I read this thread, heard mentions of Evolve and Fable legends. As I was looking for something like this to play with friends I loo them up and, to my surprise none of them had actually been released yet. So people are comparing unreleased games based on PR speak now, that seems like an incredibly stupid thing to do. Anyway if we are yelling at Bioware for copying stuff, I'll throw out Giant: Citizen Kabuto, doing the asymmetric multi-player also with base building, 10 years ago (Also by Interplay because apparently they are cool again).
But seriously, evolve looks like your normal FPS, this setting allows for some unique shooter classes if they go that way or a pretty sweet action RPG, but Australian internet would make that a pain play with out lag. As these are the same guys that did SWTOR, the story could either be brilliant or pretty bland. Some of the classes were sick like Agent and one of the Sith, the other Sith was boring but not awful, never got around to the rest. SWTOR would have been a great RPG if it had been like SaGa Frontier, but they would have had to find a different way to fund it, sort of like the Telltale model but charging more.