Black Cloud-RP (rebooting) [Open/accepting sheets]

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
TheBlueShotgun0 said:
This looks cool, but one question: could we invent a human clan and character that lives on the surface of Earth?
No, any human clan on the surface would either die to the smog or get overrun by Kraxex hordes.

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
InkBlot Royalist said:
KK, total overhaul going on here:

Any improvement?
Yeah, great, as for the sword, how long does it take to recharge after a shock attack?


New member
Oct 17, 2010
Name: Battle Engine Tactical Hunter Android Nano slaYer. BETHANY, or BETH for short.

Age: 2

Race: Mechanical (nanobot-based)

Build: Tall and slim.

Appearance: Long white hair, white clothing, fancy white trenchcoat, glowing green eyes, somewhat shiny skin.

Equipment and weapons: Huge (five feet from stock to barrel) semi-auto Gauss rifle fed with belt ammo, wrist-mounted laser blade; she uses rockets in her boots to fly as her coat provides stability in the air. Super-strength and faster reflexes. Something of a "healing factor", being made of nanomachines.

The rifle was designed to be fired from the hip, and her eyes can zoom in on and track targets for sniping purposes. Its purpose was anti-materiel, but is perfectly viable for anti-personel in her hands.

Bio: BETHANY's overall personality can be summed up thusly: "Don't mess with me or my objectives, and you and I will get along famously." She's quite nice to her friends, but brutally efficient and deadly to her enemies.

History: BETHANY was the latest of a series of nano-androids ("Nandroids" to the layman), three in total. The other two were dispatched elsewhere. She was designed as law-enforcement, since her human appearence and pleasant demeanor allow for negotiations, her strength and speed are good for making arrests, and her speed and enhanced tracking and eyesight allow for impeccable accuracy, even with her huge rifle.

Fighting Style: Prefers ranged with her huge gun, but is also effective with her wrist-beams and fists. She knows Kendo and Jeet Kune Do.

Clan: Erian


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Ultraman950 said:
Nice, it's gonna be fun to have an android. I still can't wait to figure out what the story is going to be about.

Although, I do feel like releasing an army of robots onto the surface to combat the Kraxex...

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
*Sips coke* I say Monty are you still looking for chaps to join. If so I've written up my character.

Name: Calia

Age: 22

Race: Human

Build: Small, slim, with nice proportions. Only 5'2".

Appearance: Red hair (dyed). Dark blue eyes. Light skin. She wears several pieces of armor with an orange/black under suit. She wears and old embossed leather band on her brow, keeping her hair out of her face. Her most distinguishing feature is the tiger stripe tattoos which are over her entire body up to her neck, and two stripes on both cheeks leading down to her neck.

Equipment and weapons: She carries an assortment of weapons on her. 3 pistols, a sawed off shot gun, wrist crossbow (left). Knee armor blades, 2 and a half foot blade on her back. 2 6 inch daggers. Clawed gloves. Jump-jet boots. (Allowing hops up to 75 feet).

Bio: Motto: Fast, silent, small, and deadly.
She's quite a nice person even though she's armed to the teeth. But she's still quite capable of other emotions. She works for her own gains, if others objectives will help her own she's happy to work with them if she feels their character isn't one to betray.

History: She's a niece of her clans leader. Not something she wants people to know of. And her own nature doesn't sit so well with the clan. They'd much rather she'd do as she's told, but Calia does what she wants much to the irk of the clan. As for what that is, stealing, spying and general "mischief".

Fighting Style: Short range, melee combat. When she must kill she likes to do it in one stroke. What she lacks in size she makes up for in speed and ingenuity.

Clan: The Erian

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
Tiger Sora said:
*Sips coke* I say Monty are you still looking for chaps to join. If so I've written up my character.

Accepted, she kind of reminds me of the heavily armed pirate from the cartoon sinbad, although in the rough combat you might want either some form of armour or enhanced reflexes, otherwise you will be outmatched easily by BETH or our two Kraxex.

Ultraman950 said:
Accepted, the best Android sheet I've seen for a while. Although the shapeshifting cape bugs me slightly, rockets in boots whilst still being able to maintain gravitas with the cape might suit you better.

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
I'd say the sword takes a couple of hours to recharge, but it has to be "plugged in" to a power source of some kind first. Any other questions/suggestions for my guy?

