BioWare Uses Stock Photo for Tali in Mass Effect 3


New member
Dec 7, 2009
Thaliur said:
What really bother me, though, is the fact that apparently there are people on the Bioware forums that actually have the time and motivation to sift through the internet searching for pictures, based on (hopefully, at least) a vague feeling of familiarity. If I had done this whenever something in a game seemed like I saw it before, I'd be unemployed, without any finished education, and probably still looking for some wall markings I saw in Battlezone 2.
Since this picture is on a website for stock photos I'm guessing that a Mass Effect fan who uses the website for whatever reason be it proffesional or otherwise recognised the picture.

Either that or it's an inside leak, you never know since it was posted shortly after the game released.


New member
Dec 7, 2009
Thaliur said:
What really bother me, though, is the fact that apparently there are people on the Bioware forums that actually have the time and motivation to sift through the internet searching for pictures, based on (hopefully, at least) a vague feeling of familiarity. If I had done this whenever something in a game seemed like I saw it before, I'd be unemployed, without any finished education, and probably still looking for some wall markings I saw in Battlezone 2.
Since this picture is on a website for stock photos I'm guessing that a Mass Effect fan who uses the website for whatever reason be it proffesional or otherwise recognised the picture.

Either that or it's an inside leak, you never know since it was posted shortly after the game released.


New member
Dec 7, 2009
Li Mu said:
All this anger is not good for your health.
If you would actually read the comments against the picture you would realise that no one is really angry more like annoyed that the developer that they love could be so lazy. Just think back to a time when you were upset about a piece of media and be a little more understanding.

RedEyesBlackGamer said:
Greg Tito said:
Statements like the above make it hard to understand exactly why people are upset. According to some, BioWare is lazy for using an image service instead of crafting the image from scratch, while others seem to use this as evidence for something else they didn't care for, like the writing. Could have BioWare have used a custom image? Yes. Does using a stock image diminish your experience of the game? No.

Now, if you want to quibble about how Tali doesn't look like how you imagined her, well, you might have a point there. Perhaps characters who are masked should stay that way. I'm looking at you, Samus Aran.
You are letting your opinion get into a news article again. If you have an opinion, make an editorial or leave it in the comments section. I don't need the reporter's take on a story when they are reporting it. This is why I have trouble taking game journalism seriously.
They're just trying to be Destructoid, did you see the really poor humor they started to use in news pieces after the redesign?


New member
Nov 4, 2008
Who cares? Seriously, what kind of complaint is this. Why not complain about how the Illusive Man looks like Martin Sheen? Why be lazy and model the face ingame after the voice actor rather than just go and generate a new face?

I mean, come on. There's no advantage to them doing anything else, and it's makes absolutely no difference to anything. Sure, it's fine if you've got some arbitrarily objection to Quarian faces looking even remotely human like, but a face is a face. Big fucking deal. Complain about something where it would actually made a difference.
Jun 11, 2008
I have no problem with whole stock photo thing as a stock photo what I am annoyed with is the poor use of the photo. I really do expect more of a studio like Bioware. They have really fucked up canon and fluff with this picture so hard they broke the fucking fourth wall to pieces, as I've said before if this true it is like something out of Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

Could they not have gotten artists to do a graphical representation of it in game instead of straight in? Could they not have changed the background so it is a ship instead of planter with plenty of bacteria waiting to kill this person?

So many things they could have done to make this ok but they took the lazy route. So no not everyone annoyed about this is a Talimancer or Anti Biodrone I am just annoyed that they fucked up a stock photo so badly. Come on I can't and know I am not the only annoyed with how badly Bioware has handled their own canon?
Jun 11, 2008
Jadak said:
Who cares? Seriously, what kind of complaint is this. Why not complain about how the Illusive Man looks like Martin Sheen? Why be lazy and model the face ingame after the voice actor rather than just go and generate a new face?

I mean, come on. There's no advantage to them doing anything else, and it's makes absolutely no difference to anything. Sure, it's fine if you've got some arbitrarily objection to Quarian faces looking even remotely human like, but a face is a face. Big fucking deal. Complain about something where it would actually made a difference.
Because that is a normal enough thing to do, is rendered with the game's engine and doesn't give the two fingers to the game's lore and canon. I'm annoyed they didn't take the time to render the photo in game and change the background to a ship.


