Black Cloud-RP (rebooting) [Open/accepting sheets]

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
[HEADING=1]Black Cloud[/HEADING]

Try and keep to the plot as much as possible, no going of masquerading by yourself.

No god-modding (kind of basic).

No magic, although feel free to have ridiculous technology.

Everything else is just common sense really.

Name:(nothing too long, keep it simple)


Race:(Please choose from one of the races posted, or ask me before creating one that isn't)

Build:(Muscular, skinny, tall, short, fat etc)

Appearance:(Brief description of what your character looks like)

Equipment and weapons:(Anything from guns to jetpacks to laser axes here, just nothing too overpowered)

Bio:(A short description of what your character is like, how they act, who they are.)

History:(Where they lived, what they did, nothing too extensive)

Fighting Style:(Optional)

Clan:(Please choose one of the posted clans , or you can choose to be clan-less)

Human: The human race was decimated after the Jafac war, they now sourly dwell in Aetheros which is their capital, although some choose to live in other aerial dwellings which usually aren't far from the capital.
Few pure humans are left in existence, most of the so called "humans" have been genetically engineered greatly, the average height of one is now around 6"7 and they are in general stronger, faster and more tougher than their descendants.
Although their numbers have greatly decreased they have advanced greatly in technology, and are currently one of the most advanced races living on earth.

Hroges: They are a relatively new race to have arrived on earth, when they first arrived in 2234 they were hostile, they later made peace and now live along-side the humans in the Earth-capital Aetheros after being forced off of their home planet by a meteor which they escaped from, they are a lot shorter than humans, and no stockier, they are pale blue in colour and have large eyes which vary in hue, they have clawed hands with three fingers and similar feet, they stand hunched slightly which adds to their short appearance.
They make up for their lack of strength with their incredibly advanced technology and agility, they are a great deal more advanced than the majority of other races on earth.

Kraxex: They are the only race which lives down below the smog mainly because they are one of the only intelligent races that can breath the toxic air that lays on the earths surface.
They are tall and incredibly muscular, their skin is thick,black and leathery which helps them to withstand the acids which also swirl about the surface, their heads are similar to that of humans although with a more prominent jaw and a total lack of hair.
Most of the tribes of Kraxex are hostile towards the races that live above them and will kill any of them who dare to venture into the smog, but one tribe; the Brabez tribe, have agreed to make peace with the humans and live above in Aetheros, although they are usually pushed aside by the other races who look down on them as dirty brutes.

The Kraxex arrived on earth along with the Hroges, the Kraxex were their slaves and soldiers back on their home planet, but now are free of their rule and live independent above and below.

Mechanical/Bio-Mechanical: The remaining humans robotic technology has advanced greatly, many intelligent A.I have been developed and now live in the city along with the other races, the Hrogean robots which were brought along with their masters also live in Aetheros, and are a lot more advanced than human ones, although they are rarer due to the inability to make any more of them after they are destroyed.

After the modern era humanity continued to grow, for a time they prospered and had huge cities all over the globe, many great advance in technology were also made, but in the early 22nd century pollution became a huge problem, with almost all of the rain-forests gone, and the constant increase in the worlds population and use of fossil fuels, the surface soon became an uninhabitable smog.
Humanity tried to live in their polluted cities for as long as possible, trying to filter the air, but they got desperate as millions began to die from the poisonous gases below, the gases also prevented any more large quantities of plant-life from growing, with this the condition went into a downwards spiral, forcing humanity to flee into the skies.
They began construction of Aetheros in 2180, the whole surviving world putting all remaining resources and workers into it, it was completed in 2209 and launched and now hangs suspended above the black clouds.
For a time this new civilization of humans too prospered, but in 2234 a huge hrogean space-carrier entered the solar system, a grand war ensued, as the hroges attempted to invade in search of resources.
The war only lasted half a year after which peace was made, the hroges and their Kraxex companions now live among the humans on Aetheros, although many Kraxex tribes fled from their masters into the smog, because they are the only race that can survive the harsh conditions, they relished the chance to have the whole of earths surface as their own domain.
The year is now 2278, the Humans, Hroges, and all remaining Kraxex live peacefully on Aetheros, but the Kraxex below in the smog have had huge population growth, they now almost outnumber the other races. The surface has now transformed into an alien post-apocalyptic wasteland, the radical change in climate has lead to almost every previous species dying out, but many new species have popped up in their place, the surface is now covered in dark poisonous forests which are slowly reclaiming the ruined cities still left over from the collapse, vast stinking marshes, and cold rocky deserts made up of black sand.
After the alliance between the Hroges, their Kraxex followers and the Humans, the city has prospered, with the Hroges new technology the city has had many upgrades, it it now even larger and more powerful than when it was first made.

Human Clans:
-The Erian: they are the largest of the human clans and occupy the majority of the human part of the city, they pride themselves on their technology and aptitude in warfare and have the largest military force of all the humans.

-The Ishar: They are the last remaining religious beings on earth and own the central ring of the city and its one huge domed church, they aren't as technologically advanced as the other humans but concentrate mainly on their religious activities, although they do have an elite force called "The servantine" who guard and serve them as the would be "Knights" of their order.

-The Aros: They are the smallest clan of the human race and live as nomads of the sky, living in small scattered settlements outside the city floating down below the city on smaller city-platforms. They are the guardians of the sky and specialize in aerial combat, flying around on many small aircraft and gliders, they are also the owners of the humans only military airforce, and provide all air-related services to the others.

