BioWare Says SWTOR Subscriptions Haven't Dropped


New member
Nov 8, 2010
John Funk said:
MMO players are accustomed to a steady diet of new content in their games
Ehhhh... if you take a very loose view of what constitutes 'new' content...


In my hand I hold a key...
Oct 14, 2009
My play has definitely slowed to a crawl since the launch, not because the game is bad (because I LOVE it), but because there is no one else on. It's hard to do dailies and run FPs when there are only 3 other people on the map.

I was pvping for a while, to try and get better gear, but even re-rolling as a Rep to pvp has proven to be futile. :/

Grey Day for Elcia

New member
Jan 15, 2012
DeMorquist said:
De Nile is a river in Egypt...or so as my mother would say....




We arent sinking.... We have plenty of subs... This wasnt a failure of a game...
I'm not sure what you consider a failure, but I would assume more than a millions subs and a video game in profit, wouldn't constitute a failure.

ITT: "I've never played it but it sucks." "Less than 100 000 000 subs? FAILURE!"


New member
Jan 23, 2009
Irridium said:
Yeah, numbers seem about steady as I've been playing. The main problem is that the game has too many damn servers, which makes it feel like there's less people playing than there actually is.

We need a server merge. They opened with too many. Though if they do that, everyone will have a damn field day and make the game look like it's worse off than it really is. There's plenty of people playing, problem is that they're all spread out.
I heard the is apparently some technical limitations on that since they used an engine that was still in beta...


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Biggest turn-off for me is actually the mechanics of the game... too many arbitrary, linearly increasing numbers. I really dislike that in an RPG. So I guess it's just too conventional an MMO for me. If it were SWD20, it would be perfect.

But I'm just on hiatus. I'll be finishing all 8 storylines before I actually cancel.


New member
Jan 2, 2012
I really can't stand seeing so much hate for this game and so many people predicting it's end, especially if it's just because they didn't like it and know a few others that did.

Another reason I think people are so annoyed by ToR is because it isn't a perfect MMO that can dethrone WoW easily. Anyone that actually expected ToR to be the second coming of Jesus for MMOs is a complete fool.

Yes, the game isn't perfect but it is fun, and it has a lot of potential for future growth.

I've seen complains about the levelling system with comparisons to WoW; Do you guys forget how bad WoW's early quests were originally? Y'know, where you'd have to keep switching zones and hunting in the far reaches for quests, as an area could quickly run out of quests you can actually do due to level restrictions.

But comparing the 2 games is completely stupid either, becuase they aren't the samer game, nor is Bioware trying to make it like that.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Subscribed but only till like the 20th of may. I have not actually played (outside of PC testing) for well over a month now. Now granted, part of that has to do with finals for class and being in the middle of moving to a new house. However its also been heavy lack of interest as well. After classes are over and I get moved in Im going to do a final push to get my Jugg maxed out and in doing so I might investigate joining a heavily established guild, which might help my replay value.

For me the biggest problem is that under its current structure, the only thing that encourages you to keep playing is the expectation of creating another toon. There is no real incentive to "be" a char and with how easy the game is practically anyone who plays has 1-4 toons maxed out right now. What is the point of investing your time into being a Juggernaut if you know out of your guild people just switch out roles interchangeably? Part of the fun of MMOs is building and specializing your char. By making the game so easy and not having any long term entertainment value set up all your doing is encouraging people to yield their main toon to go play a different one for content. Many people would rather not start over rather than not having something to do. They should have accounted for this when making a game so easy you can complete in 1 weeks time.

Plus the game was actually rushed toward the end. EA was so concerned with getting return on investment that they were determined to force a 2011 release date. Problem with that is, that the game was not actually finished until 1.2 because all the content that was in 1.2 was content that should have been in the final release of the game. Then from there, corresponding patches should have been centered around adding story based content, not applying features like customizable UI or finishing out legacy perks system.

From here, what they are going to have to do is deliver long term difficult content. Im talking Kerafyrm/Pandemonium level content. With Dark souls level difficulty and heavy time sink requirement that grants a worthy reward for completing it. They really need to add content with the expectation that the average player may have to work on for a month, instead of a few hours. I get that they do not want to keep the game accessible so as that you can log in and within an hours time have accomplished something, but they have that already. Now its time to give the time sink crowd something to chew on. You know you cannot have an MMO history of "Epic weapons" and "Tiered gear" that required an extensive investment in time/effort and not provide that same level of challenge to the established vets and expect them to hang around for very long. I hate to say it, but this game really would benefit from more time sinks.

TL;DR More long term content. Stop encouraging people to make different chars and reward people for sticking with their mains. The game was rushed and 1.2 should have been the actual release of the game, Deliver more narrative content per patch in order to keep people entertained.


New member
Oct 30, 2010
I know WoW's badges weren't a perfect solution, but after 2 weeks of doing regular mode 8 mans I never felt the need to run a heroic 4 man instance again.

The crafting system is as bad as vanilla WoW. Blow a bunch of mats to reverse engineer something worse than the reward for 1 day of dailies.

