Black Cloud-RP (rebooting) [Open/accepting sheets]


New member
Mar 19, 2011
I can't wait. I think (If I get in) that this will be a pretty damn cool RP. The idea alone is awesome. Kinda reminds me of Gaunt's Ghosts (The Warhammer 40k book. Good book. Good book...)

Anyway, can't wait for intro.

Let's hope this RP stays alive....


The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
Lil_Rimmy said:
I can't wait. I think (If I get in) that this will be a pretty damn cool RP. The idea alone is awesome. Kinda reminds me of Gaunt's Ghosts (The Warhammer 40k book. Good book. Good book...)

Anyway, can't wait for intro.

Let's hope this RP stays alive....

Damn sorry, forgot to accept you, of course you are in my friend!


New member
Mar 19, 2011
The Clown said:
Lil_Rimmy said:
I can't wait. I think (If I get in) that this will be a pretty damn cool RP. The idea alone is awesome. Kinda reminds me of Gaunt's Ghosts (The Warhammer 40k book. Good book. Good book...)

Anyway, can't wait for intro.

Let's hope this RP stays alive....

Damn sorry, forgot to accept you, of course you are in my friend!

*Begin's getting accepted into a RP speech*

Thanks mate, this'll be tons of fun!

*Ends getting accepted into a RP speech*

... That was a great speech.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Yeah, I was about to ask that. Are you going to call in some other people or are we just gonna roll?


New member
Oct 17, 2010
Lil_Rimmy said:
*Begin's getting accepted into a RP speech*

Thanks mate, this'll be tons of fun!

*Ends getting accepted into a RP speech*
*Applauds, holding back tears*
Beautiful. ^_^,


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Ultraman950 said:
Lil_Rimmy said:
*Begin's getting accepted into a RP speech*

Thanks mate, this'll be tons of fun!

*Ends getting accepted into a RP speech*
*Applauds, holding back tears*
Beautiful. ^_^,
Must... not...


*Everyone in the room soon drowns*

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
Tiger Sora said:
So whats the timeline looking like now. Cause the plan was to start about 4 days ago.
We just haven't got enough people, feel free to wait, I've already written most of it so I'm ready.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Are you still accepting?
Name: Theran

Age: 50

Race: Hroges (Originally)

Build: Stocky

Appearance: 154 cm, but weights close to 90kg. All four limbs are cybernetic replacements; as well he has a cybernetic ?mask? surgically implanted over his face and ears. He wears a one piece armoured suit that covers him from head to mid-thigh, with short sleeves. (Looks like a Shorty wetsuit with BMX armour, and an opening for the Compiler/Disassembler.)

Equipment and weapons:
Head (Cybernetic/Augmented)
Full spectrum visual scanner (Replaces eyes)
Full spectrum audio scanner (Replaces ears)
Full spectrum audio transmitter (Replaces voice box)
Neural Interface Chip with wireless broadcast capabilities (Allows for the management of his cybernetic systems, as well as the ability to directly interface with any wireless computer system.)
Neural Co-processor (Allows his organic brain to keep up with the much faster machine inputs)

Torso (Cybernetic/Augmented)
Micro Cold Fusion Reactor
Nano Compiler/Disassembler (The nano machines the run throughout Threan?s body are responsible for the maintenance and repair of both his organic and artificial components. To keep them supplied with raw materials, Theran ?eats? by placing organic or inorganic materials in the Compiler/Disassembler through an access point in his abdomen.)
Nano machine augmentation of all remaining organic systems

Left Arm (Cybernetic)
All three fingers house multiple micro manipulators, for work on cybernetics.
Plasma Cannon
Range Above Cloud Layer: 800m
Range Below Cloud Layer: Not recommended for use
Creates a mass of super heated plasma inside a magnetic containment field. When fires the mass moves at near light speed, until it either hits an object with sufficient mass to breech containment, or the containment fails. Due to the high particulate in the Black Cloud, this would happen almost instantly.

Plasma Torch
Range Above Cloud Layer: 80m
Range Below Cloud Layer: 10m
The magnetic containment field is used to direct the plasma into a column that with burn through nearly anything.

Right Arm (Cybernetic)
All three fingers house multiple micro manipulators, for work on cybernetics.
26cm monomolecular blade (Housed between the first and second fingers)
Range: 100m
Rate Of Fire: 400 Rounds/minute

Legs (Cybernetic)
Micro anit-grav repulsors (While not strong enough for true flight, they do allow Theran to make jumps, and drop from heights that would be nearly impossible even with cybernetics)

Armoured Suit (The suit is made from a material that Theran developed off the chemical composition of Kraxexi skin, woven with a nanowire alloy of the same kind as his cybernetics. Sealing tightly around all his cybernetics this, along with the corrosion resistant alloys that make up his implants, allows Theran to operate below the Black Cloud for awhile. The nanowire alloy renders the suit impervious to most small arms, and low powered energy weapons.)

Physically Active: 8-12 hours (Depending on level of activity)
Stationary (All systems at operational levels): 24-50 hours (Depending on local conditions)
Hibernation (All systems at minimum safe levels): 72 hours max.

Bio: A brilliant mind but a little questionable on ethics, he's defiantly an 'ends justify the means' type. He cares little for the outside world, focusing on his research projects. Not one for social interactions he can seem very distant and 'machine-like' in his dealings with others.