The Hroges Clans:
-The Dege: They form the majority of the Hroges race and act as their military mainly, but also perform all the normal tasks. They are great industrialists and produce much of Aetheros' materials.

-The Tafac: They are the smaller of Hroges two clans, and form the more technological side of the two, they rarely fight, and concentrate on building all that is needed for the city, as well as researching all the technological upgrades needed.

The Kraxex Clans:
-The Brabez: They are the only Kraxex clan which remained living on Aetheros, they are also the smallest race on Aetheros, they live on the outer rings of the city and make up a large amount of the alliances infantry, although they are less intelligent that the other races, they are unmatched on the battlefield and could kill a man with their bare hands in seconds.

The city is separeted into rings by large circular walls which go around the city in progressively smaller circles. The city is made up of towering building with huge Plate-like rooves, with many smaller buildings continuing down to the floor level.
The great Ishar cathedrale lies in the centre of the city, with the main trade district around it, and all other setions expanding outwards.
There are 7 rings in the city, the trade and Ishar in the centre, the Brabez and city dwelling Aros on the edge, and all others scattered inbetween.

Any questions go for it, a couple of notes though, firstly, there are nearly no limits to strength of characters as seen in the original, I will simply scaled the enemies to match although run them by me, PM if needed. And second, this is a story driven RP and we do need regular posters to keep it running, but if you really do need to quit out half way please notify me beforehand so I can write you out somehow :)

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
Name: Grash
Age: 30
Race: Kraxex
Build: Extremely muscular and tall even for a Kraxex, he looms over most humans at a height of 7"3.
Appearance: Grash is bold in appearance, and among his race considered to be fair of complexion, although by human standards he is still brutish, he usually wears nothing on his top half other than a wide variety of combat pouches strapped to his chest which contain everything he needs for battle, he wears combat trousers with light-weight metal knee-pads, he wears nothing on his feet due to the toughness of his skin, although he has been known to wear shoes when forced into public events.
Equipment: Grash carries with him at all time his heavy duty combat knife, but for non close-quarter situations he carries a large high-tech revolver and an assortment of grenades, he also carries with him a Micro-light contractible sniper rifle for long ranges which he keeps attached to his back, he has a communicator on his ear as well as a small HUD that flips open over his eye from a compartment stored within his communicator.
Bio: Grash is the military leader of the collective forces of Aetheros and the overall leader of the Brabez tribe, he considered extremely intelligent for a kraxex, and his effectiveness on the battlefield is almost unmatched, he tends to use stealth as his main weapon in battle, but when his cover is blown he can get very loud and aggressive very quickly, plowing through his enemies like a bull with guns.
History: Grash was born 14 years after his race arrived on earth along with the hroges and so is part of the younger generation of Kraxex, he joined the military very early in life and rose through the ranks quickly due to his great cunning and strength, he became the leader of the Brabez tribe by killing their former leader (Jvarvosh), and later was promoted to Aetheros' military leader, unlike previous leaders of the Brabez, he still performs active service, and has been active throughout the majority of their battles.
Fighting Style: Mainly stealth based, excellent at close quarters, but when discovered shows a lot louder and more aggresive side to his fighting.
Clan: Brabez
Name: Keal

Age: 22

Race: Human

Build: Keal is tall and skinny with long legs.

Appearance: Keal has short brown hair, green eyes and pale skin. He only wears a green shirt and some jeans underneath his armour suit. Keal always wears the same outfit, as he doesn't care about how he looks, especially when he will be in his suit most of the time.

Equipment and weapons: Keal has a jet pack which is connected to a suit of metal armour. When it is packed up, the armour folds up into a big hunk of metal and hangs off the front of the jet pack. Keal just unfolds it and puts it on. It has a helmet with a scanner over one eye, which gives him updates on how damaged the suit is, any emergency etc. Also, it filters the toxic air but if Keal stays in toxic air for too long it will corrode the filter and he will die.

He has a standard assault rifle used by the Human Army, which has a auto and semi-auto firing mode, also attached is a flash light and a small removable scope. and also has two rotating blasters in each gauntlet of his armour.

Keal also has a dog called Angel and she is outfitted with a suit of flexible armour. She is not an attack dog, but rather a pet so the armour is so she can breath in the toxic air and she is protected from harm. (NOTE: If you want, I can change it to a robotic dog, instead of a dog in armour.)

Bio: Keal is a quiet person, but when you do get him speaking he speaks a lot and tries to act cheerful. After saving that Kraxex, he has always tried to help people in need, but those methods aren't always legal. He has gotten into trouble many times, like for blowing up a house which was full of gangesters, but also had a few innocents in there. He distrusts anyone from the police force after he saw them beat a Kraxex for no reason, but he has been told by many that just because two policeman were bad doesn't mean the rest are. He, unlike many humans, doesn't really care that Kraxex and Hroges arn't human, they should be treated the same.

History: Keal was born in the year 2256, long after the war. He was always interested in robotics, but more than that, he loved flying. His family was from the clan Aros, but he preferred to be free and live his own life, so as soon as he could, he became clan-less. He still had his gift, which his family bought him when he was 18. It was tradition in his family to buy the 18 year old a special gift relating to the clan they wanted to join or were in.

