BioWare Trims Mass Effect 3 Squad to Focus on Deeper Relationships


New member
Feb 21, 2011
Hitchmeister said:
"Well this is good because I never used more than half my squad in Mass Effect 2, so as long as I get my favorites, I'll be happy."

Everybody says that, but nobody used the same line-up as anyone else. (Well, obviously a lot of people did, there's only so many combinations, but you get my point.) So, realistically, one or more of you favorite characters are going to get left out and you'll be stuck re-recruiting the loser you never wanted on a mission once again. You know it's going to happen.
Find me one person who used Jacob on a regular basis.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
white_salad said:
This makes me such a happy camper. And aslong as the characters who aren't main party members get at least a breif cameo or at least a quick talking to, all will be well in my mind.

I want this to be the complete end of this story arc. I want people to die, relationships to be fully established, endings to battles, and want to see my choices from all my play throughs to be fulfilled. I let the racki live, I want to see the consequences from this decision.

Also...I'm kind of rooting for shephard to die, just so this story arc is thoroughly ended.
I agree about the Shepard death. I'm prepared for character death, tragedy. We can't expect, even with full paragon (like I did), for everyone to come out with out boo-boos.

Also, while difficult to think about, I like the idea of having to choose the salvation of a civilization/race over the death of another. Maybe I just like bittersweet endings.


New member
Nov 12, 2008
It's not like it matters. You just KNOW that garrus, joker, wrex, and all girls except miranda are going to be shot in the face in the first hour for dramatic effect. There's no WAY bioware won't pull a joss wheadon on us here.


They'll fix it by "Monday"
Nov 17, 2009
NinjaDeathSlap said:
Josh12345 said:
NinjaDeathSlap said:
So long as my squad contains...

Wrex. Shphard
flaying people alive. With her MIND
Kermit the frog mixed with Solid Snake
Shepard Commander
A beautiful bucket

I really don't mind who else stays, although I hope they'll still produce some new characters.
fix'd for ya
LOL, that's my meme team.

Oh, I also want The Model of a Scientist Salarian as well,
fix'd again


New member
Sep 23, 2010
As long as I have Garrus, Mordin, and Legion I am okay. I do like this idea, hopefully I'll get to pick which characters I want in my squad. It would also be nice to get Wrex back.


New member
Aug 24, 2008
CaptainLoserPants said:
white_salad said:
This makes me such a happy camper. And aslong as the characters who aren't main party members get at least a breif cameo or at least a quick talking to, all will be well in my mind.

I want this to be the complete end of this story arc. I want people to die, relationships to be fully established, endings to battles, and want to see my choices from all my play throughs to be fulfilled. I let the racki live, I want to see the consequences from this decision.

Also...I'm kind of rooting for shephard to die, just so this story arc is thoroughly ended.
I agree about the Shepard death. I'm prepared for character death, tragedy. We can't expect, even with full paragon (like I did), for everyone to come out with out boo-boos.

Also, while difficult to think about, I like the idea of having to choose the salvation of a civilization/race over the death of another. Maybe I just like bittersweet endings.
That last part made my heart skip a beat. I hope it ends like that, a huge decision, damning one to save the other, or shepherd sacrificing him/herself to save his love interest. Or hell, how about actually losing?! The reapers break the will of the universe and begin slaughtering everyone....jesus.


New member
May 2, 2011
oh thats a shame, well in mass effect 3 jack may be nicer but that wont reli happen for me consideing she died in my last me2 mission. also i want wrex back as a crew member, i liked grunt but he seemed like the kind of krogan that if i left him alone with my crew i would come back from a mission and find them all dead with grunt reading a newspaper ontop of their corpse pile. also he was kinda racist.


iDrink, iSmoke, iPill
Nov 16, 2008
Thats pretty awesome. I actually enjoyed learning about the characters and talking about them and wanted to make sure all of them survived. Really looking forward to Mass Effect 3 now.


Nov 1, 2009
Have Wrex, Tali and Garrus in there for sure.

If any of those three manage not to get into ME3 as a squad character.. I may cry. Although if you have to.. I'll take Mordin in Wrex's spot for good measure. And then visit Tuchanka every other game day for Wrex.

Liara is already confirmed to be in there, and I kill off Ashley every ME playthrough, so.. I'm not worried, otherwise.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Macheteswordgun said:
This could end horribly or be a huge hit, All these new releases are defiantly making quite a few fans i know nervous.... time will tell time will tell.
indeed. it also depends on how they integrate characters who survived the suicide mission. i really really hope they operate on the assumption that everyone lived, but not everyone stayed with you. i would really like to get more character development in Kasumi and Zaeed, and garrus and thane, and really everyone but tali, jacob, and miranda felt like they didn't have enough development in ME2. hell, even jacob felt a bit unfinished, and jack just told you an account of her crimes, then to fuck off at every conversation.


