Blizzard Up For a StarCraft Movie With James Cameron


New member
Feb 19, 2009
cursedseishi said:
ark123 said:
cursedseishi said:
John Funk said:
cursedseishi said:
Yep, proves it, Blizzard has officially been lost to Activision.

At least with the WoW movie and Sam Raimi, its in capable hands.

But Cameron? My god... his last good movie was Terminator 2 to me, everything else felt tired and rehashed, oh look aliens, lets get that chick to fight them again for the 5th time in a hundred years instead of doing it on our own.

There's already a Starcraft movie out, called Aliens Versus Predators, go watch that and just imagine humans = terran, Predator = Protoss, and Xenomorphs = Zerg, hey look, even the names nearly fit!

All James is good at doing is ripping off disney flicks now. Wait for Avatar 2: Under the Sea.
Wait, you bash "Aliens" while simultaneously praising "Aliens vs Predators"?

I'm not necessarily bashing Aliens, more or less I'm bashing the fact that in pretty much every Aliens movie, everyone NEEDED Ripley just to be competent. As if unless she was around, everyone would start thinking the aliens bled Gatorade instead of acid. I can understand having a central character for the franchise, but forcing it to a point where competence is only possible with her around, just sucks.

Which is one reason I liked AvP, sure the predators helped the chick survive in the end, but just being around her, or the predators, didn't guarantee survival.
Way to invalidate your opinion with a single sentence.
I fail to see how that "invalidated" what I said.
Unlike in the Alien movies, being around the main chick didn't guarantee surviving, and the same goes for being around the Predators. Humans decided to ally with the predators, as they were the lesser of the evils, and in the end only person who survived was the chick after she and the soon-dead predator took out the queen. They couldn't just kill off every single human character, so what else could you expect?
Sure they could. Fuck, the movie would be ten times better with no humans at all. You know, like Cameron said he'd film a prequel? No humans.
In AvP, I'd be much happier if all the monotone, rock stupid humans were killed in the first 10 minutes and all we had was alien-on-alien combat. But no, the predator keeps a random ***** alive for NO REASON whatsoever. The final scene just makes my head ache it's so bad. The other predators decide she's in their club? We're like cattle to them! SKIN THE ***** ALIVE PLEASE, LIKE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO.


New member
Dec 13, 2009
going to the Art Institute, as a film major, where everyone hated Avatar for its lack of plot, I can agree with alot of these comments. however, you got to think here. as much as I dislike James Cameron, he does what he does right. He knows how to make a blockbuster film, he's a douche, but a douche with a buisness sense.

now think of the end game, what is the goal of a starcraft film.. ideally we, the fanboys, the artists, the escapists, want something true to the narrative, with hopefully a firm foundation of plot mixed with artistic fervor. we can hope for something unique... but do we ever get that? No... we don't.. we rarely ever do. we get too many times a useless, pointless, artless, money sucking, piece of crap. Why? because if you make it shiny and call it art the general public will eat the bullshit.

Blizzard... looking at the big picture, their main income source is WOW. But even so, they are going to want a profit... You would hope that given they have plenty, plenty, PLENTY, of money to afford this kind of venture they would focus less on cliche money making BS tactics and actually give something unique. we can hope.. we can hope.. but with James Cameron at the helm... that would really weaken the chances. unless of course he made enough money from Avatar that he's turned a new leaf and decides to do a movie for the thrill of the movie and not making money... pfft. Cameron is a buisnessman, in fact on set he is known a a major hard ass, I can respect that but I have heard that he is above and beyond a hard ass. he is just a douche. a very, very, hard man to work with. he'll get the movie done ya, but only after he's broken every ounce of artistic soul out of it

rant rant rabble rabble rabble rabble


New member
Apr 29, 2009
I just wanna see the start of Starcraft 1 remade into the start of a Starcraft Movie... would absolutly destroy Saving Private Ryans intro.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
Ok, this would be a good match up. The only catch would be that the whole movie would have to be in 3D (samething there doing with the Ultramarine movie) otherwise it just wouldn't work.

Mar 16, 2009
That butthole James Cameron? The same one who took the greatest film of all time (Alien) and turned it into some bullshit macho, space marines bullshit? Yeah, have fun Blizzard. You'd be better with Uwe Boll.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
AstorSapolsky said:
That butthole James Cameron? The same one who took the greatest film of all time (Alien) and turned it into some bullshit macho, space marines bullshit? Yeah, have fun Blizzard. You'd be better with Uwe Boll.
Ok i just have to say no to this. I mean yeah cameron is a greedy basterd but hes a very good greedy basterd say what you like about the story in avatar but it looked great Uwe Boll fucks up everything he touches........
On a side not id love to see peter jackson do this movie but then again i loved the lord of the rings movies:)


New member
May 21, 2010
Lem0nade Inlay said:
ultimateownage said:
Oh fuck no. I hate James Cameron. Avatar was a shit movie being over hyped and earning way more than a movie should for something that's only selling point is 3d. Not to mention they're bringing it back with 8 extra minutes, just to cash it in further.
/James Cameron rant.
Yes! I really don't like saying it, but, This!

Avatar was so overhyped, I loved Terminator and Aliens, but Avatar was just overrated.

Now, if Christopher Nolan directed Starcraft...
Please point me in the direction of petitions I can sign to make this happen. Let's get Frank Miller to write the story though. :)


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
If this happens, you all know that the Zerg will end up being noble space zombies that require the guidance of Kerrigan to throw off their oppressive Terran and Protoss enemies.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
well what ever they do just keep him away from the script or we will end up with a movie with about only 10% stuff from lore.
well at least he cant kill the plot as it is already dead :p