As Keal was still in the clan Aros at the time, they decided to get him a jet pack. He left the clan a month later. From then on, Keal worked on adding a suit of armour to it, and now has a fully functioning suit attached to his jet pack. He found Angel when he first tested his jet pack, seeing if the attached armour would weigh it down. She was lying in a gutter, with what seemed like a gunshot wound. Keal looked after her and built her a set of armour so she would hopefully never have a repeat of what happened that day.

Keal still doesn't know what caused that gunshot wound, but he thought it may be one of the many gangsters running around the bad parts of town. As Keal had not yet found a job, that day he decided to join the police, and signed up soon after. He was issued with a standard rifle, and told to go out on patrol with two other policemen. When out on patrol, the other policemen caught a Kraxex in an alley way.

He seemed to be doing nothing but walking, but the other policeman started to attack him, calling him a filthy beast. Keal had stood back in shock, then had shot the first police man in the back. The other one turned to shoot Keal, but the Kraxex jumped up and snapped his neck back. Keal didn't even thank him before flying off. From that day forward, he became a mercenary, sickened by the way those policeman, those "Protectors", had acted that day.

Fighting Style: Keal prefers to use his jet pack to fly to a safe or a better spot, then rain down bullets with his assault rifle. If he can't fly, he will try to "boost" (imagine flying straight) to cover, then fight. If he is trapped and can't get to cover, he will use his dual blasters. They firing incredibly quickly, but are so inaccurate that he can only use them at close range. They also burn up ammo quickly.

Clan: Clan-less
Name: Kabreeg
Age: 21
Race: Kraxex
Build: Kabreeg is of athletic build, at least, for one of his species. He is slightly more muscular than most of his species, but is about adverage in height, standing at 6"2
Appearance: Kabreeg wears very little armour, prefering civilian clothing similar to that worn by humans. He has peiercing green eyes.
Equipment: Kabreeg was, to all extents and purposes, a test subject for the Horges. As they traveled towards Earth, he and various other slaves where trained and equipped to be the ultimate shock troops. Kabreeg wears a highly advanced full body suit under his clothes, that clings closely like a second skin. It is made of bio-mesh: A living metal that is near completely bulletproof and, like skin, repairs itself with time, albeit with unseemly "scar" tissue. It leaves his head, hands and feet exposed however. For weaponry, he carries a heavy machine-gun on his back, and a pistol as a side arm. His main weapon, however, is the extendable greatsword he carries at his hip. This seems like a large sword hilt, until, at the flick of a switch on the handle, it extends to a full 4 feet in length. This weapon is virtually indestructable, and a micro generator in the pommel can release a "One use only" 10,000 volt electric shock, before it requires re-charging.
Bio: Kabreeg is a shady member of the Brabez. He mainly stays out of his clan's doings, prefering to aimlessly stroll the streets of human sky civilisations. However, he remains fiercly loyal to his kin, and the Brabez often utilise his unquestioning loyalty and narural combat mastery for more dangerous or questionable missions.
History: Kabrreg's life only really began during the war with the Humans on Earth. As a member of an elite shcok team, he was dropped off ahead of the main forces and told to do as much damage as possible before the main force arrived. The more missions he survived, the more his value as a warrior was shown, and the Horges technology he still owns to this day is a testament to how much his masters invested in his combat career. By the time peace was declared, Kabreeg was the only member of the original team to still be alive. He was granted his freedom and, like the rest of his kind, cut loose in thepoisoned ground. Kabreeg no longer cares about the suffering of anyone but his own race. His sense of self preservation and value for life were beaten out of him by the Horges. As such, he seeks to return the favour to his ex-masters. This is more of a casual hobby however, rather than a vendetta to be pursued all the time. This is why he walks the streets of human cities. He hopes that, the more the other races come to despise him and his kind, the more of them he'll be able to kill.
Fighting Style: Kabreeg is a competant shot, but nothing extra-ordinary. What he lacks in ballistic skill he more than makes up for in close combat. Kabreeg is a close combat master, able to shrug off damage easily and hit back harder than almost anything. He is suprisingly agile, and formidably strong, and when armed with his great-sword, almost nothing can stand against him.
Clan: The Brabez
Name: BETHANY, or BETH for short.

Age: 2

Race: Mechanical (nanobot-based)

Build: Tall and slim.

Appearance: Long white hair, white clothing, fancy white trenchcoat, glowing green eyes, somewhat shiny skin.

Equipment and weapons: Huge (five feet from stock to barrel) semi-auto Gauss rifle fed with belt ammo, wrist-mounted laser blade; her trench coat can shapeshift into a winged jetpack. Super-strength and faster reflexes. Something of a "healing factor", being made of nanomachines.

The rifle was designed to be fired from the hip, and her eyes can zoom in on and track targets for sniping purposes. Its purpose was anti-materiel, but is perfectly viable for anti-personel in her hands.

Bio: BETHANY's overall personality can be summed up thusly: "Don't mess with me or my objectives, and you and I will get along famously." She's quite nice to her friends, but brutally efficient and deadly to her enemies.

History: BETHANY was the latest of a series of nano-androids ("Nandroids" to the layman), three in total. The other two were dispatched elsewhere. She was designed as law-enforcement, since her human appearence and pleasant demeanor allow for negotiations, her strength and speed are good for making arrests, and her speed and enhanced tracking and eyesight allow for impeccable accuracy, even with her huge rifle.

