People... chill the hell out.
Allow me to make an analysis of the picture.
First off, I see no post-apoc. Just because there's dirt, it doesn't mean the world has ended. The heavy light reflections give more of a desert vibe, and yes, the man's dark skintone suggests africa, or libya, if you care for a straight name.
Next, with the obvious, the guy's clothes are too clean to suggest post-apoc. It generally means the end of our social way of life if that were to happen, and it appears laundry it just one of those things. True, there's the ammo bandoleer and headband, suggesting he's part of some people's militia or rebel gang, but it doesn't look like he's some jackass. He apparently cares for his appearance.
Thirdly, that's not a collision. The truck on the ground is merely behind the smoke and heat distortion. It's not jostled, it looks unshaken, and still well maintained. That's some gear mounted in the truck bed though, so this goes on to somewhat strengthen the combat proficiency that the man may have. It doesn't look manned.
As for the poor truck that's gone airborne, it's pointing the wrong way for it to be a head on collision. The doors are facing the other way, protip for you all. Yes, the vehicle's paint seems to be wearing, but there appears to be something added to the vehicle, whatever that long, bolted on thing is, I'm afraid I can't identify it, but it seems to be in good repair... well, before this incident. I believe maybe artillery or something along those lines, like a bomb, were dropped on the back.
Now it gets interesting, because... why is the man facing the wrong way on the vehicle? That's... curious. I don't think you'd spin x-wise from an explosion, you'd just go flying. Maybe he was catapulted from the truck, or maybe the poor sap was the target of multiple bombardments, the angle is a bit weird, is all, and he was close enough to one to go flying, but not in the lethal range.
But the absolute WEIRDEST thing about this image I can see is...
How... is the guy's leg on fire?