But all is not well in Hoofington (A MLP FiM Rp, 3 slots open, PM GM if interested.)

Korak the Mad

New member
Nov 19, 2010
Gearwork saw the enslaved unicorns and he was not happy, nor was he enraged. He felt sorrow for these broken unicorns, as well as remorse, for not knowing that this was happening.

He also felt something he didn't recognize at first: bitterness. He was bitter about not knowing that this was happening, as well as bitterness towards Princess Celestia. 'How could she not know about this, she's the hoofing ruler of Equestria. If she knew about this, why didn't she take action? She claims that everypony is free, that we all live in harmony. ' he thought.

He suddenly felt like he betrayed by Equestria itself "How did we not know that this was happening? How could this be allowed to happen?!" Gearwork cried out, his voice cracking from the sudden surge of emotions within him.

He looked at the enslaved unicorns with a look of sorrow, but it quickly changed to horror. He saw the chains around them, and saw the metal contraptions that were on their feet. But what horrified him was their eyes. There was no emotion in those eyes, no hint of intelligence or personality. These were not ponies, but only living vehicles for magic and labor.

He saw the unicorn slaves generating the lightning and then he saw one young unicorn, a teenager, it was different than the others. It had a faint spark of personality and individuality flash in the eyes. Gearwork saw this and it comforted him somewhat, for he now knew that the young slave unicorns still were ponies, not just living tools.

Gearwork looked around and saw that the others were upset and angry at what they saw. He knew that the only way to get past them and stop the lightning was to come up with a plan. He started to go over to Midnight, figuring that he might know a spell that could stop these unicorn slaves without having to fight them. He also grabbed the attention of everypony in their group.

"Okay, everypony." Gearwork said "We need to come up with a plan to stop those unicorns from generating the lightning for that storm. Does anypony have an idea on how to do that without having it resulting in a fight?"


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Midnight looked around
"Alright ponies We got one shot at this, everyone get those unicorns free they're not from Equestria,but they're ponies like us, set them free and they can aid us in our spell.
The storm is the Pegasi, but the unicorns are for the lightning generator, but if I'm right the minute you get those bridles out of their mouths they'll know exactly what to do."
"what about you Midnight? What are you going to do"
Midnight levitated the tube and the gemstones glowed briefly
"Something I had hoped I'd never have to do."


Dire DM (+2 HD and a rend attack
Aug 10, 2011
Bookworm stayed to the back of the group. She may have been a bit out there, and just a touch insane, but she wasn't stupid. The last thing those unicorns needed was to see was a Pegasus. Instead, she took a few notes, and adjusted her glasses such that she could better see the events unfold. She did however answer Gearworks question. "Well, you heard Midnight. We might be able to convince the young one there to remove his bridle, who could in turn do the same for the others. That way we don't have to deal with the lightning at all. I however, should probably stay out of this - I don't think they would react well to a Pegasus ordering them to remove their chains." she concluded, indicating her wings.

She then proceeded to sketch every detail of what was occurring with the greatest of haste - they would be helpful later.

Korak the Mad

New member
Nov 19, 2010
After the quick group meeting Gearwork went over to Midnight. After Gearwork saw the metal tube and the stones that Midnight showed everyone, and he had to warn Midnight that what he was about to do could recoil and seriously injure himself. "Midnight" Gearwork said "You have to be extremely careful when casting that spell, especially when you're using those stones." He looked at Midnight with an extremely serious face. "My ancestor tried to use those stones once and got distracted while casting it, and it recoiled on him. The end result was that he blew himself up. Having all that magic flowing through you is not a good thing, it becomes unbelievably unstable, so you become unbelievably unstable as well. You get distracted even slightly it's all over, for you, for us, for Equestria. I have something that you might be able use to help you maintain control over your spell."