Fighting Style: Prefers ranged with her huge gun, but is also effective with her wrist-beams and fists. She knows Kendo and Jeet Kune Do.

Clan: Erian
Name: Calia

Age: 22

Race: Human

Build: Small, slim, with nice proportions. Only 5'2".

Appearance: Red hair (dyed). Dark blue eyes. Light skin. She wears several pieces of armor with an orange/black under suit. She wears and old embossed leather band on her brow, keeping her hair out of her face. Her most distinguishing feature is the tiger stripe tattoos which are over her entire body up to her neck, and two stripes on both cheeks leading down to her neck.

Equipment and weapons: She carries an assortment of weapons on her. 3 pistols, a sawed off shot gun, wrist crossbow (left). Knee armor blades, 2 and a half foot blade on her back. 2 6 inch daggers. Clawed gloves. Jump-jet boots. (Allowing hops up to 75 feet).

Bio: Motto: Fast, silent, small, and deadly.
She's quite a nice person even though she's armed to the teeth. But she's still quite capable of other emotions. She works for her own gains, if others objectives will help her own she's happy to work with them if she feels their character isn't one to betray.

History: She's a niece of her clans leader. Not something she wants people to know of. And her own nature doesn't sit so well with the clan. They'd much rather she'd do as she's told, but Calia does what she wants much to the irk of the clan. As for what that is, stealing, spying and general "mischief".

Fighting Style: Short range, melee combat. When she must kill she likes to do it in one stroke. What she lacks in size she makes up for in speed and ingenuity.

Clan: The Erian
Name: Theran

Age: 50

Race: Hroges (Originally)

Build: Stocky

Appearance: 154 cm, but weights close to 90kg. All four limbs are cybernetic replacements; as well he has a cybernetic ?mask? surgically implanted over his face and ears. He wears a one piece armoured suit that covers him from head to mid-thigh, with short sleeves. (Looks like a Shorty wetsuit with BMX armour, and an opening for the Compiler/Disassembler.)

Equipment and weapons:
Head (Cybernetic/Augmented)
Full spectrum visual scanner (Replaces eyes)
Full spectrum audio scanner (Replaces ears)
Full spectrum audio transmitter (Replaces voice box)
Neural Interface Chip with wireless broadcast capabilities (Allows for the management of his cybernetic systems, as well as the ability to directly interface with any wireless computer system.)
Neural Co-processor (Allows his organic brain to keep up with the much faster machine inputs)

Torso (Cybernetic/Augmented)
Micro Cold Fusion Reactor
Nano Compiler/Disassembler (The nano machines the run throughout Threan?s body are responsible for the maintenance and repair of both his organic and artificial components. To keep them supplied with raw materials, Theran ?eats? by placing organic or inorganic materials in the Compiler/Disassembler through an access point in his abdomen.)
Nano machine augmentation of all remaining organic systems

Left Arm (Cybernetic)
All three fingers house multiple micro manipulators, for work on cybernetics.
Plasma Cannon
Range Above Cloud Layer: 800m
Range Below Cloud Layer: Not recommended for use
Creates a mass of super heated plasma inside a magnetic containment field. When fires the mass moves at near light speed, until it either hits an object with sufficient mass to breech containment, or the containment fails. Due to the high particulate in the Black Cloud, this would happen almost instantly.

Plasma Torch
Range Above Cloud Layer: 80m
Range Below Cloud Layer: 10m
The magnetic containment field is used to direct the plasma into a column that with burn through nearly anything.

Right Arm (Cybernetic)
All three fingers house multiple micro manipulators, for work on cybernetics.
26cm monomolecular blade (Housed between the first and second fingers)
Range: 100m
Rate Of Fire: 400 Rounds/minute

Legs (Cybernetic)
Micro anit-grav repulsors (While not strong enough for true flight, they do allow Theran to make jumps, and drop from heights that would be nearly impossible even with cybernetics)

Armoured Suit (The suit is made from a material that Theran developed off the chemical composition of Kraxexi skin, woven with a nanowire alloy of the same kind as his cybernetics. Sealing tightly around all his cybernetics this, along with the corrosion resistant alloys that make up his implants, allows Theran to operate below the Black Cloud for awhile. The nanowire alloy renders the suit impervious to most small arms, and low powered energy weapons.)

Physically Active: 8-12 hours (Depending on level of activity)
Stationary (All systems at operational levels): 24-50 hours (Depending on local conditions)
Hibernation (All systems at minimum safe levels): 72 hours max.

Bio: A brilliant mind but a little questionable on ethics, he's defiantly an 'ends justify the means' type. He cares little for the outside world, focusing on his research projects. Not one for social interactions he can seem very distant and 'machine-like' in his dealings with others.

History: Like any Tafac his early life was spent in the tech labs researching, and building ways to improve the world. Theran quickly became bored of this, and instead began looking into ways to improve himself. Bit-by-bit he began to augment his body and mind with cybernetic components, most of which he developed himself. This was tolerated by his superiors for awhile, because he was also considered one to their best minds of the past century, and geniuses are known to be 'eccentric'. The final straw came when they found out he planned to remove most of his, now redundant, internal organs to make room for more hardware. When they demanded he stop, he packed up his lab and disappeared into the outer rings of the city.

Fighting Style: While his augmentations give him great physical strength, he knows most anyone with any real fighting technique would beat him. As a result when he has to fight, he relies on his speed and agility, along with his ranged weapons to defeat his opponent.

