California Senator Wants Fewer Guns in Games


New member
Jun 18, 2008
So do I, but from a creative standpoint so that we get original ideas; not because the government says so.


New member
Dec 24, 2012
And I want fewer senators in the world. Guess we all can't get what we want.

Really though, getting fewer guns in the real world should be a higher priority.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
ravenshrike said:
frobalt said:
If this doesn't prove just how backwards American politics is, nothing can.

A country should NOT be run by corporations. Biggest reason gun control is so hard to do is because gun manufacturers are leaning so hard on senators.
Yes, the corporations. Certainly not the over 30% of the adult population that owns guns. No, no the voting public. It's the corporations.
You should probably look into how your political system is run. The majority doesn't matter. It's about who has the most money. The Koch brothers, gun manufacturers and various other corporations pay your politicians who then block opposing legislation.

If you don't feel like watching this then at least read the description. There's no first world country with a political system as corrupt as the USA's.


New member
Aug 4, 2008
This just in: Canadian student wants fewer idiot senator in neighboring country.

It might not affect me directly (thought it might indirectly, if industry standards are forced to change), but nobody should have to deal with such ridiculousness. Perhaps examination of the extreme availability of firearms might be a better use of time and taxpayer money?


New member
Oct 6, 2009
This woman shouldn't have a job. She really isn't even qualified to work at Walgreen's. Games are constitutionally protected free speech. It's been upheld again and again. If she follows through with this, she's just blowing $50,000 of her own state's money in legal fees when it is struck down. It's a level of idiocy that's borderline criminal. If I were a conspiracy theorist, I'd suggest that the ESA is in bed with these senators and all of these laws are a scam to line their pockets. But that would just be ridiculous, wouldn't it?


New member
Jan 28, 2012
What is it with the enormous boner american politicians seem to have about passing censorship laws?

HavoK 09

New member
Apr 1, 2010
only after they have less guns in movies, but that wont happen.

Anyway games are nothing but the new scape goat, 1st was books then the television. Its a never ending game of blaming the new medium.
Aug 1, 2010
Fucking tyrant.

Doesn't she know that the Second Amendment was put in place SPECIFICALLY so that, in the case of a virtual government takeover, video game character would have a way to fight the oppression?

As one of the founding fathers probably didn't say, "The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until someone attempts to remove it from electronic worlds"

Besides, there is no link between video game guns and video game violence. You think a Koopa Trooper needs a gun to fuck someone up? Think again Libtards. Plus, there are FAR more car related video game deaths than gun related video game deaths per year anyway. I mean, have you SEEN Niko Bellic driving around? But they're not suggesting we regulate virtual cars, now are they?!

And then there's the issue of what they define as "Guns". Is the Fire Flower considered a weapon? Are they going to start regulating our fucking FLOWERS now???

These stupid liberals in video games think everything is all happy and quite with no violence like the goddamn Sims or something. It's obvious none of these privileged middle-class bastards have spent time on the mean streets of New Mombasa, being attacked by those weird fucking foreigners.

You know who else wanted wanted to regulate digital guns? DIGITAL HITLER. That's right. The giant robot dual minigun Adolf tried to take away all of Doom Guy's weapons with regulation JUST LIKE THIS. Where would he be now? ROTTING IN NAZI VIDEO GAME GUANTANAMO THAT'S WHERE.


New member
May 30, 2012
She is an obsessive creep, and she looks like a creep.

I am willing to be reasonable with my stance on the 2nd Amendment, freedom of expression, the arts, etc. But this woman is not, and never will be.. reasonable.

If the government and US Media wants to stop its fetish on divisive issues and REAL WAR, then I will *consider* stupid idiotic measures like this. (Actually never.) Honestly, wtf.


New member
Jul 9, 2012
As long as she doesn't take away my swords, dildo bats and bows, I'm pretty content. Who needs guns when you have the power of fists or magical swords?


New member
Jul 5, 2009
canadamus_prime said:
But we don't want fewer real guns in the hands of people now do we?
My first thought.

"Guys! If we restrict guns in video games, that'd stop all those gangsters that don't play video games from shooting each other. Brilliant idea, right!?"

I swear, US...your country is in the hands of fucking idiots.
Jan 27, 2011
Capitano Segnaposto said:
I don't know. I have some ideas though. One of the largest reasons I believe is that of the voters themselves. We have constant people who vote without any real reason or thought. They don't look into the issues and vote primarily on biases. Hell, my parents are perfect examples of this. They refuse to vote for anyone who is independent or democratic just for the single reason of them not being republican. It doesn't matter if the Republican's views go against theirs and the other parties are more in line of what they wish to accomplish, they ignore it completely just because they aren't in the same party as them.

We then have the ones who are intelligent and actually do pay attention, but don't vote for various reasons. Whether or not that it is because they are too young (surprising, I know. However I have met plenty of brilliant young teens who know what the hell is going on and how to attempt to fix our nation, but can't vote because they are not 18 years old).

There is also the group of people who just don't get it. They were raised to believe in what their parents believed. They don't open their eyes or minds and actually think (much in line with the first group I mentioned). They were born and raised to believe that hard work is all that matters or one's who are just simply not that intelligent and put the blame on the thing they have never tried to understand. Years ago, it was violent slasher flicks and movies in general. This is especially prevalent in parents of this age. They refuse to blame themselves for their children's or other children's failings and instead blame the thing the first thing they see that is most prevalent in their lives, this being video games. The last group also contains those who were born long before video games became a thing that existed. These old men and women just don't see the use of it, don't see the artistic qualities or fun that can come from it. They are close-minded to only the things they were taught and grew up with.

Those are the main reasons why I believe morons get voted into office.
You nailed it.

This is standard, looks like.

I see it happen in all those flavors up here in Canada. That's why on the provincial level, we have a radically pro-french government that is trying to ban the word Pasta, and who has members saying "if you can't buy a subway ticket purely in french, well, you can always WALK", and that keeps doing this kind of thing in Montreal, a VERY much bilingual city, with a large english population.

And again on the federal level, where we have a party that is blatantly going against pretty much everything Canadians hold dear. I could go more into detail, but I won't, as it'll derail this topic even further.

But yes, all this to say that the problem with a democracy is the average voter.


New member
Jan 13, 2013
Now personally, I don't mind if guns in video games were held back a little, but the extent that this senator is going to is ridiculous. Besides, you'd think her priorities would be REAL gun control first.