Gearwork levitated four large gemstones each a different color and one clear crystal as well as a lightstone out of his saddlebags. He levitated them in front of Midnight. "Use these stones to help you cast that spell. Let the magic of that, what I call a "Spell-stone", that purple stone that radiates that golden light. Use those other stones as converters for that Spell-stone's magic, that's how I use the spell-stones that I own. All that power can do alot of damage to anypony who uses it, it corrupts them, especially if it is flowing through them."

He looked at the stones if front of Midnight, and continued "Those other stones, they each have a different magical ability. I found that out when I was only a colt, my mother was a jeweler and I decided to play with a few different stones. Unfortunately, when I found out that the stones had those properties I was playing with a fairly large fire-ruby, I almost burned down my mom's shop. Over the years I learned how to use them to learn different types of magic. I know you'll be able to use them, especially with what you're about to use to cast that spell."

Gearwork then walked over to Bookworm, who seemed very uneasy and uncomfortable and could see that it was because she was a pegasus, but she could very well be the one who might be able to get that young unicorn slave to help they're group. "Bookworm, you might not have thought of this, but did you notice that you look nothing like those pegasi that we faced earlier. They were shadowy, they didn't have any sort of color to them besides that dark shadow color. You look completely different than those pegasi, and I might need your help in convincing that young unicorn over there." Gearwork put a hoof on her shoulder to comfort her. "The young unicorn may not believe me that I'm trying to help, but if they sees that I'm friends with a pegasus, they might believe me and our group's cause."

As he walked towards the enslaved unicorns he folded his mechanical wings around his neck making him look like he was wearing a cloak of sorts, he didn't want to alert them that he wasn't one of them. As he entered the group of enslaved unicorns he felt uneasy. He could see that these unicorns were broken and too far gone, he knew that even if they won and freed them, they were never going to be free mentally. He could save the younger ones for they would have the chance at being normal ponies.

After a few minutes of walking in the group of unicorns he saw the young unicorn, and Gearwork made his way over to him. When he got close enough to the young unicorn he could that this was a young unicorn mare that had an incredibly dark blue coat while her mane and tail were an equal shade of green. Gearwork made his way over to the young unicorn and whispered "Follow me. I can get those harnesses off of you. Trust me, I will not hurt you. Don't tell the other unicorns." The unicorn looked at Gearwork and the light in her eyes grew brighter and she nodded.

The young unicorn normally would have never listened to another unicorn saying such a thing, that's how the pegasi would get any rebel unicorns, saying they would get their harnesses off of them, but as soon as she looked at this unicorn she didn't recognize him. She knew all the unicorns on the platform as well as the area where their group lived, but she had never seen him before. He was a tall dark grey stallion with strange metal grey eyes, a red and black mane, but green and black tail. He also was dressed strangely, she had never seen clothing like his, even the pegasi who watched over they area where she lived never wore anything similar to it. As soon as she looked at him and saw the light in his eyes she immediately knew that what he said was true and decided to follow him.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Midnight prepared himself
"lapidi virtutis robore ades. Da splendent deorum vim. Antiquis lapides de potentia, miscere tua magicis cum mea, et me fulgebunt sicut lucem sanctam."
Midnight's eyes began to glow his power had greatly increased there wasn't much time but he sent Gearworks a message, his magic was powerful enough to do this telepathically.
"Gearworks get all those bridles off of the Unicorns."
"What how are you"
"Don't ask just know I can hear you"
"Ooo-kay, what makes the bridles so important?"
"These unicorns aren't from Equestria, that's why Celestia didn't know about this, they're magic is done differently, they speak words aloud, and with those bridles they can't fight back."
Dillon then opened the ancient scroll, strange characters were inside but he could read the ancient language. he read the worlds and heard them within himself he just needed all the unicorns to aid in his magic, but he still had to focus. He hoped to Celestia that the Shadow Pegasi were to busy to notice what was going on.


Dire DM (+2 HD and a rend attack
Aug 10, 2011
Bookworm considered Gearworks statement. There was some logic to it, she would surrender that point. After thinking it over for a few minutes, she followed him down onto the levitating platform, landing in an area where few of the unicorns were.

