While this is basically a place holder article while waiting for actual news to need being reported, it does open up some interesting discussions.
First, do you think that just because they said no STARCRAFT MMO that you can bank on that? Statements like that could be just ways of managing expectations and keeping the buzz machine from killing the baby in the cradle. It's very possible that they won't release a STARCRAFT MMO, but don't bet on it.
What would they do? Well, they have a fantasy game already so building another one of those would absolutely cannibalize their current MMO without opening new markets, so unless they believe that Fantasy is the only possible setting for a successful MMO they probably wont release another one of those until they see market indicators that WoW is failing.
The two exceptions would be form factor and incursion into new markets and platforms. In other words if the play style was significantly different from standard MMOs, perhaps more akin to Diablo instead of WoW, that would allow a MMO to spread to new platforms and reach new markets. Imagine being able to hit dungeons with friends on the 360 or your windows tablet? While this is probably not what Blizzard has in mind, it would take something that significant to make them risk fracturing support for their most successful property.
I guess the next most obvious would be space, and if they chose a space setting why wouldn't they pick STARCRAFT? They have crafted a rich universe with the latest RTS installment and creating another universe seems rather silly unless they want to add in a wealth of aliens and events that would not be compatible with their RTS.
But whatever it is, no doubt it'll be really really good.