Black Ops Players Murder the Planet Nine Times (and Other Crazy Stats)


New member
Jul 18, 2008
Kalezian said:
Baneat said:
Kalezian said:
I dont know why people like the FAMAS so much, the Einfield kicks ass for those that know how to use and abuse it.
Enfield is statistically inferior to the:

AK, FAMAS, AK-74, Commando, Stoner63, AUG, Galil etc.

There is no field in which it does best, and in many of these guns there is not one aspect it is superior in.

I don't think these are quite right. Scavenger/Ghost is the most used tier 1 and the Galil is definitely not the third top, commando is far more used, because it's flat out better.
I started with the Einfield primarily because its fire rate was more "bang-bang-bang" than "BRRRRRRR-outofammo", then adding a red-dot with a inwards-pointing triangle cross-hair made it more of a medium range semi-sniper rifle that was still able to hip-fire.

then I unlocked the Stoner 63, and it was good.

also, the HP-whatever shotgun? I don't know why people dual wield them, its awesome by itself and perfect for that one Vietnam level in the jungle with the bridge.
You dual wield it because it gives a single aspect in which it beats the Spas-12, it can fire two shots simultaniously. Taking one brings no advantage to you, you're much, much better off with the Spas.

You'd probably like the M60 with Grip, MaraPro, SoHPro, (Pick tier 1, anything but L/W or scav), if you like the low RoF weapons. It makes good use of it, however I play on PC so I don't know how hard the recoil on it is to manage (spoiler-the recoil's massive. MASSIVE)

Despite this I play better with it than a FAMAS/AK74 setup.


New member
Jan 16, 2008
There's a passage in Jane McGonigal's excellent 'Reality is Broken' where she talks about the Halo kill effort in similar terms. I'm the last thing from an anti-gaming nut, but doesn't this give anyone a slightly queasy feeling? Both in the mindboggling collective killing effort itself and that the PR people chose to publicise it? At least in Halo they're usually talking about kills of AI Covenant.

If the big surprise of the universe is that karma is real and that it applies to imaginary acts as well as physical ones, we're all fucked beyond belief...




New member
Dec 6, 2009
CoD is played mostly by Americans. Let's see someone make a statistic of Counter Strike 1.6
I bet more people get killed in CS 1.6 per day than in CoD. CS is still popular in Europe and too popular in Asian countries.
These statistics are not impressive until you compare them to other games. And since there are no other statistics Activision can suck a fat one.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Would it be bad to say I've probably contributed to hundreds of the RCXD kills?

I mean, sometimes I get thwarted by Flak Jackets, but otherwise, my kill count rises. :D
Oh, and Claymores. I use those alot.


Legendary Table User
Jul 17, 2009
FreelanceButler said:
I think the only stat that really surprised me was the AK74u only being the second most used weapon.
/bitter about being killed by it. A lot.

I also genuinely lol'd at the s-XD having the most killstreak kills. I mean, Attack Dogs kill a lot of peeps.
I'm not surprised about that at all, you'll get dogs or a huey once or twice a match if you get a nice clearing to camp in RC cars don't even need effort to be gotten eight times a match.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
As big of a disappointing as Black Ops was, I have to admit that is pretty impressive.

I wonder what the numbers for CS:S would be...

Grabbin Keelz

New member
Jun 3, 2009
Since the average lifespan of a BlackOps soldier lasts less than five seconds, these stats aren't surprising.


A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
Jan 24, 2009
The numbers... can't get them out of my head...

I'm honestly a bit surprised that the Galil is the 3rd most popular weapon. I used that weapon for a bit and found it to be pretty inaccurate. And yeah, the Famas is the most ridiculously overpowered gun ever in the history of video games.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
*Whistles* That's a lotta' frags. I guess the players answered the call, and did their duty.


New member
Sep 24, 2009
Maybe I'm not reading it right but.... 171 times 73 Million is 12.5 billion, roughly.... and the game came out in November, 3 months ago, average of 90 days. So that's 1.123 Trillion kills since November, that's not 62 billion. What's the math up with that?

Unless of course, this is only counting military deaths and not civilian casualties. In which case, it was 22-25 million, which is still a shitload. So according to the poster and not the news post (which is probably very faulty), then we have 161 * 23.5M (average) = 3.783B.... which still doesn't make sense if you multiply that over 90 days. over 270B. WTFFF I'M SO CONFUSED.


New member
Jul 16, 2008
Popular first person shooters have 1 advantage: lots of noobs to bash.

I might join the fun if the price of the PC version was like 30Euro, but I'm not going to pay 50-60 Euro for a mediocre shooter.


Look at me, I'm burning.
Nov 30, 2009
sbear3737 said:
Maybe I'm not reading it right but.... 171 times 73 Million is 12.5 billion, roughly.... and the game came out in November, 3 months ago, average of 90 days. So that's 1.123 Trillion kills since November, that's not 62 billion. What's the math up with that?

Unless of course, this is only counting military deaths and not civilian casualties. In which case, it was 22-25 million, which is still a shitload. So according to the poster and not the news post (which is probably very faulty), then we have 161 * 23.5M (average) = 3.783B.... which still doesn't make sense if you multiply that over 90 days. over 270B. WTFFF I'M SO CONFUSED.
Stop, just stop.
Just realize that they can't do math, don't give yourself a headache over this s**t. You have much more important things to do.

The numbers will never add up.


New member
May 31, 2010
I wish trayarc made the game run better insted of collecting all these interesting facts.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
Daemascus said:
Lets not let the "video games are bad and turn people in to murder machines" people see this ok?
Actually if anything it proves violant video games don't cause murders, as the stats show the world would be extinct 9x over by now :p lol