Body Armor Beats Point Blank Car Bomb Blast


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Canid117 said:
JWAN said:
Deathfish15 said:
I'm assuming his "unspecified injuries" had to do with the box of screws associated with that bomb. I hope the asshole that made that bomb is caught and suffers a painful death. Shrapnel bombs are the worse kind of bombs because it's not the explosion that kills, it's the flying metal that kills and maims. Sickening.

Although, hats off to the Thai engineers that made a suite so durable to survive that. That should be bought by other countries to be used for the safety of the people that deal with those death devices.
Um... Made in the USA
Or at least designed here.
Vanguard operates out of Canada but they have a branch in the US. As far as I can tell its built in the US and some guy said it was designed in Canada then proceeded to give me a link that told me nothing important


New member
Jun 9, 2008
therandombear said:
Palademon said:
C95J said:
Holy shit I want that suit!

Man, I can only imagine what was running through that guys mind after the explosion went off, and he just got up and walked away! I bet he felt like a badass.
Too bad he loses some badass points, because cool guys don't look at explosions.

There are some exceptions then it seems, cooler guys look at explosions and then walk away ;)

One ballsey guy and 1 set of pre-fallout power armour.. :3
This guy was the explosion so I think that he gets some bonus points.

OT: If he had his hands near the explosive I think he would have lost them, isnt that part of the body exposed?


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Just watching this reminded me of how much I hate bombs and terrorists. I might have sympathized with the "rebels" at the time, but what kind of psychotic jackass leaves a car bomb behind on a crowded street?

I don't know if the bomb was remote controlled or not but what if that had been a family walking by instead of the bomb tech?

Man.. Fuck terrorists.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Sodoff said:
Just watching this reminded me of how much I hate bombs and terrorists. I might have sympathized with the "rebels" at the time, but what kind of psychotic jackass leaves a car bomb behind on a crowded street?

I don't know if the bomb was remote controlled or not but what if that had been a family walking by instead of the bomb tech?

Man.. Fuck terrorists.
There is a difference between rebels and terrorists.

For the latter, its in the name.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Earnest Cavalli said:
I would be tempted to ascribe it all to the kinetic dampening powers of his thick body armor, but I think that would be a bit dismissive to the peoples of Thailand. Their idea of "sport" is kneeing a guy in the face until his jaw explodes.
The quality of this article is fucking mind-blowing even given how often badly-written articles show up on the Escapist. Drawing insane conclusions about the survival of someone based on a sport of the man's country? Are you fucking kidding me?

"It's about someone from Thailand, so uh, what do we know about Thai people? They're all into that karate shit and stuff right?"

"Dudebro, I saw this sick kung-fu movie the other day where a guy kneed another guy in the jaw. I'm pretty sure it was Thai."


New member
Mar 20, 2010
This guy.

Now we know that he exists, and what he does for a living.


New member
Apr 11, 2011
My responce to a car bomb blwoing up in my face would be to cover my face. Like hiding under a desk in case of a nuclear explosion yes, but comforting yes.

Xero Scythe

New member
Aug 7, 2009
Palademon said:
C95J said:
Holy shit I want that suit!

Man, I can only imagine what was running through that guys mind after the explosion went off, and he just got up and walked away! I bet he felt like a badass.
Too bad he loses some badass points, because cool guys don't look at explosions.
No- don't forget, that only happens when you start the explosion.

Anyway, it looked like the blast threw him back, which means the shrapnel couldn't get at him. He flies for a while, it looks really painful, but is actually the safest way to survive something like that. That, and the fact he is BS lucky, probably trained for this for 5+ years (Absolute minimum), and is wearing a suit they probably tested by launching a nuclear missile at point blank range.

This message brought to you by ayedfinf and... what the hell? that an upside-down 'the?'


New member
May 31, 2010
It does seem like hes wearing gloves. Like I said, I could be wrong. I saw this suit around a year ago and this a different country. If so I'd like to think that he could'nt diffuse it because he had some bulky ass gloves on.


New member
Jan 20, 2011
"um... the bomb is hooked up to two wires, red, blue, and red one is to detonate, and the other to defuse... I have this super armor, and this job gives no thrill... hell... red it is!" ... BOMB! *knocked over... "hell yeh!"


New member
Jun 1, 2009
manythings said:
I'm assuming some kind of internal injuries must have occured from the sheer concussive force. If not that is one hell of a fucking suit.

-Dragmire- said:
I'm pretty sure his pants are considerably heavier now though...
Sylocat said:
When I saw the headline, I thought it was either a joke, or there was some hidden variable that made it not so astonishing.

But no, he survived a point-blank car explosion that injured people a dozen yards away, with stuff he was WEARING.

Wow. Just... wow.
Same here, I thought it was a joke too.

That's a story to tell the grandkids.
Imagine being his grandkids. Who could beat that story?
"My granddad was in the Afghanistan war, and held off a squad of Taliban soldiers by himself for three hours!"

"Well my granddad survived a bomb blast to the face"


Also, while cool guys don't look at explosions, Cooler guys don't die from explosions at point blank