BNP Protests


New member
Jul 26, 2008
Oldmanwillow said:
Daedalus_UK said:
I hate it when people say stuff like this. Where the hell as that ever worked! The BNP are obviously morons who no one will actually vote for but they are still going to continue to spread all their hateful crap to anybody, including children through their newly founded BNP Youth (like the scouts for racists).

Ignoring them is simply not enough to silence them, I'm sorry to say this but some people just don't have the right to free speech.
First off fuck you. We all have the right to freedom of speech and this shouldn't be infringed in ANYWAY SHAPE OR FORM. I dont approve of racism but i will allow a racist to express his ideas. I will debate him though showing him the error of his ways and showing other people not to follow him.

People do not have the right to not be offended. I get offended by socialist's (i am a libertarian) but i will not try and shut them up. They have every right to speak there mind just like I have the right to debate them.

If outlaw the BNP you will just force them under ground and they will fight the government (remember the IRA people). This will create a lot more problems for your country then just people getting offended at others speech.

If people want to get ride of the party you should debate them rationally and when you win (logic will always beat racists) less and less people will vote for them. That simple.

I think you may have misunderstood me, perhaps I should have been clearer. First off I mean't to say some people don't deserve free speech as in cases such as this in which they would just abuse it, I never mentioned anything about taking it away. I would love to get into a logical argument with a BNP member but I'm afraid they are quite one sided in their views and it is very unlikely that most BNP members would be able to get it through that thick head of theirs.

Apparently most conflicts can be won through debate but in this case there will be an exception because the state in which Britian is in now with immigration I do believe some people may turn to desperate measures to preserve british culture e.g. voting BNP.

So before you get angry consider the situation we are in with the so called British National Party (who claim to be true british patriots) and the context I use when I express my opinion.

By the way, "Fuck you" and typing in caps is a great way to be noticed.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
Good, good, he could do with all that produce, what with the recession!

But seriously, blaming everything on the immigrants is the easy options. Hitler did it to get support for his party, look what happened there.

Those immigrants do all of the jobs the "native" population wouldn't do even in the middle of a recession. Stuff most of us think are "demeaning" and boring.


Cargando said:
I don't know if the BNP are fascists or not. I don't think they are...

The signs saying 'Stop the fascist BNP' got on my nerves. Although if they left out the 'fascist' I'd be fine with it.
I do believe there is quote of the BNP leader saying Hitler's book (Mien Kraft or whatever) is his "bible".


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Booze Zombie said:
I do believe there is quote of the BNP leader saying Hitler's book (Mien Kraft or whatever) is his "bible".
Yes, he did say something of that ilk. (the book is called Mein Kampf)

He's also addressed a meeting of the KKK (acording to the same sorts of sources as the MK thing).
(In my opinion, the only correct way to address those degenerates is with a snappy one-liner and an uzi in either hand.)

Every crime that has ever been comitted against me in Britan has been by white, British criminal, and every boss I've seen try to make a personal profit out of screwing-up a British company has be white and British, so I refuse to believe that foreigners have anything to do with the state this country is in.

My solution would be to ban holocaust denial like several nations in Europe have. Several of the higher-ups in the BNP would be affected, but it would not be targeting the BNP directly (therefore less risk of them being seen as martyrs), and would also appease people on both sides of the "political correctness" arguements.

The big problem with free speech (or perceived free speech in places that don't actually have free speech), is that there are too many people who understand the right, but not the responsibility.

Samurai Goomba

New member
Oct 7, 2008
Nmil-ek said:
Oldmanwillow said:
Daedalus_UK said:
I hate it when people say stuff like this. Where the hell as that ever worked! The BNP are obviously morons who no one will actually vote for but they are still going to continue to spread all their hateful crap to anybody, including children through their newly founded BNP Youth (like the scouts for racists).

Ignoring them is simply not enough to silence them, I'm sorry to say this but some people just don't have the right to free speech.
First off fuck you. We all have the right to freedom of speech and this shouldn't be infringed in ANYWAY SHAPE OR FORM. I dont approve of racism but i will allow a racist to express his ideas. I will debate him though showing him the error of his ways and showing other people not to follow him.

People do not have the right to not be offended. I get offended by socialist's (i am a libertarian) but i will not try and shut them up. They have every right to speak there mind just like I have the right to debate them.

If outlaw the BNP you will just force them under ground and they will fight the government (remember the IRA people). This will create a lot more problems for your country then just people getting offended at others speech.

If people want to get ride of the party you should debate them rationally and when you win (logic will always beat racists) less and less people will vote for them. That simple.

We can sumerise and stop this post with one simple thing, we dont have a written law or protection for free speech in Britain period, we do have laws for discrimination and racial language and legal punishments and frankly I prefer it that way. Complete free speech is like giving a gun to a baby most people are too stupid to deserve it.
Including or not including you? Who is a judge of which people are too "stupid" to deserve the right to say what they're thinking? Once we start limiting the Free Speech rights of anyone, we risk having our own right to say what we think is right taken away. Without the right to speak, we lose many, many more rights and benefits as well. Free Speech is like giving everyone a gun, whereas limited Free Speech is when the people with power have guns and folks like me and you have nothing.