New member
Jan 23, 2012
I'm finding it hard to get angry about this. Yes it seems kind of lazy to give a character that they knew was loved that kind of treatment but honestly anything they did would have been insufficient for the "fans". I was going to elaborate about the "talimancers" and all the complaining but honestly, its been done.


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May 13, 2010
BaronIveagh said:
Really, Greg? Really? Blame the fans and claim that one of the biggest reveals in the game being done by someone with very little apparent talent with photoshop in a few min with a stock photo? And that's alright because it has no effect on your game experience?
Leave Greg alone, it's not his fault he has no idea what he's talking about and can't find fault with anything Bioware does.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Fr said:
BaronIveagh said:
Really, Greg? Really? Blame the fans and claim that one of the biggest reveals in the game being done by someone with very little apparent talent with photoshop in a few min with a stock photo? And that's alright because it has no effect on your game experience?
Leave Greg alone, it's not his fault he has no idea what he's talking about and can't find fault with anything Bioware does.
We can't all be spoiled entitled crybabies, like the Bioware "fans" as yourself.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
JCBFGD said:
Lazy? Yes. A big deal? No. Shut up, players. Good God, is that a pathetic thing to whine about.
I'm tempted to find some good meme to type this, but w/e.

"So you just played through 3 games, getting attached to one of the most important friends the main character has made during the time we played those games, and you wanted us to care? LOL NOPE."

Quarian physiology was a huge unknown, an enigma and a mystery. They should've either kept it as it, and honor the thing they did in ME2 with Tali romance, or FUCKING TRIED. I don't really care that they used a stock picture, but it does mean they are lazy fuckers that would rather waste money sending shit into space than spend few hours working on concept art of their own.

TheBelgianGuy said:
Fr said:
BaronIveagh said:
Really, Greg? Really? Blame the fans and claim that one of the biggest reveals in the game being done by someone with very little apparent talent with photoshop in a few min with a stock photo? And that's alright because it has no effect on your game experience?
Leave Greg alone, it's not his fault he has no idea what he's talking about and can't find fault with anything Bioware does.
We can't all be spoiled entitled crybabies, like the Bioware "fans" as yourself.
We can't all be blind or paid morons, like the Bioware "defenders" as yourself.

Hey, this insulting thing is fun!

Okay, now imagine this - they suddenly reveal that, let's say, Batman is a transgender. Or that Spiderman has transformed teeth into spider fangs. Doesn't change what the character does or his history, but it does leave a LOT to discuss from angry fans. People that didn't care about the character then, won't care later. And something tells me you simply shouldn't talk about things you don't care about.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
If I had to guess, I'd say they asked everyone to create their own version of the Tali portrait and then picked the one they liked the best. They just didn't know that the one they picked was based on a stock photo.

I don't know what happened, of course, I'm just speculating. It seems the most likely reason to me.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Li Mu said:

If this is such a game breaker for you guys then return your game, ask for your money back and never play it again.
You wont do that? I thought not.

You guys are as bad as all the WoW players who rage EVERY. SINGLE. PATCH. UPDATE.
Usually with, "Blizz, you have ruined WoW, I am quitting and never coming back".
And these people have been saying it since Vanilla and are still playing.

As has been said before, BioWare were doomed no matter what they did. People would find something to rage over. "Sheppard doesn't fire his gun the way he's supposed to! BIOWARE HAS BETRAYED US ALL!!!!11"

My advice for all of you who are currently in tears is this;
Dry your eyes and take several deep breaths. 10 should be enough although go to 20 if you're still having trouble calming down.
Go outside for an hour or two and try to relax. Listen to the birds, look at the trees and just be happy that you are alive in this world.
Then go back inside and play ME3 and enjoy it for the great game that it is.

All this anger is not good for your health.
Yeah, like those people raging over Mass Effect: Deception were just being silly.

"Oh, so they just raped half of the lore, so what, it doesn't affect you."

We must be very thankful to the people who wasted their money on this shittastic excuse of a book, so we didn't have to. Otherwise, who knows what kind of crap Bioware would've retconned into the game.


New member
Apr 13, 2011
Abedeus said:
JCBFGD said:
Lazy? Yes. A big deal? No. Shut up, players. Good God, is that a pathetic thing to whine about.
I'm tempted to find some good meme to type this, but w/e.

