But all is not well in Hoofington (A MLP FiM Rp, 3 slots open, PM GM if interested.)


Dire DM (+2 HD and a rend attack
Aug 10, 2011
"I've moved plenty of stages. I originally staged my current book in Detrot, but I moved it to Sesaddle to let the characters have access to a boat - do you have any idea how hard it is to move a setting part way through the writing process - you only had to move it BEFORE you began - that's super easy." Bookworm shot back, missing her use of stage.

she couldn't help but wonder how Drama knew she had lifted books? Was she a SPY?!?!


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Midnight moaned
"Man I knew that wasn't going o be easy but it feels like some-pony dropped a mountain on my head" Midnight said rubbing his right temple.
Midnight looks around
"Thanks guys I was worried you'd be mad, I forgot to want you of the clouds I had only seen a shape, this is my fault if I hadn't gone to pick those herbs." midnight hung his head, He felt he'd have to leave Hoofington for his foolishness.

Korak the Mad

New member
Nov 19, 2010
Gearkwork headed over to Midnight as he saw him fall "I warned him that using all that magic flowing through him was a bad idea. I'm quite impressed that he didn't blow himself to bits." Gearwork winced as he headed for Midnight, his rib hurt like crazy but it was minor to what could have happened to him.

Gearwork met up with the group about a minute later and saw that Midnight was starting to awaken from unconsciousness, and saw him apologizing about not being there when the storm showed up.

"Midnight, don't blame yourself. It was bound to happen even if you were in town when it happened. You wouldn't have met us and things could have gone quite differently. It also may have been a good thing that you went to the Everfree forest for those herbs. I've gotten hurt and I hope one of those herbs can help fix a fractured rib. I got it when you were still casting the spell, a shadow pegasus would have injured you while you were doing it and the spell would have rebounded, destoying any chance of you succeeding."

"Drama, I'll carry Midnight for you. I think that we should all help carry him back to town and get him patched up. Afterwards I need to look up some research on what I saw in another vision before Midnight cast the spell. Also I think we should talk to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna about what we faced here. I just know that this storm is just the tip of the iceberg of what's really going on."


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Midnight tried to respond.
"I sent, windsock to Canterlot, Celestia will be here on festival, Special guest, I suspect we'll have that much time before another attack until then i need to find-"
"You need to get some rest." Gearworks said definitively

Korak the Mad

New member
Nov 19, 2010
Gearwork looked around for the nearest place to lay down on, he was exhausted from it being such a hectic day, as well as from his injury. He took off his mechanical wings and put them in his saddlebags which he then put down on the floor next him. They landed with a heavy metallic thud. Just before he laid down he remembered that he had an emerald with him. He learned that it helped with healing small injuries, such as cuts and bruises, but couldn't fully repair major injuries. 'Well, worth a shot, it might help.' he thought to himself. He laid down on his good side and lifted the stone out of his bag and placed above the fractured rib. He focused his magic on the stone which in turn glowed with an intense green light. He felt his rib start to repair itself and about a minute later he felt no more pain, and felt a little refreshed.

He then got up and went over into the kitchen and looked around to see if there was anything to drink, he got a glass of water. He returned to where his saddlebags were and pulled out some paper and a quill, he then went over to the table where he saw some ink and started to draw out blueprints of the armor he saw. It was very late by the time he was done and he looked around and he saw that everypony else were asleep. He knew that he couldn't sleep where there were ponies near him. He was always like that, that was one reason he was a social outcast, he always had trouble of falling asleep around others, he could but it was rare. He usually would close his eyes and enter meditating trance of some sort where he looked asleep but was completely aware of his surroundings. He laid down as far away from the others as he could be and that was by the window. He took out a small crystal he always carried with him and held it in one of his hooves before he slowly drifted off to sleep.

A few hours had passed when he heard pecking at the window. He sleepily looked up and saw Coo at the window. "Huh, Coo? What are you doing here?" Gearwork said with a yawn. The owl just stared at him with a "are you serious?" look. Gearwork opened the window quietly and the owl flew in holding a bag of old scrolls from Gearwork's workshop. "Thanks, Coo. Let's see what you brought me." He looked over his scrolls and started to drift off again. He put away the scrolls and headed back to where he was laying down before and shut the window. He laid back down and drifted back to sleep. Coo perched himself near Gearwork and fell asleep shortly after him.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Shadow managed to find his way over to a corner of Drama's house, and managed to unbuckle his wings which fell to the floor with a loud thud. Shadow slumped down, his ribs and side hurting as he tried to shift into a more comfortable position. Shadow finally settled on the position that would least affect the broken and fractured ribs he knew he now had. Shadow watched as the other ponies settled down and got some rest, after all they had all had a hard day.

Korak the Mad

New member
Nov 19, 2010
Gearwork awoke the next morning only to find that he seemed to be the last pony to get up, he was quite surprised by that fact, he was usually the first to wake up. He looked around and it seemed that the others had gotten up only a little while before him. He also noticed that Coo was already up and waiting for Gearwork to get up. He looked at the owl and asked "Why did you get me up when you woke up?" The grey owl just looked at him and then ruffled his feathers, it was Coo's way of saying "I don't know."

