright missed, nine months of the developer passive-aggressively attacking their fanbase for "failing" to understand their vision of the game. This is why you still see the fanbase up in arms - no matter how times someone tries to defend the game, it gets the same points (which the company has, to date, never bothered to address). It's not my problem if reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.
That depends on what your definition of "hung up" is. I don't blame people for investing up to 5 years in a product, only to watch as the (original) ending implying that the entire universe had just been destroyed by terrible writing. It's only natural to be angry and feel frustration towards the people who created it, especially when they seem to outright ignore the arguments for making the game better and keep pushing the same old "artistic integrity" response.But it's not the first or the last game that had a bad ending and the amount of vitriol it gets three quarters of the year after the release is just ridiculous. Top it off with people acting like their whole world has ended. That's not mature. But mostly, getting hung up over just a videogame is not healthy.
Please, stop your crying. If three paragraphs of text is too much for you to read, get off this board, as I suggested to you earlier. You're still not contributing anything of substance beyond stupid, snippy comments, and you'll just go on crying about how I'm "so wrong" when you can't even defend your own position when you get called out on it.You'll get all preachy on me anyway, and write another War and Peace