New member
Feb 2, 2010
That's good. As much as I loved all my squadmembers, I did think they made each other awfully redundant. Tali and Legion were a major example of this. They had almost the exact same tech powers for pete's sake! You'd think that after 300 years apart, they'd take diverging paths in technology and come up with different powers!

But do we get to see Zaeed and Kasumi if we downloaded them?

And as for Jack, I have mixed feelings about that, but that's just because I'm adverse to change. She totally rocked the bald look, but I'm glad she'll start wearing a shirt from now on. I actually took her with me on certain missions just because I was hoping she'd complain about the cold.


New member
Feb 4, 2010
At last, some Mass Effect 3 news that doesn't incite flame! I bet Bioware's sittin Canada going, "all right, time to check the fans' response to our latest news... oh god... WHEW oh thank god, they're happy, finally."


New member
May 20, 2010
The cast of ME2 was great and I grew to care and be interested in all of them to varying degrees. Of course, I forced myself to rotate who I brought with me so as to get to hear their different little dialogue replies and stuff. This helped to make them seem less like dead space on my ship and it really did help me learn more about all of them. Example: Taking Zaeed on Jack's loyalty mission made him seem much less like a pure monster to me. Yay character depth. And while the above is true and I really loved most of my team in ME2, I agree that making it a more intimate team which will therefore have more to say will be for the best.

My Desired team: Garrus, Tali, Legion, Mordin, Thane, Wrex
I'd also be okay with Liara, Zaeed (best team member human so far imo), or Kasumi
I think Legion might be unlikely because he will be leading the friendly Geth against the Reapers. Wrex will be similar but leading the Krogans. Mordin dies super easy so I doubt he will be a team member and Thane has a good reason to be dead so I doubt we will get to see him either. And Zaeed and Kasumi are DLC characters so they have no chance of being team members really.
Probable team: Garrus, Tali, Kaiden/Ashley, Liara, New human guy, Grunt?(having no krogan would be weird)
I hope anyone you have kept alive over the course of the two previous games and isn't a squad mate will have a LOTSB sized you and them mission so we don't have to miss all of our friends too much. Also since this is the last game, I'm not sure what will happen in the romantic plot lines for the characters who don't get to be on your team? LOTSB style sex at the end of their mission and a happy ending cut scene if you actually save the universe? Since it is the last game, I just hope they don't ignore those romances completely.
Wow this was long. Sorry all.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
NinjaDeathSlap said:
So long as my squad contains...


I really don't mind who else stays, although I hope they'll still produce some new characters.
thane's dead, liara is the shadow broker (spoiler alert), kaidan/ashley hates you and wrex is the krogan warlord/leader/thingymabob.
bioware has confirmed that tali and garrus will return and legion is a geth so i dont know maybe he will return he was awesome tho.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
marscentral said:
Half my squad never left the ship in ME2, so it does make sense to cut them back. Quality over quantity.
Really you took out that many people? Damn....I dont think I took anyone out besides 2 or 3 lol


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Tin Man said:
Therumancer said:
Well, I think the first responder got it right as this is exactly the kind of news that is getting Bioware flamed. The basic point seems to be that they are continueing the trend of dumbing things down, by removing even more variables from the game by letting you have less options to customize your squad through having less availible characters. Instead they are putting in more cartoons (ie cut scenes with dialogue selection options) and claiming that this makes for "deeper role-playing" when in reality this game isn't even an RPG anymore given that they have removed pretty much all the combat stats, and most of the itemization
It was literally at this point I stopped reading this fucking MASSIVE text wall, because its, frankly, wrong. They've upped the itemisation by adding customisable weapons again, and they've specifically said they're making MORE battle effective stats.

Bioware were ALWAYS going for a shooter with an RPG flavour, and NOT the other way round.

I'm sure I could've picked apart the rest of the post, but yeah, I don't have an hour to spare here mate...

Actually, no, they aren't adding itemization. Thinking that weapon mods amount to itemization is wrong. Action games have had weapon mods involved in them for a long time, and there has been an entire article on The Escapist about how Bioware mentioned that they weren't putting the stats back into combat.

Restoring itemization would involve putting tons of differant weapons with differant stats and foibles into the game, along with things like "accuracy" which influances whether you hit or miss with a weapon when combined with your character's selected skills, rather than your abillity to point and shoot. Itemization also involves things like being able to collect and wear armor. One of the problems with Mass Effect 2, was that Shepard was the only character who could wear/change/collect armor.

The existance of weapon mods doesn't make the game any more of an RPG than say "Army Of Two: The 40th Day"... which was flat out a shooter.