Gearwork looked around for a minute and then stretched and headed into the kitchen to find everypony else, except Midnight, sitting at the table. "Good Morning, everypony. How did everypony sleep?"

"Painfully." Shadow replied. Gearwork saw that he was badly bruised and seemed to have a few fractured ribs, based on how he was breathing.

"Oh dear." Gearwork said "Shadow, I think that I can help you with you're injuries. I had a fractured rib yesterday, but I healed it. I can help heal your cuts, bruises and any fractured bones, but it's only limited to that. I can't fully heal broken bones, you'll have to see a doctor about that. Wait, Midnight might know something that could heal broken bones. How's he doing anyway?"

"Still asleep upstairs." replied Drama "Alot was taken out of him when he cast that spell. I don't know when he'll get up."

"I'll go check on him, and see if I can do something to help him regain some of his energy." After saying that Gearwork started to leave the kitchen when he stopped and said "Shadow, if you follow me into the living room I'll try and heal those injuries of yours."

"Sure." Shadow said and got up and painfully made his way into the living room, while the others followed. Gearwork was standing in the middle of the room, telekinetically holding three fairly large emeralds. "I've learned that certain stones have different properties, and emeralds seem to have a healing property if you use magic through them. This will take a few minutes, because of the severity of your injuries. You may want to stand back while I'm doing this." Gearwork said, while looking at the others who had gathered near the doorway. "You ready Shadow?"

"Yeah, I'm ready as much as I can be right now." Shadow replied painfully.

"Okay, then. I recommend that you close your eyes" Gearwork said, while putting on a pair of darkened goggles over his eyes. He moved the emeralds around Shadow in a slowly moving circle. His horn started to glow a bright metal grey, and the stones started to glow with a green light. As Gearworks horn glowed brighter the stone's light grew in response, and soon the light from the stones grew in such intensity that everypony watching had to cover their eyes. After a minute the light suddenly disappeared and Gearwork said "Well, how do feel Shadow?"

"I feel much better. Thank you." Shadow said. "It was a weird experience. I could feel the bones repairing themselves."


Dire DM (+2 HD and a rend attack
Aug 10, 2011
Bookworm sat at the table, her eyes drooping. Unlike the others, who had the luxury of sleep in comfortable beds, she had the normally pleasant task, now turned laborious chore, of writing more permanent notes of the days events. It had taken her most of the night to finish, but it was now done. She had a rough timeline, notes on the various "characters" and some rough sketches. Gone were the scrawled notes in the corners, replaced by organized charts and tables depicting the many coinciding character arcs. She had even begun to piece together a villainous back-story for the many ponies. The self proclaimed "Dark-Eclipse" would be the scheming,plotting, and potentially traitorous second-in-command of someone much more powerful who would be very good at chess - weren't they always? - with dreams of either world conquest or destruction; she had yet to decide which. She was already envisioning the evil-stronghold designed to be a giant metal coated airship, powered by unwilling unicorns - what cold she say, she was feeling magi-punk with the tale. Regardless, it had been an enormous work, late into the night.

Of course, no one else would see this - they just saw the endless piles of papers scattered across the table in front of her, exceedingly inconvenient for anyone trying to eat - so rude. Beside that, what did they have to complain about? They should just be grateful she had written a cookbook a few years back and still remembered how to make apple-danishes they were partaking of as breakfast.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Midnight was trying to stand up on his own legs, unfortunately that shout had seriously messed with his body, A shout could easily do this if you didn't take precautions you could easily fall prey to the immense power as Midnight was now. His legs wobbled, tried to stand, but fell back down
"Pegasus Feathers!" he shouted his legs wouldn't get up, the shout hadn't jusrt weakened him by taking his energy it had thrown things like balance and reflexes out of control.
"I should have known Using the ancient magic would do this Unicorns of Equestria haven't shouted like that since The times before Celestia."
He kept trying but got no where
"Oh Horse-shoes" he yelled after falling for the fifth time.

Korak the Mad

New member
Nov 19, 2010
Gearwork heard Midnight shouting at himself and went upstairs to see him on the floor trying with all his might to get up. He helped the unicorn back on to the bed and said "Midnight, don't push yourself, that spell took alot out of you. I did warn you that all that magic flowing through you was not recommended and I knew that it would take a lot out of you. That is why I said that you should those crystals as ways to lessen the effect that the shout caused. Sorry, if I seem to be scolding you. I don't mean to be if I am. The shout was necessary to remove those storm clouds, and I'm quite glad that you succeeded in doing that without destroying yourself. I'm going to try and heal you so you can walk and prepare for the next attack." Gearwork then took out the same three emeralds that he had used with healing Shadow earlier that day. He then put the same darkened goggles over eyes again and started the spell.

