California Senator Wants Fewer Guns in Games


The Light of Dawn
Feb 21, 2009
FEichinger said:
Dear, America ...

your obsession with guns has caused this.
No it didn't.
FEichinger said:
Fake guns are not the problem.
Neither are real ones.

FEichinger said:
It's a state full of idiots.
Here is your problem. Like most problems in the world, it is not caused by the tool, but by the idiot not wielding it properly.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
Next this hag can go about how those hippies with their devil music is ruining innocent american dream.

PoolCleaningRobot said:
Well thanks for that because obviously all Americans share that opinion on guns. You would obviously know seeking as you live in Europe. Most people I know think the way we regulate guns is bullshit but in some places like the south guns are a big part of their culture. Its pretty big country Mr "Europe"
It's Ms Europe, not Mr ;)

P.S. Also- I want more blowjobs in my life. But you can't always get what you want :(


New member
Mar 27, 2013
You know governor, some of us are actually wish that so many games would not resort to violence without consequence or be shown in such a positive light. You'd be better off getting support of fighting against this mentality by creating public concern rather than imposing gun restrictions on video games. Asking developers to use mechanics other than violence (which is the easiest go-to at the moment), or ask for violence that has serious repercussions would probably be a more logical way to get them to think about what they're doing.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
I would like to suggest that take legal action to regulate the number of stupid things our legislators are allowed to say if they aren't willing to regulate themselves. After all, they are in the position to do MUCH more damage than any 100 loonies with firearms.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
frobalt said:
If this doesn't prove just how backwards American politics is, nothing can.

A country should NOT be run by corporations. Biggest reason gun control is so hard to do is because gun manufacturers are leaning so hard on senators. So much that they think they can use video games as scapegoats. Capitalism FTW(!)
The biggest reason gun control is so hard to pass is because over 80+ million people own firearms in this country. There are over 250 million firearms in civilian hands in this country today. Gun control is hard to pass because a lot of those people vote and lobby against gun control. I'm sure the manufacturers work against it as well, but as we can see in Colorado, it doesn't work too well. Even Magpul threatening to leave the state, and take all of their tax dollars with them, didn't prevent new gun legislation there.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
I ain't even gonna bother arguing with this one. At the point at which the government gets to regulate something as specific as that in a game, we may as well just shit all over freedom of expression all together.

canadamus_prime said:
But we don't want fewer real guns in the hands of people now do we?
Oh god it actually happened.

I did think it might. I thought some nutty asshole in florida who owns three shotguns would try to get nerf guns banned, and tho and behold, this ***** wants to ban the virtual guns over the real ones that kill real people.

Seriously, how do they not see how fucking ridiculous this is?

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
first thought on reading the title:
Me to, I'd like to see less guns in games to, mostly cause those games bore me to sleep.

after reading it:
oh lovely, this is gonna bring out all the armchair lawyers across the pound, with the same boring arguments as before.


can we just fire every one running that state and put a pack of chimps in charge? it'd be cheaper, and it would probably be an improvement


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Really, all I can say to us Californians on the Escapist is to send emails to Feinstein and Boxer telling them to smarten up, give them the truth and facts, and then basically say 'Stop being stupid, or I'll vote for someone else'. For the rest of the US folks here. Send such emails to your Senators and Congress people. While proclaiming Senator Feinstein's ignorance and annoying mouth-running is fine here, it doesn't do anything ultimately.

Send your truth and honest emails to your politicians. Otherwise we don't exist to them.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
aegix drakan said:

Also, I find it depressingly hilarious that some people are more aggressive about regulating FAKE DIGITAL GUNS than about regulating the REAL guns, that ACTUALLY kill people.

That's the thing I never got, people saying "IRL guns don't kill people, murder simulators do". I had no idea the 1's and 0's on my screen shot other 1's and 0's out into the real world and killed people.

Oh, they mean I am training on these games to kill in real life? Don't people do that at shooting ranges, you know, so they can feel the recoil and learn to be accurate?