But ultimately, I wanted to raid with my old WoW buddies, but since the game didn't hold their interest, my feelings on the game are somewhat moot. Odds are I'll give it one more month, so everyone's classes are over, before I unsubscribe.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
Dastardly said:
Of course, the other problem is that it's a Star Wars game. That means you're supposed to play through the story of "your favorite character," which you must select from the short list of archetypes. Are you Luke, Han, Anakin, Maul, or Fett? Those are your choices. It's such a huge galaxy that you can live one of five stories, and ever smuggler gets the same Wookiee companion...
There's also Imperial Agent, which is the best addition to the Star Wars universe in recent memory.

Seriously. I'm sick of Star Wars, and I love the Imperial Agent storyline in SWTOR. It's something that's pretty much completely new to the franchise, which means they have a lot of freedom to play around with it. And what I think is particularly interesting is that it was born from necessity: they needed a rogue-type class that was the Imperial counterpart to the Smuggler.

If SWTOR hadn't been an MMO, the Imperial Agent storyline would never have been written. Because who would want to buy a Star Wars game about something they'd never heard of? Single-player Star Wars games are about Jedi and Sith, and maybe bounty hunters and smugglers. The only way to add something else would be to make an MMO, with a choice of classes.

The same thing can also be said about the Trooper, which is the best storyline on the Republic side.

For me, that makes the whole thing worth it: the chance to see Star Wars from some completely new and interesting points of view.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Rakor said:
Maybe if they fixed the amd graphics card problem already...
Wait, Bioware still has problems with AMD cards? Hell, even Kotor 1 has that problem!

Yeah, never played it, computer ain't good enough. Cinematic trailers look real good though.


New member
May 28, 2009
Dastardly said:
The game's failings are a result of bad design. They created a single-player game and expected people to pay monthly for it. They ignored the very thing that made MMOs worth a monthly fee in the first place -- buying real estate in a virtual world.

This generation of MMOs are so linear, or at least heavily corralled experiences. Your primary means of leveling is following someone else's story... so basically, you're not paying for the right to create your own character, you're just leasing one of the pre-mades. In trying to make the story content deep, they've also made it incredibly narrow.

MMOs are probably the one place where, especially at the beginning, it's okay to err on the side of "a mile wide and an inch deep." Players need a variety of things to do, not just one thing that's really interesting (the first time) and nothing else -- that's what single-player games are for.

Of course, the other problem is that it's a Star Wars game. That means you're supposed to play through the story of "your favorite character," which you must select from the short list of archetypes. Are you Luke, Han, Anakin, Maul, or Fett? Those are your choices. It's such a huge galaxy that you can live one of five stories, and ever smuggler gets the same Wookiee companion...

Go F2P or go away.
Pretty much this... I went back to Eve not that long ago, and promptly flew out into deep space to get lost. I'm still out there, dodging pirates and player corps, creating my own adventure, minute by minute.

Admittedly the sand box is intimidating, but the linearity of SWTOR has cost them the .hack dream of finding mysteries.

It would have been much better as a multiplayer online game, rather than a fully fleshed out MMO, where the multiplayer conversations could have really set the custom dungeon makers minds ablaze. Just imagine what could have been if the was a level creator with a robust voice input system.

I'm calling the SWTOR style a failure of an MMO... not in terms of sales, but in terms of theory and MMO feeling. I'll look forward to Guild Wars 2, and their take on daisy chained public questing.

Until then... my little scout ship has some more worm hole diving to make it back to Amarr space.


Lord of the Salt
Mar 29, 2012
The main problem i had with the game is that its WoW. Sure the storyline is way better and the combats more streamlined and its starwars.... but everything in it is WoW, and i stopped playing WoW because i got bored of it. From the combat to the talent trees to the vehicle mechanics and more, its just a WoW clone, and until MMOs stop trying to be WoW, they will keep failing since there's already a WoW and it has years of fine tuning.

I mean Rift had great potential, then few months after launch everything had been converted to a WoW equivalent.

And for the love of god, stop with the resilience stat, making a stat thats only purpose is to make someone suck less in pvp is stupid, if they actually wanted to pvp the base stats should be fine, asking for handicaps just makes it less about skill and more about numbers.

MMO developers, I am disappoint.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
Its pretty easy to keep subscribers when you give everyone a free month. Come June the true numbers will come out. Everyone that wants to play this game has and there was so much marketing they will not get any new people at best they will be able to convince some people to come back.


New member
Dec 15, 2011
Grey Day for Elcia said:
DeMorquist said:
De Nile is a river in Egypt...or so as my mother would say....




We arent sinking.... We have plenty of subs... This wasnt a failure of a game...
I'm not sure what you consider a failure, but I would assume more than a millions subs and a video game in profit, wouldn't constitute a failure.

ITT: "I've never played it but it sucks." "Less than 100 000 000 subs? FAILURE!"

I played it...its nothing...NO new...NO excitement...hell after I killed Baras I was told to go wait in the fleet until some grp of 3 people need me to kill enemies of the Empire

They...and You...Can keep lying to yourself.... SWTOR is a sinking ship...Unless Bioware can whip up another not horrible game (SWTOR....ME3 ending drama) they might not get murdered when EA needs to throw out the trash...