You dual wield it because it gives a single aspect in which it beats the Spas-12, it can fire two shots simultaniously. Taking one brings no advantage to you, you're much, much better off with the Spas.Kalezian said:I started with the Einfield primarily because its fire rate was more "bang-bang-bang" than "BRRRRRRR-outofammo", then adding a red-dot with a inwards-pointing triangle cross-hair made it more of a medium range semi-sniper rifle that was still able to hip-fire.Baneat said:Enfield is statistically inferior to the:Kalezian said:I dont know why people like the FAMAS so much, the Einfield kicks ass for those that know how to use and abuse it.
AK, FAMAS, AK-74, Commando, Stoner63, AUG, Galil etc.
There is no field in which it does best, and in many of these guns there is not one aspect it is superior in.
I don't think these are quite right. Scavenger/Ghost is the most used tier 1 and the Galil is definitely not the third top, commando is far more used, because it's flat out better.
then I unlocked the Stoner 63, and it was good.
also, the HP-whatever shotgun? I don't know why people dual wield them, its awesome by itself and perfect for that one Vietnam level in the jungle with the bridge.
You'd probably like the M60 with Grip, MaraPro, SoHPro, (Pick tier 1, anything but L/W or scav), if you like the low RoF weapons. It makes good use of it, however I play on PC so I don't know how hard the recoil on it is to manage (spoiler-the recoil's massive. MASSIVE)
Despite this I play better with it than a FAMAS/AK74 setup.