From the sounds of them, I can already tell any BNP members I might meet would feature prominently in my daydreams along with gasoline, duct tape, a lighter and a knife, but I still support their right to spout whatever stupid drivel they care to. Then I can exercise my right to tell them how moronic they are. I'm not exactly pro-immigration (especially when they sneak right over the borders and dodge taxes), but it has nothing to do with racism for me. White, black, whatever, we're in a recession and the last thing we need over here is more people... Which is why hateful jerks like these are so annoying to me, since they create the illusion that anti-immigration ideology is based off of racism.

And there's no way I'm making my permanent residence anyplace that doesn't have it in writing that every man, woman and child has the right to say whatever they want. It may be very nice where you live, but that's an important issue for me.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
The Jono said:
Also Nick Griffin has links with a group who believe the aryan race is descended from aliens. Think scientology crossed with the KKK.
you know what I've always found funny.... When people use "Aryan" to be " super mythic white guy" know considering the REAL Aryan race was a nomadic tribe found from Iran into northern India...and had some of the BEST mounted archers as their light Calvary...and actually gave Alexander the great a major fight in Saudi Arabia...and once he absorbed them into his army, played major rolls on his march into India...


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Samurai Goomba said:
Nmil-ek said:
Oldmanwillow said:
Daedalus_UK said:
I hate it when people say stuff like this. Where the hell as that ever worked! The BNP are obviously morons who no one will actually vote for but they are still going to continue to spread all their hateful crap to anybody, including children through their newly founded BNP Youth (like the scouts for racists).

Ignoring them is simply not enough to silence them, I'm sorry to say this but some people just don't have the right to free speech.
First off fuck you. We all have the right to freedom of speech and this shouldn't be infringed in ANYWAY SHAPE OR FORM. I dont approve of racism but i will allow a racist to express his ideas. I will debate him though showing him the error of his ways and showing other people not to follow him.

People do not have the right to not be offended. I get offended by socialist's (i am a libertarian) but i will not try and shut them up. They have every right to speak there mind just like I have the right to debate them.

If outlaw the BNP you will just force them under ground and they will fight the government (remember the IRA people). This will create a lot more problems for your country then just people getting offended at others speech.

If people want to get ride of the party you should debate them rationally and when you win (logic will always beat racists) less and less people will vote for them. That simple.

We can sumerise and stop this post with one simple thing, we dont have a written law or protection for free speech in Britain period, we do have laws for discrimination and racial language and legal punishments and frankly I prefer it that way. Complete free speech is like giving a gun to a baby most people are too stupid to deserve it.
Including or not including you? Who is a judge of which people are too "stupid" to deserve the right to say what they're thinking? Once we start limiting the Free Speech rights of anyone, we risk having our own right to say what we think is right taken away. Without the right to speak, we lose many, many more rights and benefits as well. Free Speech is like giving everyone a gun, whereas limited Free Speech is when the people with power have guns and folks like me and you have nothing.

From the sounds of them, I can already tell any BNP members I might meet would feature prominently in my daydreams along with gasoline, duct tape, a lighter and a knife, but I still support their right to spout whatever stupid drivel they care to. Then I can exercise my right to tell them how moronic they are. I'm not exactly pro-immigration (especially when they sneak right over the borders and dodge taxes), but it has nothing to do with racism for me. White, black, whatever, we're in a recession and the last thing we need over here is more people... Which is why hateful jerks like these are so annoying to me, since they create the illusion that anti-immigration ideology is based off of racism.

And there's no way I'm making my permanent residence anyplace that doesn't have it in writing that every man, woman and child has the right to say whatever they want. It may be very nice where you live, but that's an important issue for me.
My meter for who is stupid is purley from my perception, of course I use my own yard stick for judging others morality and behavior who dosent. Frankly I never want to assosciate with any BNP or their supporters, I view them as scum nothing but irredemable scum like I view all racsist trash. Im a big advocate of freedom beleive me alot of my people died to even obtain it in Scotland but I can see where draw the line between free speech and advocating racial hate and violence and the BNP crosses it. Words are powerful and people have died from the BNPs supporters actions they do not act like a political party (I beleive the term "thugs in suits" was coined quite well)

And i should clear that up we do have freedom of speech ofcourse, just all the PC crap creeping into the western world reccently and censorship are becoming far more prominent. Though why is a constitution so important? Surely free speech is the result of a society and not some pretentious piece of paper.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
I think this is one of those situations where I say "now, now, pelting people with eggs is not the thing to do as a form of political expression, freedom of speech, yadda, yadda, yadda...pssst, hey you...use hardboiled eggs, they hurt more.


