Wandrecanada said:
If Blizzard can actually produce anything original anymore I'll be the first to congratulate them. As far as I'm aware they lost all their real innovative talent when WoW launched and it's been nothing but rehashes and copycat since.
Considering how so much of WoW was taken from EverQuest(1) and Tolkien it is a little hard to say that they did not have "rehashes and copycat". (Example: In EQ gnomes had a steampunk culture complete with clockworks and robots. WoW... has gnomes having a... steam... punk... culture with... robots...) Keeping in mind EQ is 12 this month I find it quite difficult not to laugh when they think WoW was so innovative.
Here are just a few EQ things "borrowed" by WoW thought to be innovative:
Gnome with steampunk culture (as was my example)
Instanced Zones for raids and certain quests
Gear that once put on gos from tradable to no trade
Giant megadragon roaming the world wreaking havoc on player and NPC alike (Kerafyrm/The Sleeper did it in EQ 10 years ago)
World trashed into a shadow of what it was where continents are islands (EQ2's entire premise which launched about the SAME time as WoW did so way before Cataclysm)
Only thing truly different (other than graphic but then EQ's 12 and still popular) is that WoW spells/abilities/disciplines that EQ has to maximize your potential. This made WoW more button-mashing than skill/intelligence based and the game infinitely easier.
By this point, the WoW fanboys have their panties in a twist so here I will say: I DID try WoW. Yes only the 2 week trial but then I was on it 6-8 hours every day of said trial and found the game too clunky (camera/controls) and lacking in difficulty. I LIKE that in EQ(1) everything wants to rip me apart and teabag what is left. I LIKE that it requires skill to maximize my DPS as a Ranger.
And before anyone can criticize my game fairly, I have to ask one simple thing: Did you ever play EQ and if so, how recently? If your complaint is that EQ is "too hard" then tell me... do you only play Easy Mode of games?
As to Titan, I will say "wait and see" we heard the same thing about Vanguard, Age of Conan and LotR Online. Vanguard was too much for 90% of computers to handle so no one plays it. AoC dwindled to all but dead in the water. LotRO is now free-to-play just so people play it.
Will Titan sink or swim? Dunno,but compared to the Big 3 out now (EQ, EQ2 and WoW) it has some stiff competition.