Here's a thought..don't fucking buy it? Believe or not the world doesn't revolve around you PC gamers.wwmcfar said:Please tell me they're not charging for this fucking Horse Armour 2.0
Someone please make a PC mod exactly the same as this so they can't fleece us like the console monkeys.
If there's a chest in your house that always has a charged staff of chain lightning in it every time you come back to it, that might effect the balance of the rest of the game. Or an apothecary satchel with one of every potion ingredient. Or a bookshelf with every single skill-raising book on it.darkmind35 said:Exactly WHERE does a house making mod need balance? In regards to which "gameplay elements"?Callate said:Anyway, sounds interesting to me. Yes, I know there are mods available to PC gamers, but a lot of modders don't really seem to have issues like game balance in mind. Sometimes there's something to be said for a unified vision under a single hand.
And plenty of adventure / quest mods are made with balance in mind.
Bethseda themselves can't into balance at all.
I'm not. I'm upset that DG isn't out for PS3 and they're already starting on other DLC.Risingblade said:Here's a thought..don't fucking buy it? Believe or not the world doesn't revolve around you PC gamers.wwmcfar said:Please tell me they're not charging for this fucking Horse Armour 2.0
Someone please make a PC mod exactly the same as this so they can't fleece us like the console monkeys.
Dawnguard was an expansion pack. This is DLC. There is a massive difference between the two. This is what PROPER DLC is. Small, easy to make content at a reasonably cheap price.RaikuFA said:I'm not. I'm upset that DG isn't out for PS3 and they're already starting on other DLC.Risingblade said:Here's a thought..don't fucking buy it? Believe or not the world doesn't revolve around you PC gamers.wwmcfar said:Please tell me they're not charging for this fucking Horse Armour 2.0
Someone please make a PC mod exactly the same as this so they can't fleece us like the console monkeys.
Sorry, I just had to give you a hug after I read this. -hugs you- I can appreciate not getting a game for silly reasons, I've had a few myself.ProtoChimp said:Seriously what the hell?! I was fine not buying Skyrim, then I can be a flying vampire. That was awesome but I still wasn't sold, now it does what the Fable games are failing at. I can't explain why but I really dig the whole wife and kids and home shtick in an adventuring game. But... I still can't play the game for one very shallow reason that people will hate me for... I am terrified of the giant spiders in this game. Playing on a mate's PS3 and a giant spider comes at me in first person, shit even if third person and it just horrifies me. Don't no one be posting no pics of spiders now, but it actually stops me from playing Skyrim. I can't just do my Dragon Age tactic of just look away while auto attack takes care of it, plus its easy to guess in Dragon age where a spider will be. I figured "Oh, I'll just avoid caves and stuff."
An open field. An open field and I got a massive one, not even the little baby spiders the big fuck off car sized ones. Bastards. I'm gonna go watch a Familiar of Zero and MLP marathon to release some endorphins, with maybe a little Monty Python.
ah but you forget. children are immortal in skyrim! at least from what i can tell anyways lol. but yeah. epic house building time! i wonder how we'll get trophies..duchaked said:fist off, wow that's pretty cheap
second...will we be able to mine for resources next?lol
also it'd be awesome to raise children up to young adults to go adventuring with your old self...tho considering the life expectancy rate for NPC followers in Skyrim that may just be kind of brutal
Not the point, the PC is obviously the preferred platform, I wasn't arguing that. Simply the developers aren't going to release their worthwhile expansions as soon.darkmind35 said: Guy said:I think PCs get just as "ass fucked" as the consoles because now there is a longer wait for an expansion that will actually be worth your time, this is $5, that's a pittance to most gamers, whether they want this or not.darkmind35 said:In short "CONSOLES GET FUCKED IN THE ASS AGAIN, HAHAHAHHAHA!"
Really? Can it be as dumb as being scared of one enemy that, according to my friends, don't even appear very often?Samantha Burt said:Sorry, I just had to give you a hug after I read this. -hugs you- I can appreciate not getting a game for silly reasons, I've had a few myself.
Well, think about what Bethesda would have to do then. When have you ever seen a child in Skyrim that wasn't a human variant race? Mixed race children (specifically a beast race crossed with a humanoid race) would be impossible so that's not a big deal. However if your character is a race that is anything but a Nord/Imperial/Breton/Redguard and is married to a spouse of the same race then Bethesda would have to create entirely new models for children. That would also include voice actors depending on the race.SacremPyrobolum said:Why can't I have my own kids? D:
I came here to say precisely this thing, yet I was too slow. This person expressed my feelings perfectly.BehattedWanderer said:Furthermore, really? The Sims: Skyrim? Is this a fucking joke? I don't go to Skyrim when I want to build and design a crappy cottage and adopt some twerp, I go to Skyrim to be the fothermucking dragonborn.