Blockbuster Fizzles Into Bankruptcy


New member
Sep 1, 2010
poor blockbuster they used to be really good and would have unbelivably cheap games and the option to borrow games before buying them was an awsome idea because that saved me from buing some real crap. the problem i feel is the lack of variety when it comes to movies even with the prospect of watching new releases before they come out in store was awsom$e. so farewell blockbuster.

Furious Styles

New member
Jul 10, 2010
Awww, I like Blockbusters. Its the same appeal as with record shops, you can have a look and browse to see what you want in a way that you just can't do online.

Oh well, it was outdated and its time had come

R.I.P. Blockbuster


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I like Netflix and quite frankly anyone could see this coming. Never used Blockbuster anyways. I used to use City Market's video rental, but they stopped doing that more then 5 years ago. Oh well. I guess there's only one more thing to say. Dun dun dun; another one bites the dust; dun dun dun...


Gentleman Bastard.
Jun 27, 2009
Use gamefly to rent games if you must. Blockbuster became obsolete long ago.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
This wasn't just Netflix; everytime I went to Blockbuster I had to open a new "Blockbuster account" because I don't rent movies frequently enough to remember a long, random password and username. This is as much poor decision making by Blockbuster as it is the superiority of its competition.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
the block buster in my town went out of business a few years ago we have a none chain rental video place here which i would think is doing well both their stores just moved to bigger areas


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Callate said:
As I've said before, I'm more sorry for the countless small video stores they edged out of business... Stores that treated their customers better, stores with employees who were actually knowledgable about movies and cared about their customer base, stores that were neighborhood fixtures and in many cases more flexible and better capable of surviving the current financial landscape than big ol' monolithic Blockbuster.
I couldn't agree anymore. I was very happy to hear about this. When they came into towns across the country, every mom and pop store got put under. Then the prices got jacked up, the late fee were draconian, and their selection went down. They felt they were untouchable till services like Netflix and Red Box came along. By that time, their customer service was soooo shitty, they had no idea how to compete. I'm just happy to see an evil monopoly get it's due especially from other companies that care about their consumers.

The Bandit

New member
Feb 5, 2008
Mr.Mattress said:
It's always sad to hear about an all powerful business becoming Bankrupt and dieing. I was sad when Circuit City closed down all of it's shops (To be replaced with hhgregg), and I am sad here.

But, that's how capitalism works. It's not like all rentals are going down hill, just real life ones. Sorry Blockbuster, but you didn't play the game. We'll all miss you, and remember you as the Fore Father of Video Rentals.
Actually, nobody will remember them. And if they do, they'll be remembered as that company that got completely and totally owned by Netflix.