Clan: Clan-less (formerly Tafac)
Name: William Carthew

Age: 64

Race: Techno-organic, human based.

Build: Tall and muscular, increased by variety of augmentations and physiology implants.

Appearance: William is incredibly tall, standing somewhere shortly below seven foot, and imposing. This is increased by the variety of wires wrapped around and threaded in and out of his body, and the various limbs replaced with hulking mechanical replacements. His skin is incredibly pale, due to a lack of blood (None is needed for sustained life) and fat (Power source replaces need for respiration and biological energy). His hair, or what remains, is burnt and greasy, due to lack of hygiene and regular accidents with implants. The better part of his face, including the entire lower part and the top left, have been replaced with a voice synthesizer, ocular enhancer, processors and one of the power sources need to remain alive, remaining organic parts of head are also pale, and mostly covered in shaggy and burnt black hair.

Both legs have been been replaced by a tripod with hover disks at the bottom of each stand. Right arm has been replaced by a cylinder, within which is multiple thin extendable robotic arms with multiple uses (More on this in Equipment and weapons). The left arm is mostly intact, minus a chunk here or there that have been replaced with multiple crude parts, hand and wrist completely replaced gravitational field manipulator. Heart is replaced with central power core, the port of which is located to the right of his chest.

Equipment and weapons: Within arm cylinder, multiple devices are contained. This includes small arms (Of both ballistic and laser varieties), a miniturised missile launcher, laser cutters, scanning and manipulation tendrils and a plasma field generator (being inside of which is to say the least, not very good for your mortal state). His tripod can hover (As previously mentioned) as well as glide over short distances. Each leg also has a fold out SMG built in, the ammunition to which has a built in storage space within the leg.

Bio: The A.I that now makes up Williams personality is rather unstable, as it has been dmaged multiple times and cannot repair itself easily, if at all. Most of the time it is cold and relentless in it's task, and tries to keep and objective and analytical view of things. However sometimes it's hosts orignial personality surfaces and more human emotions return. This is not uncommon, as Williams brain seems to be fighting for life again, despite being dead for quite a while.

History: William was killed during the Great war, one of the first casualties in the war. He had not intended to become a soldier but was drafted in when the first sign of Hroge aggression was reported. He became a foot-soldier, and was sent into multiple skirmishes with Hroges on the areas he was stationed.He died on his third mission, where his troop was sent to recover hroge technology for comparison, and if necessary/able, reverse engineering. His body was recovered along with the technology. The scientists working on the reverse engineering thought that using Hroge technology, they could make a cybernetic soldier.

Eventually they succeeded, at least, they believed they had. When William resurrected, as it were, he did not respond to any stimulus, but definitely showed signs of mental activity.After a while, he started speaking, talking to the scientists. It had seemed that the trauma of dying and being brought back had sent him into intense shock, which resulted in the AI they had implanted into his system and his brain having a battle for dominance. Eventually William had won out. Many of the scientists who he was under the care of recommended heavily that he be given therapy and stay away from the war. The Military funders were desperate and so sent him onto the battlefield as soon as possible.

The implants assisted heavily in combat and William became an excellent soldier. However, his mental state became more and more unstable, to point where he would just lose his mind on the field and fire at whatever he saw. He was eventually court marshaled for the death of a fellow squad member. He was sentenced to death via lethal injection, and was killed for second time.He was resurrected years later, after the great war, when his AI reawoke and took complete control of his body. It adopted it's hosts name and started hiring itself out as a mercenary. It now seeks out replacements for outdated and faulty parts that it is made up of.



New member
Feb 27, 2009
I'm Three Words, and this is my favourate thread on the Escapist

(shameless endorsement)


New member
Feb 27, 2009
I reckon that this ought to be left till February at the earliest; no one is alive here...

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
Making another race/clan is acceptable, and yes you are correct with the kraxex thing. Just make sure that you run it by me and write it in to par, any lore questions feel free to ask, there is a bit more lore than is up here which I am saving for later parts in the story, we will most likely have an age to get this running due to lack of people active this time. of year

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
Greetings all! Mind if I join this? I do enjoy post apocalyptic rp's! I was wondering if there is a set objective to this rp or if its a, for want of a better term, "Free-roaming" story?


New member
Feb 27, 2009
InkBlot Royalist said:
Greetings all! Mind if I join this? I do enjoy post apocalyptic rp's! I was wondering if there is a set objective to this rp or if its a, for want of a better term, "Free-roaming" story?
There will be a story, adherence to which I shall be enforcing. I have been authorised to punish deviants with extreme prejudice
[sup]I love playing villains[/sup]

As to races, I should point out that any race creation will undergo my scrutiny. If I get the sense that you are creating a a race purely for the kicks of being unusual, therre will be a veto. If on the other hand, it's cool, interesting, and sets my interest a-tingling, then it may have a future...

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
Yes.... I'm not sure if it was wise to grant his character an ACTUAL Ion cannon..... which can be fired from the ground.

Anyway, race creation shall be heavily filtered, you are better off running with the ones made, I don't want to have to write a back story for every person coming in.

InkBlot Royalist said:
Greetings all! Mind if I join this? I do enjoy post apocalyptic rp's! I was wondering if there is a set objective to this rp or if its a, for want of a better term, "Free-roaming" story?
This is not free-roaming, it is story-driven not character driven, other than that, make whatever crazy ridiculously powerful character you can thing of.