The stones immediately started glowing with an intense bright light just as he started the spell. It wasn't just his magic affecting the stones, he could feel that there was an incredible amount of residual magic left behind after that spell. There always was a slight residual amount of magic after a spell, but it always quickly disappeared within the timeframe of a few seconds to a few minutes. That was why unicorns could cast a few powerful spells but it would quickly tire them out until the residual magic faded. Yet, this length of time and amount of residual magic was unheard of. The spell was indeed quite powerful for it to remove those storm clouds, but it shouldn't have done this to a unicorn unless-'Midnight, you fool. You didn't take precautions, did you?' Gearwork then sighed. 'Nevertheless, he did what had to be done. Luckily, the spell didn't destroy him.' he thought to himself.

A half hour had passed since Gearwork started the healing spell, and it was starting to put a strain on him. It wasn't just the healing spell, he normally could keep a spell like going for a few hours straight, for it only required a little magic. Gearwork knew that he could cast the spell for that long because he performed it when he saved Coo's life, after he had crashed into the poor bird. But this wasn't a normal healing session, the stones weren't just healing Midnight's injuries, they were absorbing all the residual magic that was lingering from the spell Midnight cast the day before to remove the storm.

Just as he felt like he was about to collapse from the sheer strain of draining all that residual magic, it stopped. The healing spell was finished and Gearwork just let the stones drop from where they were around Midnight. They hit the floor with a clatter, and one bounced and landed near Gearwork. He removed the goggles from his head put his monocle back on and picked up the stone. The stone was no longer an emerald, or at least not anymore. It was still slightly green, but there was an orange glow from within the stone. The stone also had octagonal shape to it. Gearwork's eyes widened from the sudden realization and he exclaimed "There's no way that these could be-!" He then looked at Midnight who was now standing on the floor with one of the other stones in his hoof, studying it.


Dire DM (+2 HD and a rend attack
Aug 10, 2011
[b/] "There's no way that these could be-!"[/b] Gearwork exclaimed, his eyes wide with either wonder, amazement, fear, or excitement - perhaps all four. the shout drew Bookworm from her trance as she turned her head to see. Despite her tired state, the writer in her, always out for the next source of inspiration, was curious. So she bit.

Into one of her danishes, then commented about the exclamations.

"You know Midnight, you shouldn't use such foul language. "Horse-shoes", "Pegasus Feathers"... what would your dam say?" she scolded, taking another bit of the danish. Finally, she arrived at Gearwork.

"So what can't they be?" she asked, genuinely curious - though not as much as she was hungry; taking another bite of the apple pastry.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
"These are unrefined stones of power also Known as Lapidis Dei, or if you really know your knowledge the stone the Elements of Harmony were before they became the Elements of Harmony." Midnight answered before Gearworks could, However Gearworks didn't know about the bit with the Elements.
"What? You mean you were carrying around something like that and you never told us?"
"Calm down Gearworks, I hadn't revealed the stones because of their power. But yes it's a long story but, well to put it simply imagine a tool made of iron a powerful tool, Now imagine the tool as the elements and these stones are the raw iron."
"Wait I think this needs an explanation." said Bookworm, what a shocking twist she'd need this for her book.
"That will have to wait I have some books to gather besides I have herbs to retrieve and tonics for injuries, also I'll need to rea;ign my telescopes I must keep a vigilant eye in the sky's there's more dangers coming And I intend to be prepared also I had sent word to a friend of mine, well more like pupil, It's been a while but I'm confident she will be able to assist in my research."


Dire DM (+2 HD and a rend attack
Aug 10, 2011
"That will have to wait I have some books to gather besides I have herbs to retrieve and tonics for injuries, also I'll need to realign my telescopes I must keep a vigilant eye in the sky's there's more dangers coming And I intend to be prepared also I had sent word to a friend of mine, well more like pupil, It's been a while but I'm confident she will be able to assist in my research."

Bookworm's ears perked at the sound of the word "book" - she liked that sound or, rather, the meaning of it. "If you need any help carrying them, let me know" she said. Despite what Drama may have said, she was stronger then she looked - after all, she WAS able to fly, something that took at least some strength. Besides, if it was books, then it was a joyful burden if nothing else.

"Also, who's your friend anyway?" she asked offhandedly, her curiosity once more engaged (though not as much as when he had said book)


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Midnight was suing a strange walking stick for assistance,
"Don't worry Bookworm she'll arrive son in fact she may arrive today, hmm I better tidy up her room, Hmm I wonder if she still has that gift I gave her. Midnight began to walk to his observatory.
"Lets find a place to meet my observatory is a bit too cluttered to be our base of operations and we need a place to make our plans." he said walking out the door.

Midnight then spent about half an hour cleaning up his place readying it for another pony, he didn't know if his student was someone who hated messes, he knew he had made her keep the observatory clean during his teachings when she was younger.

"I wonder what the others will think of her?" he thought.


Dire DM (+2 HD and a rend attack
Aug 10, 2011
[b/]"Lets find a place to meet; my observatory is a bit too cluttered to be our base of operations and we need a place to make our plans."[/b] Midnight said, making his way out of Drama's home.

"My place has plenty of room with lots of tables - I need it for my research. give me a few minutes to clear away some of the old papers, and we can meet up there" she said, offering her home as a potential meeting place.