"Hi... I'm here to help... please don't throw magic blasts at me." she said, trying not to attract any of the ire. Several of the unicorns gave her looks brimming with anger so Bookworm took a step back "I'll be over here if you need me" she called out to Gearwork, trying to stay as out of the way as possible.

[i/]"I don't know of I should use this in the book or not."[/i] she thought, retreating to the edge of the platform

Korak the Mad

New member
Nov 19, 2010
Gearwork was a little taken aback when he heard Midnight's voice in his head, but he wasn't surprised by that unicorn's magical abilities, he always knew that Midnight seemed to possess powers that others might not have know about. He was talking to the young unicorn slave that he saw could help their group in stopping this storm, when he heard Midnight's voice in his head.

When he heard Midnight, he shook his head a little bit, and the young unicorn looked at him a little worried. When he finished his mental conversation with Midnight he looked over at the young unicorn, and saw that she had a worried expression. "Don't you need worry about it, it's one of my unicorn friends speaking to me telepathically, there's nothing to be afraid of." Gearwork told her. "We need to get those bridles off you, as well as the other pieces of equipment as well. Hold still, I'm going to magically remove them from you." His horn started to glow a metallic grey and the bridle started to move off of the young unicorn.

As soon as the bridle hit the platform, the young unicorn suddenly hugged him, much to Gearwork's surprise. She suddenly spoke with a voice that seemed much older than the body that it came from. She said "Thank you for doing that, I've been prisoner to that thing for a few years now. It was slowly destroying my will and my ability to think. My name is Mossmane by the way."

Gearwork looked at her for a moment at little surprised by how fast she recovered, it almost seemed a little unnatural. He thought that it would have taken at least a few minutes for her to recover, but maybe it was because she was young. "No problem, we saw your group and knew we had to do something. We have to remove those bridles from the other unicorns as well. They need to be free as well. Oh, yeah. My name is Gearwork, nice to meet you Mossmane."

The two started walking towards the group of unicorns. As Gearwork looked away, something shadowy flitted across Mossmane's eyes.

After a few minutes, both Gearwork and Mossmane had removed quite a few bridles from the other unicorns, when he heard "Hi... I'm here to help... please don't throw magic blasts at me." and he saw Bookworm land near the group.

'I guess I got through to her' he thought to himself. He looked around and saw that many of the unicorns that were unbridled showed an angry expression towards the pegasus that just landed. "Uh-oh" Gearwork said aloud as he saw Bookworm slowly edging her waying towards the end of the platform. He suddenly bolted in front of the group and turned around to face them. "Don't hurt this pegasus! She is one of my friends! She only wants to help you!" As he said this he unfurled his wings and walked over to Bookworm.

"I'm so sorry about that" he told Bookworm. "I guess that they weren't expecting a pegasi offering to help them. Apparently the shadow pegasi will say that to expose rebel unicorns, and destroy them. They're a little suspicious, that's it."

As he started to head back towards the unicorns to unbridle a few more, he felt the twinge of another vision coming on. This was a bad one, the worst he ever had. Then it hit him and he fell on his side.

He saw the storm clearing up, but he then saw something that he couldn't explain much less describe very well. He saw something that looked like a pony, no, -an alicorn only it was not Celestia or Luna but something much more menacing, and much more evil. He then saw the armor he saw earlier facing this thing. His vision then ended, and he came to.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Shadow landed on the platform a few seconds after the others, his wings folding in against his body and looking around at the others already taking off the bridles placed on the unfortunate unicorns who had been chained up here. Shadow took a deep breath, something which hurt his already bruised side, before letting out a small beam of red to slice off a bridle to allow a bright orange pony to speak.

"What's going on here?" Shadow asked through clenched teeth.

Shadow never got a reply, the orange pony just sat there in a daze, his eyes unfocused and his horn still glowing, although it was faint. Shadow tried a few more times to get an answer, but it was of no use, the orange pony either couldn't speak, or refused to. Shadow saw no other choice but to continue breaking off the bridle's until one of them was able to tell him what was going on.


