Hey, guess what?
Despite the vast majority of the feedback on this monstrosity, it is now available for pre-order!
BioWare teased us with rather good concept designs for a statuette of the delightful Liara T'Soni. Then they fucked it up by letting a bushido (piss) artist redesign it into a monstrosity with mazzive bazookas and a disturbing, pre-teen face. The design looked less like Liara T'Soni and more like a 15 year-old, sexually-immature anime fan's wank fodder and the vast majority of Mass Effect fans derided it for the sheer affront that it was
So BioWare ignored the majority and went with the crusty-sock brigade instead, approving the hated design for production. Some people actually like it (although I can't imagine why) but the majority of people are still are of the "what the fuck is that?!?" opinion.
Of course this move was made because they know that the people who like this sort of thing are the same people who are more willing to part with their money.
Don't get me wrong, if it's your thing then fine - more power to you (just stay the fuck away from me!) - but this is supposed to be Liara T'Soni and yet it bears as much resemblance to her as I do! I can only conclude that anyone who likes this insult of a design does so because they like big tits and pre-pubescent faces and not because they like the character Liara herself.
Sadly for me, I DO like Liara as she is in the games and I was looking forward to a statue of her. That chance has now been denied me thanks to pandering to the lowest common denominator...
I offer nothing but the most sarcastic thanks to whoever had the final say on this obscenity - you bastard!