"So you just played through 3 games, getting attached to one of the most important friends the main character has made during the time we played those games. Quarian physiology was a huge unknown, an enigma and a mystery. They should've either kept it as it, and honor the thing they did in ME2 with Tali romance, or FUCKING TRIED. I don't really care that they used a stock picture, but it does mean they are lazy fuckers that would rather waste money sending shit into space than spend few hours working on concept art of their own.

TheBelgianGuy said:
Fr said:
BaronIveagh said:
Really, Greg? Really? Blame the fans and claim that one of the biggest reveals in the game being done by someone with very little apparent talent with photoshop in a few min with a stock photo? And that's alright because it has no effect on your game experience?
Leave Greg alone, it's not his fault he has no idea what he's talking about and can't find fault with anything Bioware does.
We can't all be spoiled entitled crybabies, like the Bioware "fans" as yourself.
We can't all be blind or paid morons, like the Bioware "defenders" as yourself.

Hey, this insulting thing is fun!

Okay, now imagine this - they suddenly reveal that, let's say, Batman is a transgender. Or that Spiderman has transformed teeth into spider fangs. Doesn't change what the character does or his history, but it does leave a LOT to discuss from angry fans. People that didn't care about the character then, won't care later. And something tells me you simply shouldn't talk about things you don't care about.
I guess the fact that Miranda, standard male Shep and many other characters in the game are based on already existing models is something that already upsets you, yes?

I agree though, they should have kept Tali's face hidden. Cuz, as usual, this is a no win situation. Regardless of what they had done, people would have complained and bitched.

Stupid to cave to all the fans who demanded a Tali face reveal.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
I have not played ME3 and I did not look at the "major spoiler" image, but please, keep your personal opinion out of the news article. Why does it seem to be so hard for the Escapist staff?


New member
Aug 17, 2008
Cracks me up how they couldn't even be bothered fix up her hand. BioWare Quality ?.

The Talimancers are probably so mad.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
NKRevan said:
Abedeus said:
JCBFGD said:
Lazy? Yes. A big deal? No. Shut up, players. Good God, is that a pathetic thing to whine about.
I'm tempted to find some good meme to type this, but w/e.

"So you just played through 3 games, getting attached to one of the most important friends the main character has made during the time we played those games. Quarian physiology was a huge unknown, an enigma and a mystery. They should've either kept it as it, and honor the thing they did in ME2 with Tali romance, or FUCKING TRIED. I don't really care that they used a stock picture, but it does mean they are lazy fuckers that would rather waste money sending shit into space than spend few hours working on concept art of their own.

TheBelgianGuy said:
Fr said:
BaronIveagh said:
Really, Greg? Really? Blame the fans and claim that one of the biggest reveals in the game being done by someone with very little apparent talent with photoshop in a few min with a stock photo? And that's alright because it has no effect on your game experience?
Leave Greg alone, it's not his fault he has no idea what he's talking about and can't find fault with anything Bioware does.
We can't all be spoiled entitled crybabies, like the Bioware "fans" as yourself.
We can't all be blind or paid morons, like the Bioware "defenders" as yourself.

Hey, this insulting thing is fun!

Okay, now imagine this - they suddenly reveal that, let's say, Batman is a transgender. Or that Spiderman has transformed teeth into spider fangs. Doesn't change what the character does or his history, but it does leave a LOT to discuss from angry fans. People that didn't care about the character then, won't care later. And something tells me you simply shouldn't talk about things you don't care about.
I guess the fact that Miranda, standard male Shep and many other characters in the game are based on already existing models is something that already upsets you, yes?

I agree though, they should have kept Tali's face hidden. Cuz, as usual, this is a no win situation. Regardless of what they had done, people would have complained and bitched.

Stupid to cave to all the fans who demanded a Tali face reveal.
I don't give a shit about Miranda, and I never use custom faces for Shepard anyway.

Tali's face was a huge unknown. Shepard and Miranda were human - we all know how humans look, at least those without some horrible degenerate diseases. We don't know how QUARIANS look. And suddenly we are hit with a hot chick from stock photo on a beach or something (Tali herself said that "it will take a few years, but we'll be able to take off our masks" - that wasn't even few weeks in-game time, and that's even if you make the correct choices), with lush hair (why do quarians even have hair? hair has no purpose when your suit does all the things for you, for several generations, just like immune systems) and just few tattoos/quick photoshop modifications. Bad modifications, that looked like they took a random kid from street, gave him Photoshop 5 and told him to make her look like an alien.