Senior Member
Apr 28, 2010
I am not yet sure if I want to be a part of this reboot or not. I think I will if I can be somewhat assured that it will not be a repeat of the older version, wherein:

*** Three races, six clans, plus mechs, making for 7 possible character choices, and we ended up with only one Kraxex and one Hroge, and three mechs (four if we're counting 3W's role). The humans were decently varied, but one human clan and one Hrogen were still missing. Variety is the spice of life!

*** I still love the backstory of humanity's downfall, the arrival of extraterrestrial life, and the description of the city and the nightmarish wasteland of once-was-Earth, but I felt these elements were largely absent from the story itself. The world you made in your head ought not to be pushed to the wayside! :)

*** Most importantly, whether due to rapidly-declined interest or simply people becoming too busy to participate, from the OP to the last post, the old Black Cloud spanned barely a fortnight. I think that if people are going to be able to post several times a day (very often there were several people posting rapidly over the course of an hour or two), you need to realize that not everyone can be around at whatever time of day this rapid-fire writing session randomly chooses to occur.

Either set a timeslot we can try to all gather within to post, or have everyone aware that if the story's progression is dependent on one character's actions (such as Mira attempting to get a stuck elevator full of people moving), you will have to be PATIENT! I no longer work nights, so theoretically I will be able to post more frequently, and closer to the time range other people are online, but the point stands! This is a forum RP, not something done over an instant-messenger program.

... On a related note, I do hope this thread doesn't die before it's even tried to get off the ground.

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
Alrighty, how's this for a first draft?

Name: Kabreeg
Adopted name: John White
Age: 21
Race: Hroges
Build: Kabreeg is of athletic build, slightly more muscular than most of his species, but not incredibly so. He is 5ft2" tall.
Appearance: Kabreeg is an incredible rarety among his kind, as he walks completely upright, with no hint of the stooped posture his kin have. He has black hair which he has short and tidy; and bright blue eyes. He is never seen anywhere without a suit, tie and hat of some description. He always has a white handcerchief in the breast pocket.
Equipment: Kabreeg wears a highly advanced full body suit under his clothes, that clings closely like a second skin. It is made of bio-mesh: A living metal that is near completely bulletproof and, like skin, repairs itself with time, albeit with unseemly "scar" tissue. It leaves his head, hands and feet exposed however. With this as his armour, Kabreeg carries a magnificent sword-stick. His elaborately decorated walking cane's handle slides away to reveal a long, thin blade which he uses as a combat weapon. He also carries a dueling pistol, based on the early double barrelled Flintlock variety. It can fire each barrell independantly using a magazine of 18 shots, or both simultaneously for more power.
Bio: Kabreeg showed great promise as a member of the Tafac. Inventing the Bio-mesh material and pioneering various other items, mainly of industrial value. While he is still technically a prominent figure in the clan, he takes less and less of a role in their doings, trying instead to integrate himself with human society.
History: Kabreeg was just like any other Hroges, until the invasion of Earth began. In its opening days, Kabreeg was scouting a devestated housing area, when he came across a ruined library. Intreagued,Kabreeg read the first book he came across: Charles Dicken's "David Copperfield". From that moment on, Kabreeg fell in love with the human culture, and used all his influence to smuggle more books to himself. When he was found out, he was imprisoned as a collaborator. This event isolated him from his kind irreversably, but in prison, Kabreeg continued to work to become "More human" He paced his cell for hours reciting the 19th century dialect, and trying to walk like a gentleman. Once the war was over, Kabreeg was released, and returned to his clan, helping them invent numerous items. But his love of the human culture had led him to resent his own kind for attacking humanity, although he would never consciously admit this...
Fighting Style: Kabreeg is a competant shot with a pistol, and tries to talk his way out of combat where possible. To him, bloodshed is "Most ungentalmanly" However, if a fight is inevitable, Kabreeg uses his sword and its cane sheath (which has a sharp, steel point at one end) in either hand, using his natural dexterity and speed to get in, and then quickly out, of combat as quickly as possible.
Clan: The Tafac

I'm still pretty new to this, so before anyone tries to clobber me with the "CLICHE!!!" stamp, please accompany it with advice! Thanks!

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
MiMireille said:
I am not yet sure if I want to be a part of this reboot or not. I think I will if I can be somewhat assured that it will not be a repeat of the older version, wherein:

*** Three races, six clans, plus mechs, making for 7 possible character choices, and we ended up with only one Kraxex and one Hroge, and three mechs (four if we're counting 3W's role). The humans were decently varied, but one human clan and one Hrogen were still missing. Variety is the spice of life!

*** I still love the backstory of humanity's downfall, the arrival of extraterrestrial life, and the description of the city and the nightmarish wasteland of once-was-Earth, but I felt these elements were largely absent from the story itself. The world you made in your head ought not to be pushed to the wayside! :)

*** Most importantly, whether due to rapidly-declined interest or simply people becoming too busy to participate, from the OP to the last post, the old Black Cloud spanned barely a fortnight. I think that if people are going to be able to post several times a day (very often there were several people posting rapidly over the course of an hour or two), you need to realize that not everyone can be around at whatever time of day this rapid-fire writing session randomly chooses to occur.

Either set a timeslot we can try to all gather within to post, or have everyone aware that if the story's progression is dependent on one character's actions (such as Mira attempting to get a stuck elevator full of people moving), you will have to be PATIENT! I no longer work nights, so theoretically I will be able to post more frequently, and closer to the time range other people are online, but the point stands! This is a forum RP, not something done over an instant-messenger program.