If civvies weren't armed there would be no mass shootings.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
Dianne Fenistein is a complete idiot, and this doesn't surprise me in the least. I've often wondered how she got to be so stupid. I'm serious when I say that it must take a lot of effort to be that stupid.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
This is some seriously depressing stuff. The government is dead in the water on background checks, but fake guns, gotta stop that shit right now.

In America we have low video game regulations and have lots of violence.
In Australia/Germany they have harsh VG regulations and low violence.
In Japan/Sweden/UK/etc they have low VG regulations and have even lower violence.

Other that hate-speech like games, VG regulation has no effect on the levels of violence in a country.


New member
Feb 12, 2013
"Please, let me be relevant! I've got nothing else going for me so I'll try to invoke the support of people still hurting from a tragedy months ago! This will help me with the next election! What is a videogame?"


New member
Mar 6, 2009
rasputin0009 said:
"Please, let me be relevant! I've got nothing else going for me so I'll try to invoke the support of people still hurting from a tragedy months ago! This will help me with the next election! What is a videogame?"
You just made my day! This is exactly what she is thinking here. She's all out of ideas, nobody likes her, and she wants so desperately to stay relevant. Too bad nothing she has ever propsoed has been a good idea. I can honestly say that I hate her. All she wants to do here is exploit a tragedy to pass laws that will change nothing. That being said...


Aaron Starke

New member
Oct 4, 2012
frobalt said:
If this doesn't prove just how backwards American politics is, nothing can.

A country should NOT be run by corporations. Biggest reason gun control is so hard to do is because gun manufacturers are leaning so hard on senators. So much that they think they can use video games as scapegoats. Capitalism FTW(!)
Actually it was never an issue with Capitalism. Its an issue with the individuals whom have made careers out of beeing a senator, They are our problems in the US. They are too old and stuck in their ways and are so sure of themselves because the vast majority of the US doesn't even pay attention to whom it is that they are electing to represent them. So honestly I think the problem is with ourselves and the people whom we get elected into office.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Jeez guys, I will have no way to learn how to use guns except by using actual guns (and who does that nowadays) so I will just have to go with something boring and more effective like poisoning the water supply or becoming a politician when I decide to go on rampage.


Senior Member
Aug 7, 2011
doggie015 said:
FEichinger said:
Dear, America ...

your obsession with guns has caused this. You allow children to touch real guns, teach them how to shoot them and glorify it with your insane defense of the 2nd Ammendment.

Fake guns are not the problem. They are a safe way to live your gun obsession, without harming anyone. This does not teach anyone how to shoot a real gun. It does not make them violent sociopaths. It does not give them access to guns. It is just fiction.

If you want to reduce gun violence, don't do it by removing a harmless alternative. Think about why people get guns to begin with. Think about what causes people to be paranoid enough to want guns to begin with. I can tell you, it's not arcade boxes and video games.

It's a state full of idiots. A state with legislators focused on personal gain. A state with a justice system that is flawed from start to finish. A state that refuses to act in favor of its population in fear of "socialism" and "oppression". It's a state full of parents who act without thinking and hand their children items they should not have at all.

I don't disagree that you have taken far too long to fix this. It may well be impossible now. But don't stomp your feet like a child and pretend there is something else that is responsible, other than your own faults.

Best Regards,
Listen to what this guy is saying. Video games are not the problem, the second amendment is the problem. The only way to fix the problem of the second amendment is to get rid of it and possibly knock some sense into everyone in the NRA.

With condolences,
This is not what I'm saying at all, and I'd prefer not being quoted for it.

I'm saying the defence of the 2nd Amendment is a problem, not the 2nd Amendment itself. The 2nd Amendment exists for a reason. It may make next to no sense today, but it is valid.

Using the 2nd Amendment with the paranoia of "Everyone is trying to murder me, I need to defend myself!" and "HURR DURR GOVMNT TAKIN OUR GUNS OPPRESSIVE STATE 1984 ORWELL DUUUUUURR!" is ridiculous, though, and that's what I'm criticizing.