Dire DM (+2 HD and a rend attack
Aug 10, 2011
Bookworm sighed in relief as Gearwork made his comment in her defense. She saw the many Unicorns seemed hesitant, looking back and forth between the two of them, before finally standing down, still wary and highly conscious of her presence. Bookworm continued to give them their space as they watched Gearwork aid them, until finally they seemed at ease enough for her to aid them. She slowly approached one, a stallion with a long red mane and an off-white coat, and helped him remove the bridle. After several seconds of struggling, he was freed. He backed away from her slowly, then went to aid his compatriots. Another young Unicorn, this one a mare, approached cautiously; Bookworm removed her restraints as well.

Knowing the way books went, She called out to Gearwork. "If I were an evil Pegasus overlord - not that I am!" she said, letting the point stand, adding the last part for the benefit of the still untrusting unicorns around her, before continuing "If I were however, I would be sending a small army of minions at us any time now. We might want to hurry this up." she finished, indicating the bridle removal.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
The Ponies quickly got their task of removing the bridles, but with the exception of Moss-mane, and the ponies of Hoofington were confused about this.
"Why don't they speak, Don't they want to thank us?" asked Bookworm a bit hurt and confused.
"They'd love to but they can't" a voice came from Midnight but his voice had a power to it, as if the mere words were exerting force.
"These Unicorns are like us from ancient times when the tribes were separate, and they're magic is much more potent because they learned to project it through their words, they don't speak because a mere whisper could bring this platform to rubble."
Gearworks remembered how they claimed his ancestor had been screaming and suddenly realized those that heard the screaming recounted feeling the same sensation he was, Midnight's voice had the same power which meant-
"Your voice, are those stones?"
"Yes, Gearworks, the reason your Ancestor blew himself up was because he didn't understand the power of these stones, he knew it would give him power, and probably heard from my ancestor would give him the power of the unicorns of ancient times but I suspect my ancestor had told your to not use them under any circumstance but he hadn't listened and so was unable to control the new power."

Midnight then turned to the freed unicorns
"The time has come to show your enemies the power they tried to control form you, let them hear your anger and rage."
The Unicorns soon began a low vocalization, it was a constant note but the platform began to shake.
"Be ready everyone The time has come to cast a spell, Bookworm you might want to take notes, this hasn't happened for Millenia."
"for what?" asked Shadow
"For thousands of years."
Midnight then opened the scroll
"I need all of you to help, think of spring time, think of clear blue sky's think of summer and it's bright sun. I'll need you to concentrate hard on this you must fully see it, if you can do that then maybe I won't be destroyed as Gearworks ancestor had."

Korak the Mad

New member
Nov 19, 2010
Gearwork prepared himself, he pulled a few gemstones, to pull away some of the magical energy if anything went wrong. He focused his mind on the sky and thought of it clearing, but something was scatching at the back of his mind. What was that alicorn-type shape, it had a mane that flowed like living shadow, it's eyes were red, and its body was completely covered in black cloth or armor.

Gearwork shook his head 'No time to think about that now.' he thought to himself 'We must get rid of this storm first.' With that Gearwork focused entirely on what Midnight told them to do, except for a tiny little part of his mind which he always kept open to aware of his surroundings. He always did this, no matter what. He never liked being caught off-guard by anything, and with what Midnight was about to do, one shadow pegasus could come swooping down and destroy any chance of succeeding. As Midnight performed the spell the entire platform started to shake, and Gearwork steadied himself.

Just then, saw something darting straight for Midnight, Gearwork immediately headed out to engage it and give Midnight enough time to complete the spell. He flew just in time to intercept the thing only to get hit by a hoof, Gearwork was able to block it but this pegasus was wearing metal boots, a higher ranking official it seemed. The pegasus hit him it the side, and Gearwork knew that it fractured one of his ribs. He looked at the metal boots and started to laugh before coughing a little. The higher ranked pegasus looked at him and said "Why is a filthy unicorn laughing at me after I've hit him, and done some damage?"