... On a related note, I do hope this thread doesn't die before it's even tried to get off the ground.
The world and the story is what matters most to me, people can make whatever characters they like, on a city that holds all of humanity there are bound to be plenty of smaller clans, be free in your character design. And me and 3W were thinking of postponing this, he is currently battling through exams and I am doing much needed photography work so we're going to give this a bump and a kick-start in February. Until then all who see this are free to start character designs and ask any questions.

InkBlot Royalist said:
Alrighty, how's this for a first draft?

Name: Kabreeg
Adopted name: John White
Age: 21
Race: Hroges
Build: Kabreeg is of athletic build, slightly more muscular than most of his species, but not incredibly so. He is 5ft2" tall.
Appearance: Kabreeg is an incredible rarety among his kind, as he walks completely upright, with no hint of the stooped posture his kin have. He has black hair which he has short and tidy; and bright blue eyes. He is never seen anywhere without a suit, tie and hat of some description. He always has a white handcerchief in the breast pocket.
Equipment: Kabreeg wears a highly advanced full body suit under his clothes, that clings closely like a second skin. It is made of bio-mesh: A living metal that is near completely bulletproof and, like skin, repairs itself with time, albeit with unseemly "scar" tissue. It leaves his head, hands and feet exposed however. With this as his armour, Kabreeg carries a magnificent sword-stick. His elaborately decorated walking cane's handle slides away to reveal a long, thin blade which he uses as a combat weapon. He also carries a dueling pistol, based on the early double barrelled Flintlock variety. It can fire each barrell independantly using a magazine of 18 shots, or both simultaneously for more power.
Bio: Kabreeg showed great promise as a member of the Tafac. Inventing the Bio-mesh material and pioneering various other items, mainly of industrial value. While he is still technically a prominent figure in the clan, he takes less and less of a role in their doings, trying instead to integrate himself with human society.
History: Kabreeg was just like any other Hroges, until the invasion of Earth began. In its opening days, Kabreeg was scouting a devestated housing area, when he came across a ruined library. Intreagued,Kabreeg read the first book he came across: Charles Dicken's "David Copperfield". From that moment on, Kabreeg fell in love with the human culture, and used all his influence to smuggle more books to himself. When he was found out, he was imprisoned as a collaborator. This event isolated him from his kind irreversably, but in prison, Kabreeg continued to work to become "More human" He paced his cell for hours reciting the 19th century dialect, and trying to walk like a gentleman. Once the war was over, Kabreeg was released, and returned to his clan, helping them invent numerous items. But his love of the human culture had led him to resent his own kind for attacking humanity, although he would never consciously admit this...
Fighting Style: Kabreeg is a competant shot with a pistol, and tries to talk his way out of combat where possible. To him, bloodshed is "Most ungentalmanly" However, if a fight is inevitable, Kabreeg uses his sword and its cane sheath (which has a sharp, steel point at one end) in either hand, using his natural dexterity and speed to get in, and then quickly out, of combat as quickly as possible.
Clan: The Tafac

I'm still pretty new to this, so before anyone tries to clobber me with the "CLICHE!!!" stamp, please accompany it with advice! Thanks!
Hmmm, interesting but for that character design I would not recommend Hroges, a human who has acquired some Hrogean tech might be a better fit. Although I do like the backstory, it would be too weird and out of place.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
I am thinking of making a sheet, but I just want to let you know that this is my first time RPing on the Escapist. I used to RP a LOT on the Dead Frontier forums but I haven't RPed in a while. So, if you are ok with it, I will write up a sheet.

P.S. I am thinking about being a clan less-human with an interest in robotics and flying.

Here's the sheet if you want it.

Name: Keal

Age: 22

Race: Human

Build: Keal is tall and skinny with long legs.

Appearance: Keal has short brown hair, green eyes and pale skin. He only wears a green shirt and some jeans underneath his armour suit. Keal always wears the same outfit, as he doesn't care about how he looks, especially when he will be in his suit most of the time.

Equipment and weapons: Keal has a jet pack which is connected to a suit of metal armour. When it is packed up, the armour folds up into a big hunk of metal and hangs off the front of the jet pack. Keal just unfolds it and puts it on. It has a helmet with a scanner over one eye, which gives him updates on how damaged the suit is, any emergency etc. Also, it filters the toxic air but if Keal stays in toxic air for too long it will corrode the filter and he will die.

He has a standard assault rifle used by the Human Army, which has a auto and semi-auto firing mode, also attached is a flash light and a small removable scope. and also has two rotating blasters in each gauntlet of his armour.

Keal also has a dog called Angel and she is outfitted with a suit of flexible armour. She is not an attack dog, but rather a pet so the armour is so she can breath in the toxic air and she is protected from harm. (NOTE: If you want, I can change it to a robotic dog, instead of a dog in armour.)

Bio: Keal is a quiet person, but when you do get him speaking he speaks a lot and tries to act cheerful. After saving that Kraxex, he has always tried to help people in need, but those methods aren't always legal. He has gotten into trouble many times, like for blowing up a house which was full of gangesters, but also had a few innocents in there. He distrusts anyone from the police force after he saw them beat a Kraxex for no reason, but he has been told by many that just because two policeman were bad doesn't mean the rest are. He, unlike many humans, doesn't really care that Kraxex and Hroges arn't human, they should be treated the same.