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
InkBlot Royalist said:
I'd say the sword takes a couple of hours to recharge, but it has to be "plugged in" to a power source of some kind first. Any other questions/suggestions for my guy?
Seems alright, accepted.

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
The Clown said:
"Fighting Style: Short range, melee combat. When she must kill she likes to do it in one stroke. What she lacks in size she makes up for in speed and ingenuity."

Speed is how I'm going to off set my disadvantages to others. Speed = agility and reflexes, ect, as well. Used the cover term speed, but hey, I can always explain it like I am now.

And I did say I was wearing some armor, not a full suit, but I've some protection.

And I thank you for accepting my character.

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
@Tiger Sora: You misunderstand me, I meant no un-modified human level of speed and agility will suffice when facing robots and Kraxex.

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
The Clown said:
@Tiger Sora: You misunderstand me, I meant no un-modified human level of speed and agility will suffice when facing robots and Kraxex.
Hmm, well I'll think of afew gizmos for myself to help me out tonight.

And uhh, hows shielding technology doing these days in this universe. or do we have that kind of stuff.

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
Just as a note, I've edited my sheet so Kabrreg carries a portable recharging unit and has limited regeneration abilities. I hope the latter is ok?

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
Tiger Sora said:
The Clown said:
@Tiger Sora: You misunderstand me, I meant no un-modified human level of speed and agility will suffice when facing robots and Kraxex.
Hmm, well I'll think of afew gizmos for myself to help me out tonight.

And uhh, hows shielding technology doing these days in this universe. or do we have that kind of stuff.
It is only limited by the power source supplying it and the weapons firing upon it.

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
Added in two things to equipment. The ones just to assist the other should allow me no not get plowed over by the much more physically adept and snipers (Damn them trying to kill me). But I'm not invulnerable, just press the trigger more.

Name: Calia

Age: 22

Race: Human

Build: Small, slim, with nice proportions. Only 5'2".

Appearance: Red hair (dyed). Dark blue eyes. Light skin. She wears several pieces of armor with an orange/black under suit. She wears and old embossed leather band on her brow, keeping her hair out of her face. Her most distinguishing feature is the tiger stripe tattoos which are over her entire body up to her neck, and two stripes on both cheeks leading down to her neck.

Equipment and weapons: She carries an assortment of weapons on her. 3 pistols, a sawed off shot gun, wrist crossbow (left). Knee armor blades, 2 and a half foot blade on her back. 2 6 inch daggers. Clawed gloves. Jump-jet boots. (Allowing hops up to 75 feet). Sensory personal shield generator (Stops 5 high energy shots / 45 bullets [as examples]. Regenerates very slowly with walking/running, will not stop organic material). Plasma cutter (cutting open things).

Bio: Motto: Fast, silent, small, and deadly.
She's quite a nice person even though she's armed to the teeth. But she's still quite capable of other emotions. She works for her own gains, if others objectives will help her own she's happy to work with them if she feels their character isn't one to betray.

History: She's a niece of her clans leader. Not something she wants people to know of. And her own nature doesn't sit so well with the clan. They'd much rather she'd do as she's told, but Calia does what she wants much to the irk of the clan. As for what that is, stealing, spying and general "mischief".

Fighting Style: Short range, melee combat. When she must kill she likes to do it in one stroke. What she lacks in size she makes up for in speed and ingenuity.

Clan: The Erian

InkBlot Royalist

New member
Sep 13, 2011
Wonderful! I'm looking forward to starting, most of the other rp's I'm in seem to have gone quiet. Where is everyone at the moment???

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
It's almost always like this Blot, you just have to do some player wrangling, RP regulars is a good place.

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
The Clown said:
It's almost always like this Blot, you just have to do some player wrangling, RP regulars is a good place.
We do seem to be lacking people, only having 5. 7-10 would be a lot nicer, help keep things going apace in the RP and all.

The Clown

Don't bother running
Jun 29, 2009
Tiger Sora said:
The Clown said:
It's almost always like this Blot, you just have to do some player wrangling, RP regulars is a good place.
We do seem to be lacking people, only having 5. 7-10 would be a lot nicer, help keep things going apace in the RP and all.
Agreed, this last bump should do it, otherwise I will go searching in the RP regulars, we're almost ready to go though, just finished writing the intro.