Gearwork couldn't help but start laughing even harder at the pegasus, before saying "I see that you're wearing metal on you. Bad choice of weaponry, especially when dealing with me."

The pegasus looked at him for a brief moment before saying "What are you talking about? How is this a bad choice of weaponry when facing you?"

"My special ability is forging metal without the use of heat you see."

The pagasus suddenly charged Gearwork yelling "Liar, no filthy unicorn has that ability!"

Gearwork dodged it and chuckled "Don't underestimate me, it will be your downfall." Gearworks horn glowed and the metal that was on the pegasi's hoofs started to worm it's way around the pegasi's wings and caused it to stop flying. Gearwork held the pegasus in a telekinetic grip while he took out a piece of metal from his saddlebags and magically wrapped it around the pegasi's legs so it couldn't escape. He landed on the platform just as Midnight finished the spell, and the clouds started to clear up. He then looked at the shadow pegasus and told him "You probably know something. We will have questions for you." Gearwork then put a hoof on his side "After I get this rib patched up" he said to himself quietly.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Midnight had taken all the steps he needed to now he merely needed to speak aloud the spell.
[h4]"LOK VAH KOOR"[/h4]
Midnight shouted the words and it resonated throughout his very soul, and the helped by the images of friends, and the voices of the Unicorns made the effect shown, the storm was reduced to nothing the clouds and rain and wind all disappeared at the power of the words.
even the cloud began to shake but there was no doubt that the storm was gone. The Shadow Pegasi had taken years to accumulate enough storm clouds and they had been dissipated by a magic they had hoped had never been brought to Equestria.
however the power took it's tole on Midnight who had never used such power, even with the stones helping him he began to feel dizzy and collapsed the stones had lost their power for the time being.
He struggled to stand
"Help me"
he begged his magic was gone, he didn't have the strength in his legs to support himself
"Gearworks, Shadow, Bookworm, Don't leave me."

High above the Commander was enraged
her eyes filled with malic turned upon the ponies of Hoofington
"Storm Wings," Dark- Eclipse bellowed "destroy them obliterate them all and start with the weakling who used the Magic old olden times." several Pegasi in black spiky armor flew down, it would be minutes before they attacked midnight.


Dire DM (+2 HD and a rend attack
Aug 10, 2011
Bookworm flew over to Midnight with all her speed, catching him as his legs failed him. "We may want ti get moving. I don't think the Pegasus leader will..." she started to say, only to be cut off by a scream of [b/]NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO![/b] from high above.

"Correction, I know she won't take kindly to us." she finished, looking up into the storm with worry on her face. "Any ideas on how to get these Unicorns out of here before someone decides to strike us down with storm like powers?" she added, lifting the tired Unicorn onto her shoulder.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
The unicorns began their low song again the platform began top shake and small bits were breaking but they didn't fall they just floated at lower altitudes, the unicorns were building a staircase to the ground.
most of the younger unicorns were too weak to do this but the older were taking care of them,
one unicorns older but strong walked over and gestured to bookworm he could carry Midnight if she wanted.


Dire DM (+2 HD and a rend attack
Aug 10, 2011
Bookworm looked at the Unicorn and shook her head. "Focus on maintaining the magic to get to the ground. This would all have been for nothing if you and the others don't make it down." she said after a few moments. Bookworm didn't know if the Unicorn even understood her, but that mattered little.

Bookworm slowly descended through the clouds, getting Midnight to the ground where he would be safe (despite any protests he might have had), then took off back into the clouds to see what she could do about the impending doom the head Pegasus had all but promised.

That, and she needed to take more notes - not every day evil came on black wings in storm clouds with legions of enslaved unicorns after all.


Dire DM (+2 HD and a rend attack
Aug 10, 2011
Bookworm looked at Drama and harrumphed. "I have too lifted before - twice actually. It was for a book I was writing." she said proudly, not realizing she was defeating her own point.