History: Keal was born in the year 2256, long after the war. He was always interested in robotics, but more than that, he loved flying. His family was from the clan Aros, but he preferred to be free and live his own life, so as soon as he could, he became clan-less. He still had his gift, which his family bought him when he was 18. It was tradition in his family to buy the 18 year old a special gift relating to the clan they wanted to join or were in.

As Keal was still in the clan Aros at the time, they decided to get him a jet pack. He left the clan a month later. From then on, Keal worked on adding a suit of armour to it, and now has a fully functioning suit attached to his jet pack. He found Angel when he first tested his jet pack, seeing if the attached armour would weigh it down. She was lying in a gutter, with what seemed like a gunshot wound. Keal looked after her and built her a set of armour so she would hopefully never have a repeat of what happened that day.

Keal still doesn't know what caused that gunshot wound, but he thought it may be one of the many gangsters running around the bad parts of town. As Keal had not yet found a job, that day he decided to join the police, and signed up soon after. He was issued with a standard rifle, and told to go out on patrol with two other policemen. When out on patrol, the other policemen caught a Kraxex in an alley way.

He seemed to be doing nothing but walking, but the other policeman started to attack him, calling him a filthy beast. Keal had stood back in shock, then had shot the first police man in the back. The other one turned to shoot Keal, but the Kraxex jumped up and snapped his neck back. Keal didn't even thank him before flying off. From that day forward, he became a mercenary, sickened by the way those policeman, those "Protectors", had acted that day.

Fighting Style: Keal prefers to use his jet pack to fly to a safe or a better spot, then rain down bullets with his assault rifle. If he can't fly, he will try to "boost" (imagine flying straight) to cover, then fight. If he is trapped and can't get to cover, he will use his dual blasters. They firing incredibly quickly, but are so inaccurate that he can only use them at close range. They also burn up ammo quickly.

Clan: Clan-less

Again, sorry if this isn't top notch, but I haven't RPed in a while and I am sure as hell a bit rusty.


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Hey, glad to see you're giving this another shot, sorta just stopped last time when the split off group just kinda... stopped...

*ahem* Anyway I'll see about getting a Character sheet up for this in the next few days if not tomorrow, different from last time since on reflection my character wasn't really that good, but in case I don't hand in a sheet; good luck with this reboot, hope it goes well. :)

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
KK, total overhaul going on here:
Name: Kabreeg
Age: 21
Race: Kraxex
Build: Kabreeg is of athletic build, at least, for one of his species. He is slightly more muscular than most of his species, but is about adverage in height, standing at 6"2
Appearance: Kabreeg wears very little armour, prefering civilian clothing similar to that worn by humans. He has peiercing green eyes.
Equipment: Kabreeg was, to all extents and purposes, a test subject for the Horges. As they traveled towards Earth, he and various other slaves where trained and equipped to be the ultimate shock troops. Kabreeg wears a highly advanced full body suit under his clothes, that clings closely like a second skin. It is made of bio-mesh: A living metal that is near completely bulletproof and, like skin, repairs itself with time, albeit with unseemly "scar" tissue. It leaves his head, hands and feet exposed however. For weaponry, he carries a heavy machine-gun on his back, and a pistol as a side arm. His main weapon, however, is the extendable greatsword he carries at his hip. This seems like a large sword hilt, until, at the flick of a switch on the handle, it extends to a full 4 feet in length. This weapon is virtually indestructable, and a micro generator in the pommel can release a "One use only" 10,000 volt electric shock, before it requires re-charging. Kabreeg carries a portable recharging unit for this, powered by a mini-nuclear reactor. It takes about 2 hours to fully recharge.
Bio: Kabreeg is a shady member of the Brabez. He mainly stays out of his clan's doings, prefering to aimlessly stroll the streets of human sky civilisations. However, he remains fiercly loyal to his kin, and the Brabez often utilise his unquestioning loyalty and narural combat mastery for more dangerous or questionable missions.
History: Kabrreg's life only really began during the war with the Humans on Earth. As a member of an elite shcok team, he was dropped off ahead of the main forces and told to do as much damage as possible before the main force arrived. The more missions he survived, the more his value as a warrior was shown, and the Horges technology he still owns to this day is a testament to how much his masters invested in his combat career. By the time peace was declared, Kabreeg was the only member of the original team to still be alive. He was granted his freedom and, like the rest of his kind, cut loose in thepoisoned ground. Kabreeg no longer cares about the suffering of anyone but his own race. His sense of self preservation and value for life were beaten out of him by the Horges. As such, he seeks to return the favour to his ex-masters. This is more of a casual hobby however, rather than a vendetta to be pursued all the time. This is why he walks the streets of human cities. He hopes that, the more the other races come to despise him and his kind, the more of them he'll be able to kill.
Fighting Style: Kabreeg is a competant shot, but nothing extra-ordinary. What he lacks in ballistic skill he more than makes up for in close combat. Kabreeg is a close combat master, able to shrug off damage easily, with both his bio-mesh, masterful parries and enhanced tissue cells that re-knit themselves at 20 times the rate of human cells. He is suprisingly agile, and formidably strong, able to dish out more pain than anyone could hope to inflict on him, and when armed with his great-sword, almost nothing can stand in Kabreeg's way.
Clan: The Brabez

Any improvement?