They have stated they are NOT putting stats into combat (to repete it again) what they have said is that they plan to have powers that evolve more than one time. Meaning that instead of say having a choice after filling up 4 levels of a skill of say having it do more damage, or affect multiple targets, every so many points you'd have the abillity to add a differant enhancement to the power. This however doesn't fundementally alter the nature of how the combat is working with the player having to aim their weapon with their own reflexs, and line up the shots for those power activations. There are no real die rolls or anything being made to determine the outcome.

You are also DEAD wrong about the initial intent of the Mass Effect series, the whole point of the game was to have a game that was an RPG but looked like a shooter. This is why you had things like weapon skills in the first game. If you weren't skilled with a weapon you were not going to be able to hit anything with it that had too much in the way of defense stats, no matter how well you as a player aimed. This could amount to running up to something with a weapon you have no skill with, putting the muzzle up against the side of it, pulling the trigger, and missing (even if that's an extreme situation, and you could alter it somewhat by say using accuracy mods on the weapon to compensate for low, or eve non-existant skills). Likewise, with a lot of skill, precise aiming wasn't really nessicary, aiming in the
general area was usually enough in most cases. With the Sniper Rifle there was a bit of an exception since skill largely influanced scope drift as opposed to the shot itself, it being a mini-game of sorts on a lot of levels.

You couldn't have picked the rest apart because I'm right. Being the internet that's not all that relevent though, like everything it always comes down to having to agree to disagree, and the only thing in question is whether it ends with someone flaming, or the the conversation ends peacably.

To be honest, other people have commented on the length of my posts, but in general it comes down to the suggestion that I don't condense them, because in doing so I leave out a lot of information. Typically in my posts there isn't a lot to say in disagreement because I typically head off most arguements people would make before they can even make them (which is beneficial, but infuriating to some people. It does save a lot of time though). In general if you don't want to actually read on a subject, you probably shouldn't be on a message board to begin with.

While it has nothing to do with you directly (as you've been fairly resonable, despite being wrong, other than your comments about post length and dismissive attitude) I'll be honest in saying that one of the reaosns why a lot of people kind of wish I would write shorter points is because by summarizing a lot of what I have to say in a few sentences or paragraphs without explaining myself would turn me into something akin to an attention seeking troll, given that I am so frequently on the less-popular side of debates. For example when it comes to things like "Mass Effect" the bottom line is that there are far more shooter fans out there than there are RPG players, and that's at the core of why these changes are taking place. More fans for shooters, means more sales to shooter players, and more money for the company. Shooter fans of course like the changes made to games like "Mass Effect" as it fits their tastes, and of course will defend it. RPG players like me take the attitude that there are already plenty of shooters out there, and game developers should leave RPGs alone given that there are few enough of them as it is, rather than trying to change all of them to tap into action-gaming markets and missing the point of what makes them what they are in the process. I don't go into "Gears Of War" forums and badmouth the game for not being stat driven and insist it should be, and I really kind of appreciate the favor when people don't start screaming that making RPGs twitch based doesn't change what they are or the point of them. I tend to only get nasty when that's what people do. In this case "Bioware" is pretty much selling out to a bigger market, even if the RPG market is still really profitable, it's the temptation of say making a hundred million in profit as opposed to ninety million in profit, they want the extra ten million in their pocket, as opposed to being content to making the huge ninety million dollars in profit and support a loyal audience. They figure "well someone else can do that, we want to be where the few extra bucks are". Needless to say as a member of the audience being stabbed in the back, I'm not happy about it. Also I *DO* get that shooter fans don't like being called less intelligent, however there is no way to really mince words when the central issue here is that the shooter fan doesn't like RPGs because they dont want to have to think, and can't find any real joy in the menus, items, stats, and numbers. They don't want indirect control, and can't get their minds around that to enjoy it and derive satisfaction. RPGS fans enjoy it from an intellectual position and derive satisfaction from understanding and controlling the variables (and the depper the better). Shooter fans will say this themselves, and talk about RPGs making their heads hurt and gripe about all the aspects that are the very point of that style of game. There isn't much reason to mince words when the situation is broken down that clearly, and when your typical "I love shooters, but hate RPGs" player basically makes a "proud to be dumb" arguement about immediate gratification, he kind of brings it on himself.
Jun 16, 2010
Russian_Assassin said:
As long as I get to keep Legion, I couldn't be happier.
I actually liked all of them. Ok I could live without the humans, namely Miranda and Jacob, but Mordin, Tali, Legion, Garrus, Jack and Joker are my favorite crewmates!
I can't believe you're the ONLY person on the first page to mention Mordin.

For shame escapist community!