Shadie777 said:
albino boo said:
If you hide behind legal technicalities to make money out of advertising piracy don't be surprised when the big boys find some other legal technicalities to drop on you from a great height. If you can't do they time don't do the crime.
It isn't a crime in the UK. I'm also pretty sure that Google does this on a larger scale.
I second, third, and hell, 47th this. Its a no-brainer that just as much as Google is used to look up recipes, how-to guides, and lolcats, its used to look for porn and torrents. People have probably tried looking for local drug dealers on Google.
As an American, I have to sit here and scratch my head over one thing (in between hanging/holding it)... He's a UK citizen and resident being tried for a crime in America. The rights of the accused, if I remember right, apply to US citizens, residents, visa holders, and prisoners of war only. I don't think he is any of the above, which if the court he goes to has the right judge in the right pockets, could be bad I imagine. I don't know, do they give you a visa with the extradition? Furthermore, assuming it goes through and corporate lawyers warp the system enough to get him convicted, how is that going to work out? Special visa status just to serve time? Serving time in one of the US-operated foreign prisons? Any specialists in international law here?
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Starke said:
The sort of tragically hilarious thing in this is there really isn't a written international law in most cases. International Law tends to come from one of two places, either a treaty, in this case the US/UK extradition treaty, apparently, and tradition. Obviously there are some exceptions, but by and large international law when it comes to intellectual property come from specific treaties.
It's still pretty damn weird though, I mean, this is an extradition over what is, in all likelihood a misdemeanor.
Thank you. Less confusion and brain pain, more questions that probably don't have answers.
I am still proud to be an American, but dammit, the legal system is no one's plaything! So butt out, corporate America! And if any lawyer, or representative of the entertainment industry says something along the lines of 'let them watch it on their local network,' or 'let them buy the season on 3D Bluray,' I am 10,000% behind an International-legal smackdown.
Edit 2:
FamoFunk said:
Bullshit. So fucking angry with the UK being such pussies and not telling the US to go fuck themselves. And also the US for thinking it owns and can do whatever it wants with the world.
Darth_Dude said:
Stupid American Government sticking their fat noses in everything...
Seriously guys? It's not the US Government thinking they own the world, and sticking its nose in things. It's the rich-a$$ entertainment industry of America trying to play themselves as poor, starving artists just trying to earn a fair wage while they make the world a brighter place.
The same ones that believe in the rich-bastard variant of the golden rule -- grease enough palms, and no one cares what the rules are.
I will thank you for not blaming the American people. It's kind of a relief when people are angry at my country and not me, especially when I don't even live there.