New member
Feb 28, 2009
I don't agree with the BNP, but violent protests aren't the way to solve things. If I was a Police Officer in that area I would of dealt with the protesters by way of public order offenses regardless of political view.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Cargando said:
messy said:
razer17 said:
IsoNeko said:
Y'know. I'm all for anti-immigration. But then theres just pure racism. I mean, I don't want to be supporting hitler, but I don't want to be supporting immigration either. Why isn't there a midway agreement?
immigration helps the country, and to be honest the polish do more work than some Brits i know who sit on their ass and claim benefits, and child benefit on about a hundred kids. also more people leave the UK every year than enter.

I hate the BNP, i seriously hope Nick Griffin gets everything he deserves for spouting his racist propaganda. i think he should be kicked out of the country or
killed. can't spread hatred when your beyond the grave now, can you. anyone who discriminates against people for stupid reasons (like racism) doesn't deserve air
The only problem is if he's killed then he might become a martyr for the and may cause vendetta like campaigns to form afterwards.

I do agree with absolutely everything you've posted by killing will undermine the opposition against him and have negative ripple effects. Luckily the BNP during the protest are on camera shoving a fair few people out of the way, and fairly violently, so they can't put too much of a positive spin on things
Killed? I strongly doubt it will go that far.
I did think it would ever, but I was pointing out how killing was a bad idea


New member
May 28, 2008
Daveman said:
seriously, they're just attention seeking dickheads (the BNP) and it's better we just make sure everyone votes against them and make it clear that there is no way in hell they are getting control of the country.
Erm, don't all political parties seek attention?


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Toga112 said:
Daveman said:
seriously, they're just attention seeking dickheads (the BNP) and it's better we just make sure everyone votes against them and make it clear that there is no way in hell they are getting control of the country.
Erm, don't all political parties seek attention?
Not by inciting riots generally, no.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
D_987 said:
D.C. said:
D_987 said:
Cargando said:
I don't know if the BNP are fascists or not. I don't think they are...
They quite clearly are...
They havent released any world domination plans and promoton of the destruction of democracy in favour of a police state........ yet

so by the definition of fascism .. they arnt fascists.....yet.
According to Google:

Fascism is a totalitarian nationalist and corporatist ideology. It is primarily concerned with perceived problems associated with cultural, economic, political, and social decline or decadence.
So the BNP are fascist; they have a very similar view to the Nazis on all these points - one of the large fascist governments.
Thanks - I've been 100% on what Fascism is.


New member
May 28, 2008
Nmil-ek said:
Toga112 said:
Daveman said:
seriously, they're just attention seeking dickheads (the BNP) and it's better we just make sure everyone votes against them and make it clear that there is no way in hell they are getting control of the country.
Erm, don't all political parties seek attention?
Not by inciting riots generally, no.
I'm not sure if they want people throwing eggs at them. They're inciting riots the same way that the Kurds incited genocide, it's kind of the people around them who are rioting.


New member
Aug 4, 2008
I agree with the guys in this thread that freedom of speech is for all. I despise the people who say "everyone deserves freedom of speech, but...", and then ramble on about how people who disagree with them don't. Obviously racism stems from ignorance, but the ignorant still have a right to free speech. Prove the morons wrong logically, don't oppress them. They probably won't care if you prove them wrong, because they're ignorant, but others will.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Deef said:
Racism much?
It's actually scary how people can get behind a cause like the BNP.
Its all because of fear. Fear leads to hate. And hate leads to the dark side. - Yoda

No seriously, through fear mongering, they convince (lower class) society to vote for them. "because otherwise, some big arabic man named Mohammed is gonna rape your wife because the Quran says its ok to do that to non-islamic women! (and any resulted babies will automatically be muslims)"

Misquoting the Quran and taking it way out of context is also one of their spearheads as you can see.


New member
Jun 28, 2008
Oh God, I love you guys. Honestly, the British still have balls about their protests. The only people in my country who get aggressive about their beliefs are assbackwards rednecks who assault doctors. The rest get crowded into "free speech zones" blocks away from where they'll be heard.

That said, you shouldn't try to silence racists, better to let them talk and make their views known so you can better take apart their bullshit and show them for the assbackwards racists they are. The BNP leader was correct in his news statement (linked to the video) that this was a blow against free speech and democracy and he came off sounding more professional than the girl the BBC presumably pulled off the street at random and interviewed (also linked at end of video) about why they protested in that manner. She came off as fanatical, and while I may agree with her in principle, she'd have served her cause better by staying calm and collected.

THAT said, it was very entertaining watching that pompous blowhard pelted with eggs. :)


New member
Oct 5, 2008
as much as i hate the BNP, the way Nick griffen was treated was disgraceful and an affront to free speach and the liberties the people who perpetrated the egging pretend to be defending. there are better ways to deal with them that don't mean lowering yourself to that level.


New member
May 28, 2008
To be honest, it doesn't even look like that much of a protest. More just a bandwagon for all to jump on and divert people away from other political crises.