BioWare: Mass Effect MMO "Makes Sense"


New member
Jun 8, 2009
You know what I want? Co-op. Just normal Mass Effect story game play, but a friend/friends can link up to play one of your sidekicks during combat.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
Tdc2182 said:
Tdc2182: No it does not.

I'm a big fan of Mass Effect, and I'm definitely looking forward to The Old Republic, but I can't see how it would make sense in any way to make a Mass Effect MMO.

Even a multiplayer FPS would be stretching it, although I guess one taking place during the First Contact War could be neat if done well. Turians versus humans, and all. Or different maps could take place during different wars, so you'd have a few during the Rachni Wars, and another few during the Krogan Rebellions.

EDIT: Plus, making a game to compete with their own expensive MMO title would be retoddid.

Shepard's Shadow

Don't be afraid of the dark.
Mar 27, 2009
Hudson said, "We haven't yet come up with a way to do that, so we don't have anything to announce at this time, but obviously multiplayer is something we want to do more of in the future as a company."

I think I just died a little inside.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Well, sooner or later, Bioware's balls were going to drop and DA will soon follow suit as it has never been a stranger to ME.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Awesome! Mass Effect 2 removed the fun of an RPG by stripping out all RPG aspects and what better way to continue this trend by removing any fun the combat had!

Again, awesome.



New member
Nov 26, 2009
I don't really like the idea cause I'm afraid it might ruin the name of Mass Effect.
But it could me a really awesome game. Though i doubt that...
Still, if it would exist, i would totally play it.


New member
Nov 4, 2009
I have to admit, I would be a great deal more excited about a Mass Effect MMO game than I would one set in the Starwars universe.. especially one that looks how Old Republic is shaping out to look.

That aside, if The Old Republic takes off, Bioware will still have a chance - as its creators, they'll likely have a good idea how to either fit in beside it.. or take it out >.>


New member
Sep 22, 2010
Daedalus1942 said:
Good, create a place for all those people who liked Mass Effect II to go, then focus on making a decent single player experience like back in the first game.
Go on and create your CoD ripoff, sell out like you know you want to, Bioware.
Then after all this retarded money grabing you might actually make Mass Effect III good, rather than that travesty of an expansion you guys called a sequel and made me pay $120 for.

How is mass effect in anyway being made into a MMO a "CoD ripoff" that's just 2 completely different games in the first place....Being made into a completetly different game as an RPG?

and lol paying 120 dollars for a single player game good stuff. Friggin' chin beard.


New member
Nov 7, 2006
It wouldnt be a sandbox, so I wouldnt play it. Besides, there is no way a mmo can do a IP justice.


New member
May 12, 2010
Xzi said:
AceAngel said:
Still, people believe that Bioware is the patron saint of good stories and gaming, and that EA is the culprit here...pfft, that ship sailed ages ago lads.
Why, because EA seeped so deeply into Bioware that the two are indistinguishable from one another at this point? That's my theory. Just like with Blizzard, all the really great lead employees have left, the result being a developer that's a bit more stale. And just like Blizzard again, that doesn't mean they won't produce some good games moving forward, they just won't be quite up to the incredibly high standard that they had previously set against themselves.
No, because when a company (even before EA got DEEPLY involved), hires a talented guy who's talents can be at the least described as "Jack of All Trades and Master of All" (not a typo) and could be very well a Team-Lead Director, but instead gets dumped behind a chair to program shaders all day long (which I need to remind people, ME used Universal shaders which anyone can find on Google for UDK, and Dragon Age had Blinn Standards, hardly the hardest thing to do), and gets his opinions half-arsed when has some information for Environmental set pieces or Character designs, then no sorry, Bioware started losing it touch ages ago...

The only thing EA did was just speed up the process as which it decayed in the eyes of the gamers, nothing more.

Shamanic Rhythm

New member
Dec 6, 2009
You know what makes even more sense as an MMO than Mass Effect?

Star Wars.

How about you finish that one, Bioware, before you start throwing any more money into the MMO sinkhole.

Soviet Steve

New member
May 23, 2009
If they just make sure to lock it down into a specific set time so that the mmo doesn't keep going and going and going and becomes everything Mass Effect centres around then sure, I could see that working.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
DragonLord Seth said:
Hm, EVE Online meets Tabula Rasa?

But for fuck's sake Bioware, put less fucking dialouge! Yes I know an immersive RPG should be heavily story-based, but when I'm sucking up to the chick in my party 80% of the time I play, with the rest evenly divided between walking and fighting, the game needs mroe combat!
Dear BioWare,

Please ignore the above post.

Kinds regards,

The rest of us.

Scrumpmonkey said:
Doee anyone elase think bioware are over-extending? I mean its nice to see they have ambitions but the new focus on the MMO genre and the decline we have seen in some of their games has been a little disheartening. The MMO genre as a whole has a LOT of changes to undergo from the WoW model if it is ever going to grow and be less crowded than it already is.

I don't have time to invest in even ONE MMO nevermind all the high-quaility but vaugely simlar titles like Rfit, Age of Conan, Warhammer online, LOTRO or upcoming games like The Old Republic or Guildwars 2. There is simply too much already out there that fits the traditional model of the MMO, it is a genre that really needs some breaking down and a total re-imagining if we are to see the next break-out hit.
Casey Hudson is the project lead for the Mass Effect games - he's not a company head. He's obviously just batting some general thoughts about.

OT: Never going to happen with TOR around, and multiplayer is pointless - the game doesn't need it, I don't think many people actually want it, and it would have to simply ignore the genre its apart of pretty much. Not much time to chat in a death match.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Well it will be an MMO, the flavor they add to the mix is really not that important, it's a bit like dog shit even if you make it chocolate/vanilla/bacon flavored it's still dog shit...

The inherit problems cannot be fixed with a sugar coating.


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Biowhore is at it again.

I've not played ME but as KotoR fan I was extremely disappointed that they were making an MMO instead of a 3rd game. I'm sure this will probably be as disappointing for ME fans aswell.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Playing with a hundred thousand other Shepards really makes me excited. Technically, you could squeeze ANY well developed universe into an MMO if you want to make major modifications to gameplay to compensate. I don't think that should necessarily happen even with fantastic IPs, we need good backstories in single player too, and i don't want every game whored out for all its worth until its just a shell.