LazyAza said:
And we all know why they won't; fear. They're afraid if they cater to a specific niche crowd that only wants an old game that doesn't sell anymore they'll lose more people from their new products and those will sell less. Its all marketing business crap. They want big bucks and catering to the people that want old wow support would mean admitting they've failed to properly evolve the game and keep it highly successful. Which they absolutely have. WoW could have lived for forever and after countless idiotic decisions whether they be gameplay or even writing related, people are just sick of what they've been doing. Lich was the peak of the game, and its only gotten worse ever since and the insane drop in subscribers showcases that perfectly.
The claim that WoW could have lived forever does not sound realistic by any means. Nothing lasts forever, not even interest in a game. Regardless of content, or even if the quality of the story was on par with what WC 3 set up in the first place, the subscriber base would decay still. Wasn't it King Terenas that said that no king rules forever? People's lives and interests change. People get married, get new jobs, have kids, new interests. The vanilla servers came out when I was 14 years old. I'm 26 now, and in grad school getting payed to do physics research. And whatever leftover money is being used for cosplay and food. I don't have that much of an interest in playing WoW that much any more. Heck I had friends in high school that left soon after BC because of waining interest in the game.
Same goes for any game out there. The online servers for PS2 just shut down, over a decade after the console launched. It's a long time, and PS2 was an awesome console, but it doesn't make it immortal.