History: Like any Tafac his early life was spent in the tech labs researching, and building ways to improve the world. Theran quickly became bored of this, and instead began looking into ways to improve himself. Bit-by-bit he began to augment his body and mind with cybernetic components, most of which he developed himself. This was tolerated by his superiors for awhile, because he was also considered one to their best minds of the past century, and geniuses are known to be 'eccentric'. The final straw came when they found out he planned to remove most of his, now redundant, internal organs to make room for more hardware. When they demanded he stop, he packed up his lab and disappeared into the outer rings of the city.

Fighting Style: While his augmentations give him great physical strength, he knows most anyone with any real fighting technique would beat him. As a result when he has to fight, he relies on his speed and agility, along with his ranged weapons to defeat his opponent.

Clan: Clan-less (formerly Tafac)


New member
Mar 19, 2011
That sounds pretty damn cool, a (almost) robot that was originally Hroge! Seems like we have a nice mix of people, not all just one race. Yay!


New member
Mar 19, 2011
So... Any update on what's happening? This was meant to start... two weeks ago? I don't know, but I don't want it to be dead before it starts!

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
Athol said:
Are you still accepting?
Name: Theran

Age: 50

Race: Hroges (Originally)

Build: Stocky

Appearance: 154 cm, but weights close to 90kg. All four limbs are cybernetic replacements; as well he has a cybernetic ?mask? surgically implanted over his face and ears. He wears a one piece armoured suit that covers him from head to mid-thigh, with short sleeves. (Looks like a Shorty wetsuit with BMX armour, and an opening for the Compiler/Disassembler.)

Equipment and weapons:
Head (Cybernetic/Augmented)
Full spectrum visual scanner (Replaces eyes)
Full spectrum audio scanner (Replaces ears)
Full spectrum audio transmitter (Replaces voice box)
Neural Interface Chip with wireless broadcast capabilities (Allows for the management of his cybernetic systems, as well as the ability to directly interface with any wireless computer system.)
Neural Co-processor (Allows his organic brain to keep up with the much faster machine inputs)

Torso (Cybernetic/Augmented)
Micro Cold Fusion Reactor
Nano Compiler/Disassembler (The nano machines the run throughout Threan?s body are responsible for the maintenance and repair of both his organic and artificial components. To keep them supplied with raw materials, Theran ?eats? by placing organic or inorganic materials in the Compiler/Disassembler through an access point in his abdomen.)
Nano machine augmentation of all remaining organic systems

Left Arm (Cybernetic)
All three fingers house multiple micro manipulators, for work on cybernetics.
Plasma Cannon
Range Above Cloud Layer: 800m
Range Below Cloud Layer: Not recommended for use
Creates a mass of super heated plasma inside a magnetic containment field. When fires the mass moves at near light speed, until it either hits an object with sufficient mass to breech containment, or the containment fails. Due to the high particulate in the Black Cloud, this would happen almost instantly.

Plasma Torch
Range Above Cloud Layer: 80m
Range Below Cloud Layer: 10m
The magnetic containment field is used to direct the plasma into a column that with burn through nearly anything.

Right Arm (Cybernetic)
All three fingers house multiple micro manipulators, for work on cybernetics.
26cm monomolecular blade (Housed between the first and second fingers)
Range: 100m
Rate Of Fire: 400 Rounds/minute

Legs (Cybernetic)
Micro anit-grav repulsors (While not strong enough for true flight, they do allow Theran to make jumps, and drop from heights that would be nearly impossible even with cybernetics)

Armoured Suit (The suit is made from a material that Theran developed off the chemical composition of Kraxexi skin, woven with a nanowire alloy of the same kind as his cybernetics. Sealing tightly around all his cybernetics this, along with the corrosion resistant alloys that make up his implants, allows Theran to operate below the Black Cloud for awhile. The nanowire alloy renders the suit impervious to most small arms, and low powered energy weapons.)

Physically Active: 8-12 hours (Depending on level of activity)
Stationary (All systems at operational levels): 24-50 hours (Depending on local conditions)
Hibernation (All systems at minimum safe levels): 72 hours max.

Bio: A brilliant mind but a little questionable on ethics, he's defiantly an 'ends justify the means' type. He cares little for the outside world, focusing on his research projects. Not one for social interactions he can seem very distant and 'machine-like' in his dealings with others.

History: Like any Tafac his early life was spent in the tech labs researching, and building ways to improve the world. Theran quickly became bored of this, and instead began looking into ways to improve himself. Bit-by-bit he began to augment his body and mind with cybernetic components, most of which he developed himself. This was tolerated by his superiors for awhile, because he was also considered one to their best minds of the past century, and geniuses are known to be 'eccentric'. The final straw came when they found out he planned to remove most of his, now redundant, internal organs to make room for more hardware. When they demanded he stop, he packed up his lab and disappeared into the outer rings of the city.

Fighting Style: While his augmentations give him great physical strength, he knows most anyone with any real fighting technique would beat him. As a result when he has to fight, he relies on his speed and agility, along with his ranged weapons to defeat his opponent.

Clan: Clan-less (formerly Tafac)
BACK!!!! accepted bro, I like it very much, now 1 player off starting.

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
I'll do an endorsement post on world of Osvar, see if I can get them involved! Speaking of, you should probably get your Screwtape character into action Clown! He sounded interesting!

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
I'll do an endorsement post on world of Osvar, see if I can get them involved! Speaking of, you should probably get your Screwtape character into action Clown! He sounded interesting!

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
I'll do an endorsement post on world of Osvar, see if I can get them involved! Speaking of, you should probably get your Screwtape character into action Clown! He sounded interesting!